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Has anyone noted this before?

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They sent his check to someplace in Irving in 1962?

Who did Oswald know there at that time?

Mr. JENNER. Could he have worked until October 8th?
Mr. BARGAS. It is possible.
Mr. JENNER. But your present recollection is more like sometime in the course of September when his employment was terminated?
Mr. BARGAS. Yes.
Mr. JENNER. What were the circumstances respecting the termination of his employment?
Mr. BARGAS. Well, what happened is--he went home one day, not during working hours, but it was right after the regular working hours.
Mr. JENNER. After the regular quitting time?
Mr. BARGAS. After quitting time at 4:30, and he went home and he didn't give any indication of whether he was going to quit or he was going to leave or anything like that.
Mr. JENNER. You expected him back the next day?
Mr. BARGAS. I expected him back the next morning and if I'm not mistaken, it was Friday, and Monday he didn't show up, I believe it was; if I'm not mistaken--I can't place it, and so he didn't call in and he didn't have a phone, as far as I can remember, so I never tried to get in contact with him or anything like that, and I figured he may have someone to call in or something like that, so I just let it ride, and then he didn't show up the second day after that, so all I said then was, "Well, I imagine he quit because a line of guys had done the same thing."
In other words, a lot of them just never did show up and that's all that happened. They would come back on the following Friday or something like that and say, "I quit, I've got another job." That's what the other guys would say.
Well, he was different--when he left the only thing he done was he wrote in to the plant and told us where to send his check to. He said he was up there in Irving somewhere I--don't remember the address or exactly what place it was, but as far as I know that was it. I never had seen him since then and the last time I heard of him was when his name sounded off on the radio.
Mr. JENNER. Where were you then?
Mr. BARGAS. I was there at the plant.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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BARGAS was mistaken about Irving... it was instead of Fort Worth that he wanted the check sent to his PO Box....

He also sent an undated letter to his former boss at Leslie Welding, Tom Yates, and asked that his last paycheck be sent to PO Box 2915.117

117 WC Exhibit 1405





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5 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Who wrote the letter? Seems to me it wasn't LHO...

What makes you say that Bob?

I'm not disagreeing at all btw...  The BLOCK letters of his name and address at the bottom was more like the writing of LEE that we knew... 
The script writing can invariably be credited to the man Ruby killed....


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14 hours ago, David Josephs said:

What makes you say that Bob?

I'm not disagreeing at all btw...  The BLOCK letters of his name and address at the bottom was more like the writing of LEE that we knew... 
The script writing can invariably be credited to the man Ruby killed....


Hi David,

I'm by no means an expert on this but it seems LHO suffered from dyslexia and this is a much sharper letter than I would expect from him. Maybe I'm all wrong but that was my first impression. IIRC the samples I had seen of his writing were more like the block in the corner but I never delved into it much...

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Dyslexia is a theory used to counter the Harvey and Lee evidence....

Dyslexia cannot be the source reason for two marines with the same name being in two places at the same time...
and the DoD falling over themselves to lie about it...

It also cannot be the reason behind what John Ely found...  there were/are 2 sets of people involved with Mr. Oswald... one set is with Lee while the other with Harvey...



Here are 2 exhibits side-by-side which directly contradict each other...  and then the FBI goes and finds the wrong Felde....

El Toto and Santa Ana are 2 diff facilities...  Dyslexia cannot overcome the evidence...


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5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Ah yes, a Libra after my own heart.


Steve Thomas



Those with limited mental capacity are not in the habit of doing that sort of thing...  it takes spur-of-the-moment thinking to be able to argue against a position one has taken and supported... especially from someone so young....

NOT the same guy who punched his sergeant and shot himself with his pistol... 

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