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I Was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak

Fred Litwin

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8 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

Give me your refutations if you have any, of the evidence of the back shot was in the President's shoulder rather than his neck.

The autopsy report and the Boswell Face Sheet provide the exact place where the bullet entered --- "14 cm. below the tip of the right mastoid process" --- which is in the UPPER BACK, not the NECK.

More wrangling about this topic here:


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Addendum re: the location of JFK's back wound....

There is also CE903, which will forever prove that the Warren Commission did NOT require a wound to be located in the NECK of John F. Kennedy in order to support the notion of the "Single-Bullet Theory". (Pat Speer's constant protests notwithstanding, of course.)


Edited by David Von Pein
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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 4:40 PM, Lance Payette said:

I thought that was Sen. Dodd and that there was speculation LHO might have been an "operative" in Dodd's attempted expose of the mail order gun industry, but what do I know?


On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 4:45 PM, Mathias Baumann said:

I think that's a different story. What I am refering to happened when Kennedy was still a Senator.

I found the respective page in "Legacy of Secrecy":



Mannlicher-Carcanos were just one of several types of cheap, unreliable guns that could be easily obtained in the late 1950s and early 1960s, either wholesale or retail.

"The Italian Mannlicher-Carcano was also receiving notice in the United States" because "on May 13, 1958 Senator John F. Kennedy" had introduced a bill in Congress that would have prohibited the importation into the United States of "firearms manufactured for the Armed Services of any country". It was only in 1980 that Researcher Paul Hoch discovered that "in just-released 1958 Senate Hearings, JFK specifically mentioned Italian Carcanos", which were being offered for sale in ads in the The American Rifleman magazine at the time. Opposed by the NRA, the magazine's Publisher, JFK's 1958 legislation failed. The ads offering the cheap rifles would continue to run into months before JFK's assassination. Those hearings got them into the news just before Lee Harvey Oswald would appear to have ordered one using an alias, even though Oswald had access to gun shops near his home with cheaper, much more reliable rifles [...]

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9 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

The autopsy report and the Boswell Face Sheet provide the exact place where the bullet entered --- "14 cm. below the tip of the right mastoid process" --- which is in the UPPER BACK, not the NECK.

Those measurements were written in pen -- a blatant violation of autopsy protocol, which requires a pencil.

The mastoid process is a moveable landmark -- another blatant violation of autopsy protocol.

The mastoid process is a cranial landmark, and using a cranial landmark for a back wound is...wait for it...a blatant violation of autopsy protocol.

The portion of the face sheet filled out in pencil followed autopsy protocol and placed the back wound in the vicinity of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.

Nutters and CT Pet Theorists always claim that improperly produced autopsy material trumps properly produced autopsy material.

That's their eternal game plan.


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26 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Addendum re: the location of JFK's back wound....

There is also CE903, which will forever prove that the Warren Commission did NOT require a wound to be located in the NECK of John F. Kennedy in order to support the notion of the "Single-Bullet Theory". (Pat Speer's constant protests notwithstanding, of course.)



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50 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Those measurements were written in pen -- a blatant violation of autopsy protocol, which requires a pencil.

The mastoid process is a moveable landmark -- another blatant violation of autopsy protocol.

The mastoid process is a cranial landmark, and using a cranial landmark for a back wound is...wait for it...a blatant violation of autopsy protocol.

The portion of the face sheet filled out in pencil followed autopsy protocol and placed the back wound in the vicinity of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.

Nutters and CT Pet Theorists always claim that improperly produced autopsy material trumps properly produced autopsy material.

That's their eternal game plan.


Never heard about the pen/pencil problem! Thanks!

The rest is done in pen too? Or just the 14 cm notation?

Edited by Micah Mileto
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Those measurements were written in pen -- a blatant violation of autopsy protocol, which requires a pencil.

Oh noooooooooooooooooo!! Tell me it ain't so!! A pen was used instead of a pencil??!!!!!

That must mean the entire case against Oswald is now totally destroyed!!

All because somebody used a Bic instead of a #2!!

Well, back to the ol' drawing board.

Obligatory --------> Eyeroll-Icon-Blogspot.gif

Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

Oh noooooooooooooooooo!! Tell me it ain't so!! A pen was used instead of a pencil??!!!!!

That must mean the entire case against Oswald is now totally destroyed!!

All because somebody used a Bic instead of a #2!!

Well, back to the ol' drawing board.

Obligatory --------> Eyeroll-Icon-Blogspot.gif

Looks like all pen.



Edit: oh I see


Edited by Micah Mileto
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3 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Oh noooooooooooooooooo!! Tell me it ain't so!! A pen was used instead of a pencil??!!!!!

A pencil was used at the autopsy, which is dictated by proper autopsy protocol.

The sheet was signed off as verified -- in pencil.

The measurements were added at some point later -- part of the cover-up.


so they freak out, like the following..That must mean the entire case against Oswald is now totally destroyed!!

No, there is no valid case for a T1 back wound.

Nutters insist improperly produced autopsy material trumps properly produced autopsy material, consensus witness testimony, and the bullet holes in the clothes.

Then they freak out, like the following...


All because somebody used a Bic instead of a #2!!

Well, back to the ol' drawing board.

Obligatory --------> Eyeroll-Icon-Blogspot.gif

Humes and Boswell used a pencil at the autopsy.

We have no idea who added those notations in pen.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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"All of the evidence points directly to Oswald"

-David Von Pein

Face sheet: https://i.imgur.com/u5U3nVc.png

An upwards pointing arrow. As in, the autopsy pathologists proposed that a bullet entering in the back of Kennedy's head traveled upwards. And you know how low they placed that small wound, next to the external occipital protuberance.

I have a new rarely-seen photo taken in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day, maybe you can put it on one of your sites.

Lee Harvey Oswald (left) takes aim and fires at President John F. Kennedy and Texas Governor John Conally (right) [colorized, 1963]: https://i.imgur.com/zsrlbLh.jpg

Edited by Micah Mileto
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54 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

We have no idea who added those notations in pen.

You're engaging in rank speculation and nothing more. Which is just what we expect from you CTers. No proof. Just pure conjecture (aka fantasy).


Edited by David Von Pein
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