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Radio Broadcast on 3D Zapruder Animation

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As many of you may know, John Orr (former DOJ prosecutor) and I engaged Knott Laboratories to create a 3D animation of the Zapruder film to test the single bullet theory. This project involved taking laser measurements of Dealey Plaza, scanning extant photos and applying the lastest software tools in computer reconstruction and photogrammetry. The model creats an exact reconstruction of Dealey Plaza as it existed at 12:30 on November 22, 1963 (we even took into account the various repavings over the years that raised the level of Elm Street). The model is precise to a couple of millimeters.

Unlike prior animations such as Dale Myers', the  project did not distort the measurements to support a particular outcome.  The animation can be used to test any shooting trajectory. The interview is available at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-thread-of-evidence/id1336486844?mt=2.

Please contact John Orr or me if you'd like a private viewing. For copyright issues, we cannot broadcast the model. 

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59 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

As many of you may know, John Orr (former DOJ prosecutor) and I engaged Knott Laboratories to create a 3D animation of the Zapruder film to test the single bullet theory. This project involved taking laser measurements of Dealey Plaza, scanning extant photos and applying the lastest software tools in computer reconstruction and photogrammetry. The model creats an exact reconstruction of Dealey Plaza as it existed at 12:30 on November 22, 1963 (we even took into account the various repavings over the years that raised the level of Elm Street). The model is precise to a couple of millimeters.

Unlike prior animations such as Dale Myers', the  project did not distort the measurements to support a particular outcome.  The animation can be used to test any shooting trajectory. The interview is available at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-thread-of-evidence/id1336486844?mt=2.

Please contact John Orr or me if you'd like a private viewing. For copyright issues, we cannot broadcast the model. 

Can you upload it to Vimeo then provide the password via pm to interested parties?

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  • 1 month later...

I saw it in high quality on Youtube a couple months ago, but it got taken down. John Orr or Larry was doing a presentation arguing a shooter on the Dallas County Records building, and they showed the animation in splitscreen embedded on the video itself, not a camera pointed at a wall projector.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Micah Mileto said:

I never knew this project was so complex! Angelos Leiloglou


Can't say I like the podcast host Martinelli very much, shilling his wifebeater-defending book "the truth behind the BLM movement and the war on police", and his weird active-shooter training class. Better learn CPR instead. The host is whacko, not the guest!

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On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 6:33 PM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

As many of you may know, John Orr (former DOJ prosecutor) and I engaged Knott Laboratories to create a 3D animation of the Zapruder film to test the single bullet theory.

Mr Schnapf, what do you conclude from your test?

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  • 1 month later...

There's this great addition I noticed on Pat Speer's website: http://www.patspeer.com/chapter12c%3Aanimania



And that's not even to mention that Myers' depiction of the view from the sniper's nest at Z-223/Z-224 is grossly at odds with the Warren Commission's 5-24-64 re-enactment photograph of the view from the sniper's nest at Z-225...1/18 of a second later. Here, see for yourself:





Note that in the WC's re-enactment, Connally's right armpit is a foot and a half or so to the right and above the location of Kennedy's back wound. Now note that in Myers depiction Kennedy is further to the right and Connally is further to the left. and Kennedy is leaning forward while Connally is turned to the side. Now note that this magically brings Connally's back wound location in line with the crosshairs marking Kennedy's back wound location. 

Well, this is a scam, a sham, a fraud, you name it. And we know this because...well, just look at the Warren Commission's photo, and compare it to Myers' animated depiction. The President's limo was a foot longer than the Secret Service limo used in the re-enactment. And yet, even so, the passenger compartment is far more compressed in Myer's depiction of the President's limo than in the WC's photo of the SS limo. Now look at the driver's side of the limos. The driver's mirror is visible in Myers' animation but not in the WC's photo. It's almost as if the invisible driver of the limo in Myers' animation has driven the left side of the limo up an embankment.

Well, it's clear, then, that the limo in Myers' depiction of the SBT is not as it would have been viewed from the sniper's nest at Z-223/Z-224, and that, instead of trying to match up his animation with the Zapruder film, along with the commission's photos from the sniper's nest, Myers reverse-engineered his animation, and conjured up the positions of Kennedy and Connally in the limo, along with the view from the sniper's nest, to help sell the single-bullet theory.



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On 12/11/2018 at 12:33 PM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

As many of you may know, John Orr (former DOJ prosecutor) and I engaged Knott Laboratories to create a 3D animation of the Zapruder film to test the single bullet theory. This project involved taking laser measurements of Dealey Plaza, scanning extant photos and applying the lastest software tools in computer reconstruction and photogrammetry. The model creats an exact reconstruction of Dealey Plaza as it existed at 12:30 on November 22, 1963 (we even took into account the various repavings over the years that raised the level of Elm Street). The model is precise to a couple of millimeters.

Unlike prior animations such as Dale Myers', the  project did not distort the measurements to support a particular outcome.  The animation can be used to test any shooting trajectory. The interview is available at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-thread-of-evidence/id1336486844?mt=2.

Please contact John Orr or me if you'd like a private viewing. For copyright issues, we cannot broadcast the model. 

I would like a private viewing.  I would like to see it with the placement of the gunmen.

Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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Does this mean you completed the project?  Its done?


Please let us know.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...
On 12/11/2018 at 10:33 AM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

As many of you may know, John Orr (former DOJ prosecutor) and I engaged Knott Laboratories to create a 3D animation of the Zapruder film to test the single bullet theory. This project involved taking laser measurements of Dealey Plaza, scanning extant photos and applying the lastest software tools in computer reconstruction and photogrammetry. The model creats an exact reconstruction of Dealey Plaza as it existed at 12:30 on November 22, 1963 (we even took into account the various repavings over the years that raised the level of Elm Street). The model is precise to a couple of millimeters.

Unlike prior animations such as Dale Myers', the  project did not distort the measurements to support a particular outcome.  The animation can be used to test any shooting trajectory. The interview is available at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/a-thread-of-evidence/id1336486844?mt=2.

Please contact John Orr or me if you'd like a private viewing. For copyright issues, we cannot broadcast the model. 

I was wondering, are you guys planning to do a documentary or something showcasing this computer model?

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