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A Lie Too Big To Fail by Lisa Pease

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Coincidence department:  right before Lisa's book came out, John Meier got extremely sick to the point he had to be hospitalized.

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19 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Coincidence department:  right before Lisa's book came out, John Meier got extremely sick to the point he had to be hospitalized.

Interesting.  As you are well familiar with the book you already know this but for the benefit of others it relates to a few sentences in the book.  The interview with David Talbot and Lisa Pease I mentioned took place in 2013.  Lisa had interviewed him previously in the 90's.  While mentioning Maheu was behind it he wasn't as forthcoming with details as in 2013.  At the time of the 90's interview, I think it may have been on that day, he received a call from Maheu.  The first in ten years.  If I remember right just inquiring if he was doing all right (about his "health"?) or maybe if he needed "anything".  Meier seemed to think this was a bit odd.

Maheu died in 2008.  Maybe that contributed to Meier being more open in 2013.  But I can see his possible consternation regarding the release of the book.  Developing a severe ulcer or something along that line.  As far as I know Cesar is still alive, and probably protected. 

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Let us put it this way.

I think that its pretty obvious that Moldea is Cesar's agent/handler.

Does anyone disagree?

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4 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Let us put it this way.

I think that its pretty obvious that Moldea is Cesar's agent/handler. 

Does anyone disagree?

Moldea is also the guy who claimed the D.C. Madam was suicidal, while she had previously joked on the Alex Jones show about how not-suicidal she was.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Let us put it this way.

I think that its pretty obvious that Moldea is Cesar's agent/handler.

Does anyone disagree?

Bam! Bam! Bam!  Do you possibly mean like Hugh Aynesworth and Wesley Buel Fraiser regarding JFK?

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Neither?  Surely the officer or the detective (?) holding the ruler can tell the difference in a nail and a bullet (hole).  A member of the press flown in from Chicago immediately after the assassination was shown a bullet still imbedded in the door jam.  Later extracted by an officer he said.  Seems like he took pictures of it.  These?  Looks more like the base of a bullet to me than the only rusted nail in the first picture.  

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On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 6:37 AM, Ray Mitcham said:

Even the prosecution agreed that RFK was shot in the head, from as close as one inch, and yet considered the shooter to be Sirhan when he was never within three feet of the senator. 


Can any of the "Sirhan did it" supporters, explain that away?

Every lawyer in that case should have been disbarred.  Especially Sirhan's lawyers who tried to shut down the autopsy evidence. 

(This was in the RFK assassination book by the great (and sadly deceased) Phil Melanson. )

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In Lisa's book, she has new evidence of that whole issue which puts it to bed.

In my intro, that is the evidence she called me up about one night at seven and said I had to drive right up there to that library immediately.  Because she was the first one who had seen it and she feared it would be gone the next day and she needed a witness. 

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8 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


In Lisa's book, she has new evidence of that whole issue which puts it to bed.

In my intro, that is the evidence she called me up about one night at seven and said I had to drive right up there to that library immediately.  Because she was the first one who had seen it and she feared it would be gone the next day and she needed a witness. 

Where can I find discussion of that specific tiny hole in the book? I have the digital version.

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On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 8:05 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Here's a direct link to the video of RFK signing Wayne's poster, again, start at 1:36.  RFK's last autograph?



So this guy, Michael Wayne, after this video, hung around the pantry until RFK came back.  As opposed to going into the Embassy Room to see and hear RFK speak.  Odd, considering he sought his autograph, had previously traded PT109 pins with RFK a few days before, been to his election headquarters, and up to his suite that night for a free drink at the bar before the speech.  Then after or while Sirhan, and others finished shooting he went out the door behind Sirhan through the hall between it and the pantry into the Colonial (press) room.  Later telling the LAPD he was looking for a phone to report the shooting, but none of them worked.  As he rushed out of the Colonial  room into the Embassy room foyer pushing people out of the way, LA Press reporter Fontanini observed and pursued, someone yelled "stop that man" and/or "he's getting away".  George Clayton and Ace Security Guard (like Cesar) Augustus ____ heard the call and joined in. Clayton and or Fontanini tackled Wayne as he ran into a Mirror.  Augustus handcuffed Wayne and took him to hotel security, smiling, insisted they must let him go, he had to get away. They turned him over to the LAPD.  He seemed unconcerned with his detention.  He told them he was a reporter, looking for a telephone.  They let him go.

This is the guy who told them he had never used an alias.  But in fact had,  Michael Wein.

On May 20th, 15 days before the assassination, Michael Wayne met RFK on the stairs of the Ambassador Hotel at a campaign event.  Convinced RFK to switch PT109 tie clasp's with him.  So he would have an authentic one, worn by RFK?  At one point on the evening of the assassination he had two, but only one when taken into custody.

At some point in the day's before the assassination Wayne went to RFK's campaign headquarters.  He remembered the location of the desk of a volunteer at it  he encountered  in RFK's suite  the night of the assassination.  Someone stole a copy of RFK's itinerary at this time.  

The night of it he walked from Republican Senator Tom Keuchel's HQ to the Ambassador (and past it he said).   Sirhan stated he walked from Keuchel's HQ to the Ambassador, near the same time...  

Wayne came back to the Ambassdor, to the Colonial/press room and somehow obtained a press pass, later somehow obtaining another.

Maybe distributing them to others, as I see none on him in the video.

Though he did reportedly have a PT109 tie clasp on his sweater when arrested.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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In the chapter on Too Many Holes, its at around Figure 9.



Is it not amazing that no one until Lisa ever dug into this guy even though he simply radiates suspicion?

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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


In the chapter on Too Many Holes, its at around Figure 9.



Is it not amazing that no one until Lisa ever dug into this guy even though he simply radiates suspicion?

I think the defect in the photos I posted is different from the holes in the color footage. Those are shown here:  https://imgur.com/a/L7qMXxr

But those holes are also noticeably next to several nails/screws in the wall.


Edited by Micah Mileto
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