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Oswald was not in MC

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I keep seeing Sylvia Duran's 'testimony' used as complete evidence of LHO being in Mexico City.  Most of us know the circumstances and treatment she received from the Mexican Federal Police, but I'll repeat it anyway.   This from the Mary Ferrell site.

Sylvia was mistreated at the hands of Mexican authorities, and was bruised during her interrogation. The police asked if she had paid Oswald money, had a sexual relationship with him, and generally whether she had been involved in a conspiracy with Oswald to kill President Kennedy.

and this:

Why did Duran refer to Oswald in her interrogations as "blonde and short," an identification subsequently omitted from accounts of the interrogation? Was she describing Oswald or an imposter? It should be noted here that Duran told the HSCA she believed that she dealt with the same man who was arrested in Dallas, though her colleague Eusebio Azcue told the HSCA he believed otherwise.

Why so much faith in a woman's "testimony" that was arrested and beat-up in jail?

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2 minutes ago, Robert Card said:

Why did Duran refer to Oswald in her interrogations as "blonde and short"?....

And yet you CTers think that this "blonde" person was supposedly IMPERSONATING the dark-haired Lee Oswald??

Only three words are needed now....


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That is the reason she was abused because that was her first description of LHO.

It was almost funny when Ed Lopez asked her how tall he was.

She asked Cornwell to stand up.  This got a laugh since Cornwell is quite diminutive.  She said, about that tall.  Maybe 5' 5"

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2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

And yet you CTers think that this "blonde" person was supposedly IMPERSONATING the dark-haired Lee Oswald??

Only three words are needed now....


I'm just pointing out discrepancies.  I wasn't there, so I have no idea who she was talking to.

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46 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

She asked Cornwell to stand up.  This got a laugh since Cornwell is quite diminutive.  She said, about that tall.  Maybe 5' 5"

All the more reason to know your make-believe Oswald Patsy Framers must have all been total morons! Because only a complete idiot would want to have a blond guy who was 5-feet-5 try to impersonate a guy who had dark hair and was 5-9.

Just how stupid were your Mexico City plotters in 1963, Jim?

Edited by David Von Pein
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BTW, let me reply to these diversionary tactics by the two Nutters.

First, they say well, where the heck was he?  Look, we do not have a police force.  We cannot issue subpoenas.  We cannot cross examine witnesses.  That is what their side did.  And they swallowed this whole canard about LHO in Mexico City.  BTW, you should have heard Willens down there after Echeverria shut him down over examining Duran (he knew what was up.)  He could not understand why the FBI waited so long to try and find any trace of Oswald after the CIA gave up.

Well, as David can prove, when the FBI did try and find a trace, they came across Ochoa's handiwork in putting together a phony trail.  But they were stuck with it.  If they exploded it, that would have meant they would have demolished the whole myth about LHO in MC.  Which as I showed, Hoover knew was BS, but could not say it.

Second, oh a blond guy.  Like somehow it mattered.  With no photos, and the wrong voice--and the tapes then said to be destroyed, which they were not--why did you need an impersonator?  You did not.  Completely unnecessary.

All that mattered was the WC swallowed it.  And they did.  DVP and FC have no problem with that.  Like water off their back in a shower.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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This is what I would like you to discuss David.


Jim said:

1.  There is no photo of Oswald either coming or leaving at the Cuban embassy.

2. There is no photo of Oswald either coming or leaving at the Soviet embassy.

3.  At least ten chances for a photo--negative result. We actually have the CIA checks on this today. This is why Goodpasture lied about the Mystery Man photo.  She could not find a pic of LHO.

4. The voice on the tapes is not LHO.  Complete mismatch. This was so bad the CIA later lied about the tapes being destroyed prior to the assassination.  They were not!

5.  Duran's description is not LHO.  

6. The Saturday call had to be phony per reasons stated above.

7. As David shows, the two CIA plants in the Cuban embassy were shown the picture of LHO.  Both said he was not there.  The CIA did not want to accept this so they tried again, came up empty twice.

8.  David's new discovery is the CIA monthly phone bank summary.  No listing of anyone who matches Oswald's description in the calls at at the Cuban embassy.  

9.  David has demolished the WC story of how Oswald was allegedly transported down and back up.  Wrong passport, wrong buses.

10.  I Love that visa card.  The FBI tried to find the picture company where Oswald took it.  Recall, he did not have it for Duran.  They visited every picture shop in a five mile radius of the embassy, could not find anyone who saw Oswald there.

But there is something else wrong with the visa card which I will let David inform you of.

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4 minutes ago, Robert Card said:

I'm just pointing out discrepancies.  I wasn't there, so I have no idea who she was talking to.

Regardless of any goofy description Silvia Duran came up with after the fact, we know she processed a visa application for the one and only LEE HARVEY OSWALD (see CE2564). That application has Oswald's own signature on it....


Let me guess----BOTH the picture and the signature are forgeries on the above document, right?

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8 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

And yet you CTers think that this "blonde" person was supposedly IMPERSONATING the dark-haired Lee Oswald??

Only three words are needed now....


This is an example of Rule 2, of the 25 Rules of Disinformation.

2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the “How dare you!” gambit.

My point is why do the LNers hold her 'testimony' sacrosanct when the woman was arrested, and beat-up during a police interrogation?  I'd be scared to death, and would probably sign anything, and so would a lot of others, including women.

Why was the blond and short description omitted?

'Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues'.


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3 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

You bet someone's been asking that question ---- Me!

I've been asking CTers that very question for at least 8 years now, including the post below from 2010. No CTer has ever provided any kind of a reasonable or sensible answer to my inquiry either. And I can't even recall any CTer even TRYING to provide a reasonable answer. My question is usually just ignored entirely.



He was in Austin and Dallas... ..

How does the CIA have Duran and Oswald on the 28th calling from her desk, when she herself says he didn’t return?


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9 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Second, oh a blond guy.  Like somehow it mattered.  With no photos, and the wrong voice--and the tapes then said to be destroyed, which they were not--why did you need an impersonator?  You did not.  Completely unnecessary.

So why did "they" use some blond guy in the first place?

You, Jim, are just inventing excuses so you can ignore the best evidence --- which is: CE2564, CE15, and Marina's testimony about Lee going to MC.

And I'd still like to see a good answer from a CTer to my prior question....

If Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't in Mexico City from Sept. 25 to Oct. 2 of 1963, then where the heck was he?


Edited by David Von Pein
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Did you not hear what I said about the FBI?

Or do you just want to ignore it as you always do.

As I said, David will have something to say about it later.


Meanwhile can you reply to the other nine points:

Why is there no photo?  At either embassy? Why is there no voice match? Why did both informants say he was not there? Twice. Why was there an alleged call on Saturday?  Why is there no indication of the calls on the newly decalcified CIA summary per month?  Why is it the wrong buses and wrong passport?

I will not hold my breath in wait for you to reply to these.  You have  an unseemly habit of ignoring real evidence.  (Yawn)

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Davey Boy:


I answered your plaint already.  You are in denial.  

And you are dead flat wrong about Marina.  Which is par for the course for you.

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