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The plot in Chicago to assassinate JFK in 1963

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Will Ruha wrote on Facebook today:

The plot in Chicago was prevented by a telephone informant who only identified himself to SS Agent Abrham Bolden as "Lee." The patsy was Thomas Arthur Vallee, (like Oswald) an ex-Marine political misfit who had just rented a boarding room and secured a job in a warehouse along the motorcade route Kennedy's limousine would take in his forthcoming visit. Also like fellow ex-Marine, Lee Oswald, Vallee had worked at a CIA sponsored Cuban commando training camp, this one in Levittown, Long Island. New York was the headquarters of the Fair Play For Cuba committee from which ex-New Yorker, Lee Oswald sought membership in 1963. Incredibly, the license plates on Vallee's car were registered to Oswald. But then, Oswald's name had been used by the CIA since 1960 in securing various motor vehicles involved in anti-Castro Cuban operations. In Chicago, Kennedy's motorcade route, in violation of all Secret Service procedures, involved requiring the heavy lengthy Lincoln convertible to negotiate a sharp 90-degree hairpin turn just as it passed under the high-rise building in which Vallee was employed along the Jackson Street exit. That scenario would be repeated in Dallas several weeks later, as JFK's limo slowed to 2 mph after negotiating a 120-degree turn from Houston Street onto Elm, just below the Texas School Book Depository which employed Oswald. Bolden's swift decisive action enabled law enforcement to stop Vallee, whose car trunk contained a high-powered M1 rifle with mounted scope and 3,000 rounds of ammunition. Within hours, a group of militant anti-Castro Cuban sharpshooters armed with high-powered scope-mounted rifles and a map of Kennedy's motorcade route, were rounded-up and interrogated at length regarding the plot to kill Kennedy. As in Dallas, all records of the interrogation, if recorded or transcribed, were never released or revealed. To Bolden's credit, the plot was thwarted. Interestingly, the man who supplied the telephone tip on the planned assassination of JFK in Chicago only identified himself as "Lee," an FBI informant. Lee Harvey Oswald was, at the time, an FBI informant with the classified number S-172.
The plotters then switched their assassination site to Miami, where, according to rightwing anti-Castro paramilitary financier, Joseph Milteer, Kennedy was to be shot during his upcoming motorcade by a team of assassins situated in various high-rise buildings firing scope-mounted high-powered rifles. "He's a dead man," Milteer vowed to undercover police informant William Somerset, who, unknown to the conspirator, was wearing a wire. "When asked how he expected to get away with such an act, Milteer is heard on the tape laughing, "Easy," he said, "we even got the patsy picked out."

Among the groups the wealthy Milteer was helping to finance was Alpha-66, a virulent right-wing anti-Castro paramilitary force that had trained in triangulated rifle fire during under CIA supervision at No Name Key, Florida and Lake Ponchartrain Louisiana. According to various witnesses, New Orleans-based Lee Oswald was involved with these prospective assassins before relocating to Dallas, where the Alpha-66 members rented a house not far from the residence of former anti-Castro Cuban gun runner, heroin dealer, fellow FBI informant, Dallas police informant, and ex-Chicago union and mafia enforcer Jack Ruby (whose full name appears in a 1947 FBI memo requesting his being excused from having to testify before the House Labor committee investigating alleged communist infiltration of Chicago labor unions because, according to an FBI assistant," It is my sworn testimony that one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago ... is performing information functions for the staff of Congressman Richard Nixon, Republican of California." At the time, Nixon, brought to Congress on the strength of mobster Mickey Cohen's finances, office as campaign headquarters, and loan of mob lawyer Murray Chotiner, was seeking to brand legitimate labor leaders as communists in order to allow the unions to be taken over by mafia families as was the case with Chicago Waste Handlers Union local 20467, in which mob racketeer Jack Rubenstein became Secretary-Treasurer under mobster John Martin who assassinated rival union leader Leon Cooke.

With the Miami plot exposed, the site then switched to Dallas. Same identical scenario. A week before the event, Lee Harvey Oswald walked into the Dallas office of the FBI and hand-delivered a personal note. No one knows what was printed on that note. According to Agent James Hosty (whose address and both phone and license plate numbers were later found among Oswald's personal effects), the note was a threat to blow up government buildings if the FBI did not stop harassing his wife. That cannot be corroborated because Hosty admits that, under orders from FBI headquarters, he tore the note up and flushed it down a toilet. Interestingly, despite the threat, Oswald was neither arrested nor placed on the agency's threat profile list. Instead, according to the New Orleans FBI office, immediately after Oswald left the Dallas office, an FBI Telex message was flashed to all Southern FBI offices that a plot existed to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. It appears that FBI informant "Lee" was once more attempting to foil the assassination.
Instead, he was entrapped by his CIA and FBI superiors into taking the fall for the President's murder, was systematically eliminated by Jack Ruby, and posthumously convicted as the "lone nut" assassin by the Johnson (ne "Warren") Commission Report. On the evening of November 22, 1963 Joseph Milteer, seen in photographs, smiling in Dealey Plaza moments before JFK is killed, telephoned William Somerset to gleefully report, "You thought we was bullsh*ttin' you? We got him, just as I told ya."
Months later, when the "Warren" Commission was calling witnesses to testify, Abe Bolden traveled to Washington seeking to appear and disclose his knowledge of the Chicago plot. Before he could do so, he was urgently recalled to Chicago, where he was immediately arrested in an FBI frame-up on a bogus bribery charge, and quickly railroaded into prison for years. An award-winning Illinois state trooper and honest Secret Service Agent had been silenced, sentenced, sent away, discredited, and ruined in order to effect the cover-up a high-level murderous coup d'etat plot against President John F. Kennedy that had required shifting sites to implement the same assassination scenario.


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Doug,  if even "half" the Chicago JFK assassination attempt plot is true as you outlined, this on it's own almost proves that the Dallas/Dealey Plaza plot was just one of others almost identical in structure ... which shouts a conspiracy.

Having two ( and maybe a third lone nut in Miami) in just a matter of weeks setting up a tall building rifle shooting at JFK is way, WAY beyond coincidence.

Was there an arrest of Valee? Was Valee's background as you say? Was Valee actually recently employed in a warehouse which had a higher unobstructed view of JFK's limo in the mortorcade had it happened? Did they find that high powered rifle with a scope in Vallee's trunk. Was Vallee's car license plate registered under the name Oswald?

Did they arrest some anti-Castro Cubans in a motel in Chicago in those two days?

Was Lee Oswald an FBI informant and was it really him that called in the Chicago warning?

How much of Abe Bolden's recountings have been proven to be true?

If half of all this is true...it opens up a monstrously real and large realm of multiple JFK assassination groups...all with the same MO and all operating in a condensed 4 week period.

The picture of Milteer on the sidewalk on Houston street as JFK's limo passes by is (to me) Milteer.

And notice the meanest, most hateful and spiteful expression on anyone's face in the Houston Street crowd photo as JFK is passing in front of them is "by far"  that on the face of the man I believe was Milteer.

Americans mostly could never truly believe that members of our own ruling elite could ever order the assassination of one of our sitting Presidents. 

The idea was/is too scary to even contemplate.

Yet, when people like General LeMay thought of JFK as a traitor, Bill Harvey ( according to his wife) considered JFK "scum" and mafioso Johnny Roselli a "got your back" stand up patriot, and Dulles saying JFK "thought he was little God" and on and on and on with similar JFK hating sentiments ( LBJ and Hoover of course in spades )   when are the history books ever going to be able to report these truths?


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Mr. Caddy, is there any written evidence, documents, arrest records,  etc. Confirming any info of the Chicago plot?  Outside of Bolden whose statements have to be considered in light of his being found guilty.  Also, where is the evidence on Milliteer saying those specific things? I have listened to the tapes but probably not the whole tape is out there.  FBI agent Don Adams discussed Milliteer but could not confirm where he was on November 22.  Is there new evidence regarding this?

Edited by Cory Santos
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45 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

Mr. Caddy, is there any written evidence, documents, arrest records,  etc. Confirming any info of the Chicago plot?  Outside of Bolden whose statements have to be considered in light of his being found guilty.  Also, where is the evidence on Milliteer saying those specific things? I have listened to the tapes but probably not the whole tape is out there.  FBI agent Don Adams discussed Milliteer but could not confirm where he was on November 22.  Is there new evidence regarding this?

Bolden's book, Echo from Dealt Plaza plainly explains how he was railroaded by the SS/CIA for his perseverance regarding the existence of a plot in Chicago after the assassination in Dallas.  Lest we forget he was the first man of color in the Secret Service And on the Whitehouse detail as a result of JFK's demands.  He voluntarily returned home to Chicago as a result of intimidation by other SS agents, E.G a noose left at his desk.  Then he was framed for another crime after the JFK assassination for pursuing info on the Chicago attempt . 

From an Office Building with a High Powered Rifle by FBI Agent Don Adams details how his information on Milteer was pigeon holed without his knowledge and he was marginalized afterwards.

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7 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Will Ruha wrote on Facebook today:

"When asked how he expected to get away with such an act, Milteer is heard on the tape laughing, "Easy," he said, "we even got the patsy picked out."



Douglas, or anyone,


Do you know who the patsy in Miami was supposed to have been?


Steve Thomas

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I have always wondered who came up with the open limo motorcade itinerary travel plans for JFK in late 1963?

Tampa ( Santos Trafficanti's home turf ) Chicago ( Sam Giancana's home turf )  Miami ( hot headed JFK hating Cubans turf ) Dallas ( JFK and RFK hating Carlos Marcello, big Texas oil and the most extremist right wing nut and segregationist group's turf )  ???

Talk about the travel plan from hell! 

Dangerously exposing JFK to some of his worst and most viciously hating enemies! 


Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Douglas, or anyone,


Do you know who the patsy in Miami was supposed to have been?


Steve Thomas

My notes say Gilberto Policarpo Lopez was the possible patsy for an attempt in Tampa, Florida on Nov. 18.

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5 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

My notes say Gilberto Policarpo Lopez was the possible patsy for an attempt in Tampa, Florida on Nov. 18.



Thanks. Following your tip, I've done a little reading about Lopez.

There's some documents in the HSCA Subject File on Lopez here:


I'll need to find out what contact, if any, that he had with the suspects in that case.

I need to read more.


Steve Thomas

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21 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Bolden's book, Echo from Dealt Plaza plainly explains how he was railroaded by the SS/CIA for his perseverance regarding the existence of a plot in Chicago after the assassination in Dallas.  Lest we forget he was the first man of color in the Secret Service And on the Whitehouse detail as a result of JFK's demands.  He voluntarily returned home to Chicago as a result of intimidation by other SS agents, E.G a noose left at his desk.  Then he was framed for another crime after the JFK assassination for pursuing info on the Chicago attempt . 

From an Office Building with a High Powered Rifle by FBI Agent Don Adams details how his information on Milteer was pigeon holed without his knowledge and he was marginalized afterwards.

Ron I understand he wrote a book.  I was asking for actual documents to back up his claims.

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21 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Ron I understand he wrote a book.  I was asking for actual documents to back up his claims.

Cory, regarding From an Office Building with a High Powered Rifle...  first I realize it's not about the Chicago attempt per se.  But that attempt did involve a sow turn past a several story warehouse.  This book is 220 pages long.  Under the title "Documents" at the end 46 of them are such.  Mainly FBI reports and memo's, a few from the HSCA.  The other parts of the book have 25 more such pages including one of a part of the Miami PD's transcript of the tape of Milteer's conversation with Somerset.  One third of the book is documents.  It's revealed in the afterword by Livingstone one important one is missing.  Pg. 165.  "Adams tells us that his investigative 302 [FBI report] on Milteer  is missing from the National Archives".  The book is $18 on Amazon if you want to read them yourself.  The Miami PD transcript part is sourced to the Mary Ferrell site.

Echo from Dealy Plaza has no documents reproduced in it.  It does have extensive end notes, many of which refer you to United States of Americas v Abraham W Bolden, July 1964, in which he was railroaded on trumped up charges, later disproved, for questioning the Secret Service possible role in the assassination (lack of protection).  He was the first black Secret Service agent, first to serve in the White House, at JFK's insistence.  He returned to Chicago at his request, due to the discrimination within the SS.  There was no report or documentation on it so I guess we'll have to take his word on the noose left on his desk, in the Secret Service Office, in the White house. 

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See but that is the problem.  I understand he wrote a book but where are the Chicago arrest records, witness statements, memos?  Hiw do we know a Lee called to warn of a plot?  There has to be evidence to back up the story.  Names of people involved, etc.  Not just a repeated story taken at face value.  I am not saying I dont find him credible but as a lawyer I need to see ecidence not just a story.  So I am asking does anyone have any evidence of the Chicago plot?

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