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Will Fritz that Masterful Detective

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1 hour ago, David G. Healy said:

even you DVP can't hide from the stench.

I agree. Oswald's heinous solo act does, indeed, stink to high heaven.

But it wasn't the Dallas Police Department who took a long bag into the Book Depository Building on the morning of November 22nd.

It wasn't the DPD who lied (twice) to Buell Frazier about the contents of that bag.

And it wasn't the DPD who was seen firing bullets into the body of J.D. Tippit.

And it wasn't the DPD who was seen fleeing the scene of the Tippit murder with a gun in hand.

Now, you can pretend that the Dallas Police Department lied and coerced witnesses and planted bullet shells, etc., as part of the "World Vs. The Patsy" plot that most Internet conspiracy theorists think the DPD and District Attorney Henry Wade and Sheriff Bill Decker were all allegedly involved in --- but you only look silly in the eyes of all reasonable people when you engage in such widespread and unprovable speculation.

Lee Harvey Oswald's ACTIONS speak for themselves. And Oswald's actions on November 22, 1963, are not the actions of an innocent "patsy" who was being framed by the police.



Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:


But it wasn't the Dallas Police Department who took a long bag into the Book Depository Building on the morning of November 22nd.


actually I believe it was the Dallas PD that brought it into the TSBD and actually made it, thanks for reminding us...

So, ya can't get Oswald in that 6th floor window at 1230hrs 11/22/63, the alleged in-camera Zapruder film appears to have been altered, ya can't ID the murder rifle, the DPD did not check to see if the MC rifle had been fired recently, you're using Tippit murder as a diversionary pawn and we can go on and on.

Is it any wonder Mark Lane blew the 1964 WCR conclusions into the next world? Great case DVP, got be worth another 10 websites, right? The stench is mighty high, Sherlock...

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Who the heck was a good guy on the DPD?

And what the heck was Tippit doing across the viaduct, pulling over the car, at the Tip Top Record Store, and then so far out of position at 10th and Patton?

When all is said and done, Westbrook might have been in on it.


Westbrook’s decision to “walk” to the TSBD, coupled with Croy’ “stuck in traffic” for twenty minutes, means both men could have been the unidentified DPD officers witnessed by Roy Milton Jones who searched McWatters’ bus just after “Oswald” got off it.

Westbrook had a suspect”s wallet at the Tippit scene, and he took the list of patron’s names from the Texas Theater. Predictably, neither item is in evidence today.

Also, Westbrook provided the unsigned statement that Car 207 could not have been seen by Earline Roberts, as it was parked in front of the TSBD that afternoon.

So, yes I’d say that “Westbrook might have been inon it.”

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Thanks Paul.  

I agree that the list is quite suggestive.

That wallet at the scene is a mind bender.

And again, like Doris Holan, its not in the WR.  Just like Tippit's actions after 12: 30 are not in the WR.

And I agree Derek, with what we know about the TIppit case today, it would be a fascinating documentary.

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Fritz was following orders when he stepped out of the way.  Dallas wasn't chosen just for the DPD but they were an integral part of the decision by the plotters.  Since Derek mentioned District Attorney Henry Wade...

The Anonymous Club met on Thursday nights in North West Dallas for a meal, to play poker (illegal in Texas at the time), and discuss issues relevant to their businesses.  Members included Dallas Mafia Boss Joe Civello and his underboss Joe Campisi.  Campisi was the first person to visit Jack Ruby in jail.  Meetings were commented on in the Dallas Italian community news paper Texas Tribune.  E.G. 5/3/58.  Barefoot Sanders, US North Texas Attorney for North Texas in 1963, appointed by JFK in 1961 with LBJ's support.  After the 1958 Appalachian raid of a national mob meeting in New York the Anonymous Club changed their name to Zuroma.  Guests 7/7/62: "mayor Earle Cabell,  District Attorney Henry Wade, Sherriff Bill Decker, Congressional candidate Joe Pool.".  This is from a book by Mark North, Betrayal In Dallas, I don't recommend because of it's conclusion LBJ and the mob did it.  But it's documents are valuable.  Above is from reproduced copies from the Texas Tribune in the end notes.

We learned last year Mayor Earle Cabell was cia since the mid 50's.  And, his brother was fired by JFK along with Allen Dulles after the Bay of Pigs for his lead role in it.  Convenient DPD Chief Curry was on the phone with the Mayor when Ruby shot Oswald, instead of doing his job and being personally on hand during the transfer.  It was just the "killer of the President".

Henry Wade worshiped LBJ.  This is evidenced letters in Betrayal In Dallas, copies of them in the back of it reproduced from the LBJ library it says, that I've never been able to find on line to link.  3/8/1950, Dear Henry:  Ladybird and I think you were mighty nice to write us such a thoughtful note upon your return to Dallas. We enjoyed having you and your brother out to the house.  7/10/51, HW to LBJ, "If I can ever help you with anything, please command me".  3/1/54, "Dear Hank,... I want you to know how much I appreciate this...".   9/11/55 "Dear Henry, With old and true friends like us, it would be superfluous to say it, but I just wanted to drop a reminder -- I'm for you lock, stock and Barrel."   9/27/61.  'Hon. Lyndon Johnson, VP, US,...  Dear Mr. President, I want you to know...".  11/5/64, "Dear Mr. President: I and so happy and jubilant over the election and so thankful that you are our president..."

LBJ had foreknowledge, he was briefed to see if he could handle the responsibility, and he was useful.  He had friends in Dallas.  He knew to duck when shots were fired in Dealy Plaza.  And the minion's responded appropriately.

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Wasn't Westbrook the one who a year or so after the assassination took a job with ?AID? (CIA front) in Vietnam training their policemen?  Maybe that was Hill, I can't remember for sure.  Whoever it was, might they have already been a cia asset while still with the DPD.  If so, considering Mayor Cabell had been since the mid 50's, would not Angleton or whoever he delegated  the responsibility to have been pulling the strings right down to street level?

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On 1/31/2019 at 5:38 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Wasn't Westbrook the one who a year or so after the assassination took a job with ?AID? (CIA front) in Vietnam training their policemen?  Maybe that was Hill, I can't remember for sure.  Whoever it was, might they have already been a cia asset while still with the DPD.  If so, considering Mayor Cabell had been since the mid 50's, would not Angleton or whoever he delegated  the responsibility to have been pulling the strings right down to street level?

It was Captain William R. Westbrook who was in South Vietnam, reportedly helping to train their police in Saigon. And yes, his actions on 11/22/63 are very suspicious.

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On 1/31/2019 at 4:38 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Wasn't Westbrook the one who a year or so after the assassination took a job with ?AID? (CIA front) in Vietnam training their policemen?



I believe that this was through the U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) Office of Public Safety Program.

From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Public_Safety


"The Office of Public Safety (OPS) was a U.S. government agency, established in August 1962 by president John F. Kennedy to train police forces of America's allies.[1] It was officially part of USAID (US Agency for International Development), and was close to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).[2] Police-training teams were sent to South Vietnam, Iran, Taiwan, Brazil, Uruguay and Greece.[3] Courses were held in French, Spanish and English.[3] According to a 1973 document revealed in the Family jewels CIA documents, around 700 police officers were trained a year, including in handling of explosives.[4] It was dissolved in 1974."


Steve Thomas

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