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Lumpkin, Gannaway, and the DPD-Army Intelligence network

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Key point #4:  Hill joins Westbrook in Personnel - 10/63

   Had access to all personnel files and internal affairs records

   Westbrook:  Chief of hiring, firing, discipline, internal affairs

   Official reports stated that Homicide found the hulls on 6th Floor, but claims made           that Luke Hill joins Westbrook in Personnel - 10/63 or Jerry Hill found the hulls

   Official reports stated that Lumpkin - or Revill - or Homicide - controlled crime scene

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Key point #8:  The False Marina Story

Crichton and Lumpkin hire Mamantov as interpreter in first 24 hours after 11/22

Mistranslation by Mamantov:  Marina "presumed Oswald's rifle to be his Russian rifle"...

Actual translation:  "...can't describe it...rifle to me like all rifles."

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Key point #9:  The False CPUSA Report to Army 

Stringfellow:  Notified 112th that LHO said he went to Cuba AND was a card-carrying CPUSA member

                        Memo winds us at US Strike Command - the base poised to retaliate on Cuba

Stringfellow:  Like others, part of the Army Intelligence Reserve

Ed Coyle of 112th:  Testifies that all DPD intelligence officers are Army Intelligence


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Key point #10:  Dissemination of the Oswald backyard photo

November 22:  Curry issues order - photos only to be disseminated upon orders of the Chief's office

November 23-24:   Lumpkin makes "24 or more" copies of the backyard Oswald photo

                                  Lumpkin places them on a table for law enforcement officers - where anyone could take them  



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12 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

The above posts are from the Powerpoint presentation at the CAPA conference on Saturday, November 16.  

These posts are a distillation of the citations provided in Page 7 of this Lumpkin-Gannaway thread.

Bill - I wish I could have been at your presentation. In lieu of that I reviewed page 7 of this thread. I have a few general questions not related to the work you’ve done, but to what you might speculate from that work.

It seems very clear that Army Reserve Intelligence Officers who were also Dallas Police detectives controlled the crime scene and the patsification of Oswald. Do you think that they played a part in the assassination itself? Does their readiness imply foreknowledge? 

Was ACSI in the loop? JCS? 

Was the Dallas Fairgrounds bunker used to communicate with the White House Situation Room? ACSI? Officer Tippit or others to avoid normal Police channels? 

Were you able to find actual biographical information on the 6 DPD detectives? I’m curious if we are missing connections to Walker and the Minutemen of the KKK or JBS.

In my opinion, apparently not shared with many others, the Ellsworth case against Masen, Nontes, and the Armory theft was thwarted deliberately by someone - Dallas Police or FBI or both - in order to prevent Ellsworth from getting to the bottom of this. They busted small time operators instead. It’s been claimed that it was just random. I don’t believe it. Curiously, Ellsworth, Coyle, and Hosty were meeting on the morning of Nov. 22. Do you have any thoughts on this? I recall reading that later on Ellsworth let it be known that he did not believe in the lone nut theory. 

One last question - why has the Army Intelligence/Dallas Police detective angle been so overlooked? Newman (and others like Hancock) have shown that Veciana hid his ACSI relationship and misdirected Fonzi and others towards CIA/Phillips. But is that enough to explain how the Dallas Police themselves were not suspect? After reading McBride’s book I got really curious about Tippit’s movements on Nov. 22. Upon careful examination his ‘alibi’ for where he was at the moment of the assassination falls apart. And the gas station he was spotted at 15 minutes later is a mile or so from Dealey Plaza. He was a sharpshooter, he hung out with the right wingers. To me his death suggests that he could not be left alive to tell tales. 

it seems to me that your work could be extrapolated into a general working theory on the size and shape of the conspirators. 

Thank you so much for focusing on this nexus. 

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Paul, I'm not sure if you've read it, but Walt Brown scattered repeat references to Army Intelligence being a key part of the plot throughout his JFK Chronology. He has also said as much on podcasts, and at the end of the final volume of his chronology he has a few pages arguing that Dallas Police were part of the plot.

But I only know this as I've read the work in chunks and browsed the ending, as the entire work is around five times the length of Bugliosi's RECLAIMING HISTORY and contains appendices that are multiple times as long again. I have it in Word doc form and if you printed it out, you'd have a pile of phone book sized volumes with a small font that could be stacked on the floor to make a pile as high as your waist. So consequently most people have never read it. I'll note that Bill's Army Intelligence commentary here is more detailed - Brown largely follows Jack Crichton (and maybe one or two others), looks at Oswald's links to Army Intel, and makes a general case about the role they played in the plot. But I recall it being a thoughtful summary, ditto Brown's comments about Dallas Police at the end of the final volume.

I'm assuming Brown realised most people would never read the whole work in the shape it was currently in, so he's begun reformatting it, and the Judyth Baker ebook - which slams Baker - is the first of those. 

I hope Bill's presentation was filmed as it looks to be something that should be considered in detail.

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  • 5 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

Bart, do you know how to find Butler's earlier deposition, taken a month earlier?

Bill and Bart,


(Butler's HSCA interview)

Now I understand why this tape was so explosive.

Any thoughts on who this FBI guy was?



http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/C Disk/Castorr L Robert Colonel/Item 23.pdf

pages 22 amd 23 of the pdf file

(Weisberg interview with Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Castorr)





Steve Thomas

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Steve and Bart,

It looks to me that the "FBI agent" the provided the tape was "the shoe salesman" that was a "government agent" and with the "Texas Communist Party"

That would be  William Lowery, cited in my Key Point #7 above - Joe Molina's colleague who had been an FBI informant inside the Communist Party from 1945 right up to September 1963.

If you are interested in Nestor Castellanos, I have a fair amount on him.  

Bart, do you have the other Butler deposition a month earllier - on or about April, 1978?

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