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Lumpkin, Gannaway, and the DPD-Army Intelligence network

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Initial forays into Google yielded the following info on key players assigned to JFK's S.S. detail. All served U.S. branches before hiring on at Secret Service. Most of my initial sources have no mention of any personnel being in the Reserves simultaneous to S.S. employment. One Ernie Olsson was AF reserves but his obit stated he was honorably discharged before joining the S.S.. The following list of names will indicate branch and job whenever possible:

Ernie Olsson U.S.A.F. '55 - '58, Reserves after college.

Rufus Youngblood Army Air Corps WW2

Wm. Greer Naval enlistee WW2

Clint Hill Army Cointel Spec Agent 1954 -

Charles Zboril QUA Company U.S. Marines, In infantry training at the same time as Oswald

Jack Ready USN enlistee @ end of WW2. Served again in Korea.

Wm 'Tim' McIntire Army flight instructor for 4 years

Jerry O'Roarke Trained Military marksman, branch unspecified. Also a 'conspiracy theorist', asserts a second shooter at Dealey.

Winston Lawson joined the Army in '53, CIC Counter-Intel, severence - if any - from service date not available 

Gerald Blaine voluntary enlistee USN Korea

Forrest Sorrels no military history noted but 4 year gap on info between H.S. graduation and joining the Bureau of Narcs at the age of 22. Wouldn't be a bit surprised if he pulled a hitch before that.

That's it so far - quick cursory examination of S.S. personnel with military jackets. The jobs and circumstances of all suggest strong allegiances to the military mindset, the chain-of-command if you will. Some bios suggest/show even stronger ties to MI. Gratitude for some of this info to Vince Palmera who dug it up long ago. Will be checking for branch affiliations among the FBI personnel with attachments to the JFK assassination pre and post event.

That's all for now. My working hypothesis is still that the U.S. Military under its full institutional authority, embodied in the Joint Chiefs, their staffs, and various commanders and personnel, murdered the President and managed the cover-up. 


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I imagine that Col. George L. Lumpkin is related to the motorcycle patrolman William George Lumpkin...many of you may know this story...it has always fascinated me.

At Main and Houston Brewer and Freeman drove ahead to join the 3 Advance Motorcycles to assist in Stemmons Freeway traffic control, leaving the trio of Ellis, Grey and Lumpkin leading the motorcade through Dealey Plaza (Warren Commission, Lawrence Exhibit 2).

Born and raised in Avery, Texas, Bill Lumpkin worked at General Dynamics as an aircraft electrician after serving a hitch in the military. He joined the Dallas Police Department in 1953 and was assigned as one of the lead motorcycle officers in the Kennedy motorcade...

Also of interest regarding Officer Lumpkin was a famous, now missing, photo of him taken by eyewitness, Mary Moorman, as he rode through Dealey Plaza. It was potentially valuable because it may have shown activity on the 6th floor. According to the late Gary Mack, Director of the 6th Floor Museum, the Moorman Poloroid #4, showed Officer Lumpkin on Elm in the foreground with the Texas School Book Depository and the sixth-floor corner window of the Depository in view in the background.  The photo was taken about a minute before JFK arrived on the scene in Dealey Plaza.

Moorman lent the photo (known as Moorman 4) to Bill Lumpkin during the summer of 1964, and he never returned it to her, claiming that he couldn't find it.  Many people asked him to find it over the years, citing it as evidence that there was no one in the assassin's window in the critical moments before the assassination, including Gary Mack in this 1982 article.  Mack said that Moorman told him that no one could be seen in the assassin's window just seconds before the shooting:

"...(Moorman) remembers  counting floors and windows in her pictures both that day and on more than one occasion later on.  She never found anyone in any of the windows, nor did others in her presence.  

Lumpkin told Larry Sneed:  "I also knew Mary Moorman. She and McBride went to school together, I believe it was. That’s how I met her, and she was down there with another lady named Jean Hill, so I knew them both. Mary took a picture of me sitting on my motorcycle there in front of the Triple Underpass just before Kennedy arrived. Then she took a picture of Kennedy and received a cash settlement for quite a bit of money. I’ve seen her a number of times since then. She gave me the Polaroid picture of me straddling this motorcycle, but I don’t know where it is now. I knew where it was for a long time, and some years ago, somebody wanted to look at it, and now it’s misplaced. I’ve been asked about that picture a number of times, but I just remember it had me being on a motorcycle. It didn’t show anything suspicious that I recall. I didn’t pay that much attention to it since I don’t care much about getting my picture taken."

Really?  The whole point of trying to find the photo is because it was suspicious that no one was in the 6th floor window.

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On 11/8/2019 at 12:52 AM, Steve Thomas said:


In one document, Mayo is listed as the Chairman of the Commission. In another, Smith is listed as the Director of the Commission.

I got to wondering what their respective roles might have been.

Statement by Colonel John W. Mayo, Chairman of City-County Civil Defense and Disaster Commission at the Dedication of the Emergency Operations Center at Fair Park.


WRR was a city-owned radio station.



Notice the top right hand corner. Letter also by Boise Smith WRR transmitter building.

In the Batchelor's Exhibit CE5002 https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf

Boise Smith is listed as a Deputy Chief of Police (along with Lumpkin, Stevenson and Batchelor) and as the Director of the Civil Defense and Disaster Commission. As such, he reported directly to Curry.

I ran across this statement by Mayo before the Senate Committee on Armed Services in 1960. This would have been before the Fair Park building was dedicated. I guess he should be included in the list of Colonels.


Assistance to Civil Defense by Reserves: Hearing Before a Subcommittee of ...

By United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1960 - ‎Civil defense

Hearing Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, United ... Chairman, City-County Civil Defense and Disaster Commission, Dallas, Tex.







Steve Thomas

That is pretty fascinating Steve, thanks! Reading continues....

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4 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:



It's a shame Mr. Wray didn't ask Ed Coyle who he was assigned to while he was in Germany.

George Whitmeyer was in Germany in 1960 too. The odds of them knowing each other are pretty high, but it still would have been nice to know.


Steve Thomas

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Key point #2:  Who led the motorcade?

George Lumpkin, #2 man in 488th, answered to Colonel Jack Crichton

General George Whitmeyer, Army reserves chief for East Texas

- Three minutes ahead of the motorcade, in pilot car

-  Made a suspicious stop, right in front of the Book Depository

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Key point #3:  Who's in charge after 12:30 pm?

   Lumpkin - orders the sealing of the Book Depository

   Not all the doors were covered - for up to half an hour

   Sawyer claimed he had a witness - shooter was 5'10/165 pounds

   Sawyer lost his witness - later fired in disgrace





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