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Why didn't LHO shoot from the roof?

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If he was the shooter, why did he not shoot from the roof?  Better concealment.  No worry if Williams is still there eating.  No need to arrange boxes.  Roof gives better unobstructed view.  Harder for SS to shoot back at you.  

Edited by Cory Santos
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9 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

If he was the shooter, why did he not shoot from the roof.  Better concealment.  No worry if Williams is still there eating.  No need to arrange boxes.  Roof gives better unobstructed view.  Harder for SS to shoot back at you.  

Do you know if there were people on roof tops watching tha parade? I dont recall from pics I've seen.

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The TSBD roof was not a feasible location for an assassin.....as we find out in the WC testimony of policeman Marrion L. Baker, who said this....

"I immediately went around all the sides of the ledges up there, and after I got on top I found out that a person couldn't shoot off that roof because when you stand up you have to put your hands like this, at the top of that ledge and if you wanted to see over, you would have to tiptoe to see over it."


Edited by David Von Pein
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2 hours ago, John Kozlowski said:

Do you know if there were people on roof tops watching tha parade? I dont recall from pics I've seen.

In Dallas? I recall seeing it in photos.  One photo after JFK had been shot and they were speeding to Parkland shows a person on a building and what could be, but I have not seem close up enough, a rifle.  Maybe it was a broom?  Does anyone have a zoomed in version of this photo?

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2 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

The TSBD roof was not a feasible location for an assassin.....as we find out in the WC testimony of policeman Marrion L. Baker, who said this....

"I immediately went around all the sides of the ledges up there, and after I got on top I found out that a person couldn't shoot off that roof because when you stand up you have to put your hands like this, at the top of that ledge and if you wanted to see over, you would have to tiptoe to see over it."


I have not been up there.  I will say shooting from the sixth floor is terrible because of how low the window opening is.  Curious, why did he just not throw a grenade out the window and hope no one sees him?  Would have made more sense.

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24 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

In Dallas? I recall seeing it in photos.  One photo after JFK had been shot and they were speeding to Parkland shows a person on a building and what could be, but I have not seem close up enough, a rifle.  Maybe it was a broom?  Does anyone have a zoomed in version of this photo?

Thanks. I was just curious if spectators were watching from the roofs

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5 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

The TSBD roof was not a feasible location for an assassin.....as we find out in the WC testimony of policeman Marrion L. Baker, who said this....

"I immediately went around all the sides of the ledges up there, and after I got on top I found out that a person couldn't shoot off that roof because when you stand up you have to put your hands like this, at the top of that ledge and if you wanted to see over, you would have to tiptoe to see over it."


David, I was told by someone who would know that in actuality, an experienced sniper -if it was a conspiracy- with proper military training could have easily concealed himself in Dealey, even in the trees and no one would have saw him.  They are that good at concealment.

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5 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

Because he didn't own a gun. Because he admired John F. Kennedy. Because he was infiltrating the plot for the FBI (so he thought). Next question?

Because he was never ever on the roof.  Nothing to suggest this.  Long way from the front steps, out front with Shelly, noted Three times now.

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5 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Because he was never ever on the roof.

Correct. He was on the sixth floor----where his gun was, where his paper bag was, where his prints were (right IN the Sniper's Nest, which CTers have no problem with whatsoever), and where shells from his gun were located.

A failing first-grader could figure out the solution to this crime. CTers, however, can't seem to do it.


Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:

David must get awfully tired of spewing his baseless 1964-vintage clichés about the case but probably closes his eyes and thinks of his regular checks.

Attention forum moderators....

Please give Joseph McBride the warning and/or suspension he so clearly deserves for making the stupid and unwarranted comment quoted above. Thank you.

Here's the forum rule (which I will now cite every time I again see this crap being directed at me). After a few suspensions, maybe this nonsense will cease....

Accusations of Member Credibility:-

Members that post and/or imply that a fellow member of this forum may be paid to post on this forum...


Such behaviour may lead to a suspension or ban from the forum.


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8 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

In Dallas? I recall seeing it in photos.  One photo after JFK had been shot and they were speeding to Parkland shows a person on a building and what could be, but I have not seem close up enough, a rifle.  Maybe it was a broom?  Does anyone have a zoomed in version of this photo?



I'm sorry, I don't have the details in front of me right now, but I looked into this in the past once before. The guy on the roof you are thinking of was part of the security detail provided by the Head of security for the Trade Mart. He posted guys on nearby rooftops; and no, it wasn't a broom. I'm sorry, I can't remember his name right now.


Earlier, you had asked, " f he was the shooter, why did he not shoot from the roof?...  Harder for SS to shoot back at you.  

Somebody, Winston Lawson or Thomas Kelley maybe, told the WC that that wasn't the SS's job. Shooting back at suspected assassins was the local police's job.


Steve Thomas

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