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Oliver Stone claims JFK's death was an inside job

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So Oliver Stone believes this story?  Vince Palamara, if you happen to read or hear of this, I don't recall any SS agents from your book named Ron, Ronald or Ronnie but it's been a while since I read it.  One from not too far away from Rochester NY?  If he had cancer he probably didn't travel real far to talk to Stone? 

I've wondered about Roberts and Greer on site and a couple back in Washington for years.

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Who was the Secret Service agent who claimed to have seen Robert Bouck burn some autopsy photographs? Was it James Fox and was the more than one agent who said this?


Edit: James Fox alledgedly told Mark Crouch. Bouck has denied this.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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While I wouldn't doubt that SS agents were involved (e.g. reducing and the moving the motorcycles, rearranging the motorcade seating at Love Field, slowing the limo to (almost?) a stop on Elm, stealing the body, hiding JFK's clothes), there's no way they acted alone. Was the SS controlling Oswald? Was it in charge at Bethesda? Has it given the CIA standing orders to keep covering up?

Edited by Ron Ecker
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21 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Oliver Stone  is a veteran of the USArmy, not the Marine Corps. This simple miscue should set off a few bells.

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This seems to be so under the radar, is it True?  Out here since last November from Ireland.  Nobody from the USA that knows him has asked him about it?  Another smooth over by the MSM and Mockingbird?

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