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Leroy Blevins video

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I came across this video this morning on YouTube and was wondering if any video experts have been able to verify what Blevins sees on the Zapruder film. Around the 4:20 mark he shows a reflection that he claims came from the Dallas Records building showing a shooter take aim at the motorcade. 

I dont know much about Blevins. I've seen two other videos hes made and didnt agree with what he was saying so ignored him after that. Is he credible at all or is this just some fancy editing?



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That “reflection”, seen at 4:32, can be seen in the sprocket area of the vast majority of the Zapruder frames from Z030 to the very end. The point is, is that it can’t be a reflection from that direction since the camera sweeps in a very wide arc through the length of the film. It is clearly an anomaly. 


On 7/17/2017 at 1:44 PM, Michael Clark said:




On 7/16/2017 at 1:35 PM, Michael Clark said:





Edited by Michael Clark
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Leroy was a good guy.  He was loved by his family.  He did his best to make videos which he felt had some value.  

Some are interesting, others perhaps not.  He passed last fall.  His last video is difficult to watch to say the least.

I think his video on the bullet ricochet from the manhole cover on the south side being apparent on Zapruder is very interesting.

I would add one last thing, at least he had the common sense to realize there was a conspiracy in Dallas that day and that Oswald did not act alone.

Edited by Cory Santos
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1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

Leroy was a good guy.  He was loved by his family.  He did his best to make videos which he felt had some value.  

Some are interesting, others perhaps not.  He passed last fall.  His last video is difficult to watch to say the least.

I think his video on the bullet ricochet from the manhole cover on the south side being apparent on Zapruder is very interesting.

I would add one last thing, at least he had the common sense to realize there was a conspiracy in Dallas that day and that Oswald did not act alone.

I agree with that. It just seems he was really reaching with some of his videos. The one with the person in the 6th floor window looks like he put the guy there himself. That's why i was asking if anyone has ever tried to verify his work. Some of it looks suspect.

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On 3/31/2019 at 6:56 PM, Cory Santos said:

Leroy was a good guy.  He was loved by his family.  He did his best to make videos which he felt had some value.  

Some are interesting, others perhaps not.  He passed last fall.  His last video is difficult to watch to say the least.

I think his video on the bullet ricochet from the manhole cover on the south side being apparent on Zapruder is very interesting.

I would add one last thing, at least he had the common sense to realize there was a conspiracy in Dallas that day and that Oswald did not act alone.

I am with you Cory.  I spoke to LeRoy many time.  I had some disagreements with him, but overall, I think he solved an aspect of the JFK Conspiracy, where the shooters where.

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