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How did Oswald get to Mexico City?

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I came across this video on YouTube today. A serial killer named Patrick Kearney claims to have known Oswald and says he gave him a ride to the Mexican border. There’s not much info in this short video just the story of a letter he wrote to an author saying he gave Oswald a ride. 

  Has anyone here seen this guys name come up associated with Oswald in any files that have been released? 


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Did he go to Mexico City?  Likely not some think.  If so I don't think Kearney had anything to do with it, he was more into killing young men and boys at the time.

There's a lot out there on the subject.  Buying a ticket in front of an FBI agent who bought the next one.  A preacher's story about riding with him.  Marina's insistence that he didn't go.  The conveniently found postcards by Ruth Paine after her house was searched.  Then Marina changed her story?




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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Did he go to Mexico City?  Likely not some think.  If so I don't think Kearney had anything to do with it, he was more into killing young men and boys at the time.

There's a lot out there on the subject.  Buying a ticket in front of an FBI agent who bought the next one.  A preacher's story about riding with him.  Marina's insistence that he didn't go.  The conveniently found postcards by Ruth Paine after her house was searched.  Then Marina changed her story?





Ed Forum member David Josephs has written extensively on the "Did Oswald really go to Mexico City?" topic. (Short answer - NO!)


Also, in regards to the photo of the mysterious blond man pictured above, the physical resemblance to KGB officer (and Khrushchev's interpreter with Castro) Nikolai Leonov is remarkable. This thread from a couple of years ago is worth perusing. If it was Leonov in those pictures, then was he indeed the man who walked into the Cuban Consulate on Friday, September 27? I doubt it, personally. Did someone in the CIA deliberately impersonate Leonov as "Oswald" in an effort to implicate the KGB in the upcoming assassination?

I don't know.



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Hi Paul.  David J is still a member here, see Swan Song 45 minutes ago.  Thanks for bumping my memory, he's posted about the subject on here before.  I just liked a couple of the first things on the subject I found on the forum.

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Thanks Paul/Ron.....    https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index

John - not sure I'd take what a serial killer says as gospel but.... :P  I wrote quite a bit and have done more since, mostly posted here if you do a search

From the work I've done, Oswald was in Austin then Dallas at Odio then in Dallas at the YMCA



In the recent release of docs, we find out about LITAMIL-9, a very close friend of AZCUE who worked as a double agent for the USA within the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City


Hoover can't make it much more clear...




Edited by David Josephs
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I should also mention how odd he'd say he was from "Toro" as in "El Toro / Santa Ana" where the 2 different Marine bases are....

In 1950, MCAS El Toro was designated Master Jet Base for Fleet Marine Forces, Pacific and flourished as the home station of the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing. In 1993, the base was designated for closure

In 1951, in response to the need for dedicated helicopter operations, a Navy airship base named Naval Air Station Santa Ana was commissioned Marine Corps Air Station Santa Ana to support the Korean conflict

As you may know I am a supporter of the Harvey & Lee scenario where both men were in CA at the same time, but at these 2 different bases.... 

By Oct 1963 it had been 4 years since he was in El Toro...  strange...



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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

In the recent release of docs, we find out about LITAMIL-9, a very close friend of AZCUE who worked as a double agent for the USA within the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City

LITAMIL-9 is a recently updated entry to the Mary Ferrell Database. He gets us very close to Sylvia Duran...


Edited by Michael Clark
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42 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

LITAMIL-9 is a recently updated entry to the Mary Ferrell Database. He gets us very close to Sylvia Duran...


With regards to most any item of incriminating evidence... look for its significance BEFORE Nov 22.... in the contemporaneous reporting...

In all the reporting from Sept and Oct 1963 from all the tapping of phones and bugs on Russian agent homes... not a single word was ever uttered about a visit by
"the American"...  not even in casual conversation!

Same with the rifle....  Not a single FBI account of a rifle and Oswald prior to Nov 22.... despite his being watched and his mail opened....






He was a very highly guarded secret....



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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

With regards to most any item of incriminating evidence... look for its significance BEFORE Nov 22.... in the contemporaneous reporting.

Agreed, that’s why this is interesting, after 11-22 Sylivia Duran’s name is everywhere. With regard to these LITAMIL-9 docs, we have her documented prior to the assassination. I am not saying it is significant, just interesting..



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They knew an awful lot about her on Nov 23rd.  And Weisberg makes note that CIAHQ asks the Mexicans not beat her when arrested the 2nd time...
See attached...






Weisberg wary about Mexico - Duran - Alvarado ARRB-Mexico 18.pdf

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7 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

They knew an awful lot about her on Nov 23rd.  And Weisberg makes note that CIAHQ asks the Mexicans not beat her when arrested the 2nd time...
See attached...


LITAMIL-9 considering recruiting Sylvia Duran in September of 1963 (thanks to MFF) P.45


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Everyone working at that embassy/consulate was trying to recruit... and there were also unspoken rules among spooks...

This was another clue that Oswald was never there... the way AZCUE treats him...  AZCUE does not "interview him to find out if they are (he is an) agents"


Cheers Mike...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of MC, I had a blast last night listening to the Boris & Anna Tarasoff's audio testimony to the HSCA. Its included in the big batch of .wav files. I think the others are terribly quality audio of Nosenko maybe? Anna's Obit.


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