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27 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

And what in the devil does any of this have to do with the JFK case? 

I'm reminded of a week I spent years ago in Mexico. A Mexican gentleman, seeing that I was a gringo, stopped me on the street and gave me a political discourse. The part I remember is, "Mexico esta en las manos de ladrones." ("Mexico is in the hands of thieves.") Well, the United States is in the hands of monsters. That's how 9/11 and the JFK case (and other political assassinations of the 1960s) are related.


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1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

Just shaking my head in disbelief. Even assuming all these things happened, which I doubt, the Insiders behind this alleged inside job would have had to be astonishingly powerful to have arranged to have Muslim terrorists strike the Twin Towers and the Pentagon with airliners so they could use the attacks as cover for controlled explosions in the Twin Towers to supposedly carry out the most gigantic theft in world history. 

Occam's razor screams against this convoluted, unbelievable theory. Many children's fairy tales are more believable than this yarn.

And what in the devil does any of this have to do with the JFK case? 

Well... the Trade Marts that Clay Shaw is associated with turned into The World Trade Center and was set up by the same Globalists, that's how it's connected and the same Fascist people connected to Skorzeny are connected with Israel aka the Permindex connection. That how it connects to the JFK case. 

The towers were full of intelligence connected companies, the first plane hit Paul Bremer's company on 93rd floor. Bremer would be the first person to go on air an say it was Osama Bin Laden and would also lead the Iraq war effort that turned into another quagmire. https://rumble.com/v2f4cwm-911-explosive-connections.html

There were Israeli art students (Geletin, B Thing) living in the building and Marvin Bush's company did security, also the collapse started at the place where "Fire Proofing" had happened prior and there were elevator upgrades going on at the time. So there were people who had full access to the building. 


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On 5/1/2023 at 2:51 AM, Pat Speer said:


If his paper has been subsequently debunked, I would find that of interest. But, as we've seen with JFK, people will repeat long-debunked arguments for decades and decades. So I'm wondering if any of those feeling certain WTC 7 collapsed as part of a conspiracy have read his paper (I am calling it a paper but I think it was over 100 pages long) or if any of the sources they are citing have responded to this paper. And if not, why not?

Just jumping in briefly, you'd find more people addressing the paper if you bothered to link it, rather than telling us that it's out there somewhere, in X-Files land, and if we seek it we will find it.

It may well be over 100 pages long but if you're relying on memory for it rather than checking it and telling us the exact length, I'm assuming it's not overly easy to dig up. Googling JOSIAH THOMPSON WTC7 EDUCATION FORUM brings up nothing. Putting the same term into the forum search engine here also brings up pages of results, but nothing like the paper you're describing.

If no-one can find the paper, Thompson hasn't publicised it, and no-one here, including yourself, is linking to it, you probably have your answer as to no-one is discussing what Thompson wrote in it. Even a name for this paper would be of help. If it's all meant to be kept secret though, fair enough, but if you can't find this paper, remember what it was called, or know where to find it, I'm not sure how we're supposed to.

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6 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

the Insiders behind this alleged inside job would have had to be astonishingly powerful to have arranged to have Muslim terrorists strike the Twin Towers and the Pentagon with airliners so they could use the attacks as cover for controlled explosions in the Twin Towers to supposedly carry out the most gigantic theft in world history. 

They can start a war and invade another country,. but they couldn't arrange for a handful of patsies to crash some planes into buildings? Shrug.

6 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

And what in the devil does any of this have to do with the JFK case? 

Crime + Lies + Start a war + profit + cover it up with assets in media calling those who question the event conspiracy theorists.

If you don't see connections between the two, that's actually fine, as I don't expect researchers to spend months reading about the JFK topic, and then spend months reading about 9/11. We all have lives, and I'm grateful to hear the thoughts of anyone on this forum who is considering the issues and has thoughtful things to say.

TBH I think WTC7 is a bit of a distraction as talk about the topic goes round in circles, back and forth, around and around and around we go. There are likely other things about 9/11, where it came from, and where it went, which are of greater interest. But those are just my feelings on it.

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9 minutes ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Just jumping in briefly, you'd find more people addressing the paper if you bothered to link it, rather than telling us that it's out there somewhere, in X-Files land, and if we seek it we will find it.

It may well be over 100 pages long but if you're relying on memory for it rather than checking it and telling us the exact length, I'm assuming it's not overly easy to dig up. Googling JOSIAH THOMPSON WTC7 EDUCATION FORUM brings up nothing. Putting the same term into the forum search engine here also brings up pages of results, but nothing like the paper you're describing.

If no-one can find the paper, Thompson hasn't publicised it, and no-one here, including yourself, is linking to it, you probably have your answer as to no-one is discussing what Thompson wrote in it. Even a name for this paper would be of help. If it's all meant to be kept secret though, fair enough, but if you can't find this paper, remember what it was called, or know where to find it, I'm not sure how we're supposed to.

Sorry. Once upon a time you could mention something that had been discussed on this forum and anyone with an interest could use the search engine and find the old threads in which it had been discussed. Sadly, that doesn't seem to work anymore. I couldn't get anything from the old days to show up. 

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4 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

Sorry. Once upon a time you could mention something that had been discussed on this forum and anyone with an interest could use the search engine and find the old threads in which it had been discussed. Sadly, that doesn't seem to work anymore. I couldn't get anything from the old days to show up. 

Fair enough. BTW I don't doubt the paper exists given the specifics you noted, but I couldn't locate it either.

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8 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Just shaking my head in disbelief. Even assuming all these things happened, which I doubt, the Insiders behind this alleged inside job would have had to be astonishingly powerful to have arranged to have Muslim terrorists strike the Twin Towers and the Pentagon with airliners so they could use the attacks as cover for controlled explosions in the Twin Towers to supposedly carry out the most gigantic theft in world history. 

Occam's razor screams against this convoluted, unbelievable theory. Many children's fairy tales are more believable than this yarn.

And what in the devil does any of this have to do with the JFK case? 

Yo, Occam, who said that "Muslim terrorists struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon with airliners" on 9/11?

Where and when did that M$M/government 9/11 narrative about "Muslim hijackers" originate?  Any idea?

Here are some important 9/11 facts for you to contemplate-- since you have continued to bring up the subject of 9/11 on this thread, while simultaneously complaining that 9/11 has nothing to do with JFK.

1)  The alleged Barbara Olson 9/11 phone calls, to Ted Olson, from AA77 about "Muslim hijackers with box cutters" never happened-- based on expert FBI testimony in the Moussaoui trial. 

 So, who faked that important Ted Olson AA77 phone call "Muslim hijacker" narrative, and why?

2)  The CIA and U.S. military had successfully flown Boeing jetliners without pilots during the summer of 2001-- using Raytheon's GPS-guided remote-piloting technology.

They didn't need poorly-trained Muslim hijackers to fly Boeings into targets on 9/11.  They could do that with their Raytheon remote-piloting technology.

In fact, the precise flight trajectories of the 9/11 attack planes are considered by the Pilots for 9/11 Truth-- including the late (murdered) pilot Phillip Marshall-- to be beyond the capabilities of the alleged Muslim hijackers.

document (psu.edu)

The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror: Marshall, Philip: 9781468094589: Amazon.com: Books

3)  There is no photographic or CCTV evidence of any "Muslim hijackers" boarding the "hijacked" UAL or AA flights on 9/11.

4)   The alleged "evidence" of 19 Muslim hijackers was conveniently found by the FBI, with a copy of a Koran, in a rental car at Logan Airport.  It would have been easy to plant that kind of "evidence" as part of a false flag black op blaming the 9/11 attacks on Muslim terrorists-- something that served as the central basis for launching Bush & Cheney's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq-- their multi-trillion dollar "War on Terror."

Edited by W. Niederhut
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I’ve always felt that Bush was a useful idiot and not involved in any 9/11 plot. I mean, would conspirators in such a plot divulge it to someone as dim as Bush?

He was handled by Cheney, who presidential candidate Bush had put in charge of finding him a good running mate. Cheney wound up choosing himself. Then Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were brought in at the Pentagon. The whole thing was basically a neocon coup.

Remember in one of the presidential debates when Bush was giving a monologue? He suddenly said, “Let me finish!” No one on the stage was trying to stop or interrupt him. He had to be talking to whoever was telling him what to say through a transmitter in his ear. (There was a photo taken at the debate where the outline of a wire could be seen under the back of Bush’s coat.) And this idiot could be trusted with knowledge of a conspiracy like 9/11?

“Give him a goat story to read.”


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     I agree 100% with your take on Dubya Bush.  He was, basically, the charming, amiable public relations guy for the Cheney/Rumsfeld war administration.  And Cheney and Rumsfeld worked closely, from the get-go, with the PNAC Neocons, including Paul Wolfowitz (#2 in the Pentagon) and Douglas Feith (#3 at the Pentagon.) 

     Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the PNAC Neocons (including Condoleeza Rice) had proposed overthrowing Saddam Hussein and establishing U.S. military dominance of central Asia and the Middle East in the 1990s, before Dubya Bush even emerged as the 2000 Republican nominee.  In contrast, Colin Powell espoused the "Pottery Barn" rule after the Persian Gulf War-- "If we break Iraq, we own Iraq."

     I read a story somewhere about Dubya Bush assembling his administration (with Cheney and Rumsfeld) in December of 2000 and January of 2001, in which Dubya called his father, GHWB, and asked, "Dad, who are the Neocons?"

     To which Poppy Bush replied, "In a word, son, 'Israel.'"

      Here's another true story from that fateful period of American political history.

      After the December 2000 Bush v. Gore SCOTUS ruling to shut down the Florida recount, Henry Kissinger reportedly said something like, "I can think of nothing that would improve George W. Bush's low approval rating more than a terrorist attack on the United States."

      Dubya later asked Henry Kissinger to chair the 9/11 Commission.  And the CEO of Kissinger & Associates, L. Paul Bremer, was the first person to announce on national television, (CNN) shortly after the nose of the first plane hit L. Paul Bremer's office in the WTC North Tower, that Osama Bin Laden and "Al Qaeda" were the likely suspects in the "terrorist" attack on the WTC.

      Bremer was later appointed military governor of Iraq by the Bush administration, in about May of 2003, for the purpose of implementing Wolfowitz's disastrous "de-Baathification" policy.  At the time, General Jay Garner told Rumsfeld that "it would take 50 years to stabilize Iraq if we disband the Iraqi Army and police."  (per Bob Woodward's Plan of Attack.)


Edited by W. Niederhut
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3 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:



Great post - The two Trump’s. One speaking off the cuff, instinctively and one after some people had a word with him. 

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8 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Great post - The two Trump’s. One speaking off the cuff, instinctively and one after some people had a word with him. 

I did't know about the stuff Trump had said until he ran for President, but I guess that's because I didn't start liking him until around the time of HW Bush funeral. 





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10 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Great post - The two Trump’s. One speaking off the cuff, instinctively and one after some people had a word with him. 

Yes, and don't forget that, during his 2016 Republican primary debates with Jeb Bush,  Trump said, "When I'm President, the American people are going to learn who really destroyed the Twin Towers on 9/11."

It was an extraordinary statement by a Manhattan real estate developer who knew Larry Silverstein, and had correctly surmised on 9/11 that the steel columns of the Twin Towers could only have been destroyed by explosives.


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24 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Yes, and don't forget that, during his 2016 Republican primary debates with Jeb Bush,  Trump said, "When I'm President, the American people are going to learn who really destroyed the Twin Towers on 9/11."

It was an extraordinary statement by a Manhattan real estate developer who knew Larry Silverstein, and had correctly surmised on 9/11 that the steel columns of the Twin Towers could only have been destroyed by explosives.


9/11 is by far the most egregious thing to happen in US history, not because of the innnocent civilian death toll on US soil, but because it was a false flag, sacrificing its citizens for money, expanding its sphere of influence and grip on resources. People in government who swore to serve and protect people thought so little of their compatriots right to life that they were prepared to sacrifice them. Then in the most coercive, cunning way, they used 'fear' as a currency to cash in, and the MSM kept that fear going for two decades until public disillusionment. They used the words 'democracy' & 'freedom" to masquerade as virtuous when their intentions had nothing to do with either. 

It highlights a deeper question that most people don't want to face. If your government will kill thousands of its citizens at home, going about their daily lives, what won't they do? What is off the table? How should we judge all of those elected politicians who stayed silent? It's a little more than a dereliction of duty. 

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