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Who got to William Greer?

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5 hours ago, Rich Pope said:

I just posted a link.  If you have time, go through it.  There are eyewitnesses that place a shooter in the storm drain.  There are researchers who have come forward and argued for the storm drain theory.  This is the entire reason why Greer slowed-down the limo to almost a complete stop, to aid the shooter in the storm drain to accomplish his task. 

Where is the proof of shooters in the storm drain?  I have never seen any evidence of such, only hearsay from researchers.

The reason Greer slowed-down the limo to almost a complete stop is because there are two gunmen in the pergola.  You should watch the above video instead of saying it is garbage.

There is proof of two gunmen in the pergola:

1. The Mary Moorman picture shows two people in the pergola.  Here is a sourced copy from NBC.  It shows gunmen in the pergola. 2D9692239-today-moorman-polaroid-jfk-ass

2. The Nix film shows two rifle shots from the pergola. - Here is a youtube video of the Nix film that is not enhanced. Enhanced versions delete important information.


3. Abraham Zapruder stated in national tv and on his WC testimony that the shots came right from behind him - Here is a News interview with Mr. Zapruder minutes after the assassination - 


4. Bill Newman stated in national tv that the shot came from right behind him. - Here is a NEWS interview with Bill Newman minutes after the assassination. 


5. Secret Service men testified that the shot came from the grassy knoll area. Here is Paul Landis WC testimony. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=773


Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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On 9/16/2019 at 3:09 PM, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

Two gunmen in the concrete pergola.  One blew JFK's head off, the other shot Governor Connally on the back; There is photographic and film evidence to prove this.

After the sharp turn from Houston to Elm Street, why didn't the limo take off? He stated he was going 12-15 miles per hour.

Why did the limo slow down to a crawl? The limo slowed down enough that Secret Service Agent Clint Hill was able to run from the follow up car to the limousine and get on.

Clint hill would have to run at a speed to 24-30 mph to catch up to the limo if the limo was going 12-15 miles per hour.

IMO, it looked like the only reason William Greer sped off was to prevent SSA Hill from getting on the limousine.

The question is, who told William Greer to slow down the limo on Elm Street in front of the concrete pergola?

Who could have possibly told to him to do so?  When was he told to do so? 

How was he convinced it was the right thing to do?


FYI - Greer retired on disability from the Secret Service in 1966 due to a stomach ulcer that grew worse following the Kennedy assassination.


I agree that Greer is a suspect. However, in his defense, the Secret Service protocols were violated left and right on the motorcade route, and that was the responsibility/fault of Winston Lawson, the Secret Service advance man who (ultimately) opted for the bizarre 135 degree turn onto Elm Street.

Walt Brown interviewed Greer (in 1970?) and published his work in 1985. Greer told Brown that as soon as he completed that tough turn onto Elm (the limo almost hit the north edge of the curb in front of the TSBD) that he looked ahead and saw . . . men on the overpass, beneath which he was to drive the limo! This was such a flagrant violation of Secret Service protection protocol that he began scanning left and right to see if there was any other way around them. 

There was not. 

Greer claimed (to Brown) that it was the dangerous presence of several unknown men on the triple overpass that caused him to momentarily slow the limo. He claimed this was such an obvious red-flag that he (almost involuntarily) hit the brakes.

Was Greer telling the truth?

I don't know, but whether he was in on the plot or not,  the unacceptable presence of men on the overpass directly above the presidential limo would have alarmed any trained Secret Service agent.

A further factor in favor of this thesis:

I believe that the very first shot fired at President Kennedy came just as the limo was turning onto Elm from Houston. That shot missed, but it caused JFK to involuntarily flinch to his left. That flinch was edited out (apparently) of the Z-film (Zapruder claimed he never stopped filming, yet there is an obvious break in his footage.)The Hughes film and the Towner film both have obvious damage to the key frames just as the limo completes its turn onto Elm. This damage occurred while these films were in the hands of the authorities. It is not a coincidence that visual confirmation of an "early" shot was concealed in all three films.

Therefore, I think it highly likely that a muffled - but audible - shot was fired from the Dal-Tex building at the motorcade just as the limo turned. 

It missed. 

I doubt Greer had any idea that the kill zone extended to the corner of Elm and Houston. 

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Guest Rich Pope
33 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

Where is the proof of shooters in the storm drain?  I have never seen any evidence of such, only hearsay from researchers.

The reason Greer slowed-down the limo to almost a complete stop is because there are two gunmen in the pergola.  You should watch the above video instead of saying it is garbage.

There is proof of two gunmen in the pergola:

1. The Mary Moorman picture shows two people in the pergola.  Here is a sourced copy from NBC.  It shows gunmen in the pergola. https://www.today.com/news/jfk-grassy-knoll-photo-fails-sell-auction-2D11599940

2. The Nix film shows two rifle shots from the pergola. - Here is a youtube video of the Nix film that is not enhanced. Enhanced versions delete important information.


3. Abraham Zapruder stated in national tv and on his WC testimony that the shots came right from behind him - Here is a News interview with Mr. Zapruder minutes after the assassination - 


4. Bill Newman stated in national tv that the shot came from right behind him. - Here is a NEWS interview with Bill Newman minutes after the assassination. 


5. Secret Service men testified that the shot came from the grassy knoll area. Here is Paul Landis WC testimony. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=773

The Nix film is useless.  It's too grainy and fuzzy to make out anything.  There were two men on the grassy knoll, one of which was Lucien Sarti.  However, he pulled his shot because he was afraid he would hit Jackie Kennedy.  The kill shot came from the storm drain.


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1 minute ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


I agree that Greer is a suspect. However, in his defense, the Secret Service protocols were violated left and right on the motorcade route, and that was the responsibility/fault of Winston Lawson, the Secret Service advance man who (ultimately) opted for the bizarre 135 degree turn onto Elm Street.

Walt Brown interviewed Greer (in 1970?) and published his work in 1985. Greer told Brown that as soon as he completed that tough turn onto Elm (the limo almost hit the north edge of the curb in front of the TSBD) that he looked ahead and saw . . . men on the overpass, beneath which he was to drive the limo! This was such a flagrant violation of Secret Service protection protocol that he began scanning left and right to see if there was any other way around them. 

There was not. 

Greer claimed (to Brown) that it was the dangerous presence of several unknown men on the triple overpass that caused him to momentarily slow the limo. He claimed this was such an obvious red-flag that he (almost involuntarily) hit the brakes.

Was Greer telling the truth?

I don't know, but whether he was in on the plot or not,  the unacceptable presence of men on the overpass directly above the presidential limo would have alarmed any trained Secret Service agent.

A further factor in favor of this thesis:

I believe that the very first shot fired at President Kennedy came just as the limo was turning onto Elm from Houston. That shot missed, but it caused JFK to involuntarily flinch to his left. That flinch was edited out (apparently) of the Z-film (Zapruder claimed he never stopped filming, yet there is an obvious break in his footage.)The Hughes film and the Towner film both have obvious damage to the key frames just as the limo completes its turn onto Elm. This damage occurred while these films were in the hands of the authorities. It is not a coincidence that visual confirmation of an "early" shot was concealed in all three films.

Therefore, I think it highly likely that a muffled - but audible - shot was fired from the Dal-Tex building at the motorcade just as the limo turned. 

It missed. 

I doubt Greer had any idea that the kill zone extended to the corner of Elm and Houston. 

Hi Paul,

I am just evaluating facts in Dealey Plaza at the time without taking into account what anybody said or says that was there.  All I know is:

1. There are gunmen in the pergola that took two shots, one to JFK's head, the other to Gov. Connally.  There are photo and film evidence that show this facts.

2. There are two yellow lines painted in the curb of Dealey Plaza, one before the pergola, and the other after the pergola on the driver side of the limo. You can watch the Zapruder film to see that this is fact.

3. William Greer slowed down the limo to a crawl so much so that SS Clint Hill was able to run from the follow up car to the limo.  You can watch the Zapruder and the Nix film as this that this is fact.

I am deducing because of the facts presented that Greer slowed the limo down between the first yellow line and the second yellow line so the shooters could kill JFK.



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Guest Rich Pope

Sorry, I'm having problems replying to your post.  I hope this doesn't result in a double-post.

The Nix film is useless to me because it's so grainy and blurry, I can't make-out anything.

We do know there were two men behind the fence of the Grassy Knoll because Lee Bowers puts them there.

Also, we know one of the men was Lucien Sarti.  He pulled his shot because he was afraid he might hit Jackie Kennedy.

The kill shot is from the storm drain.  Like I've mentioned in other posts, today it seems impossible that the shooter could have shot out from the storm drain because of the size of the opening.  However, Elm Street has been paved over several times since the assassination, altering the size of the opening.  The most recent of these being prior to the filming of the movie JFK.

I posted a link for you to study.  Did you bother to look at it?  https://majorityrights.com/weblog/news_comments/jfk_assassination_files_released_declassified_documents_reveal_cia_plots_to


Edited by Rich Pope
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8 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:

The Nix film is useless.  It's too grainy and fuzzy to make out anything.  There were two men on the grassy knoll, one of which was Lucien Sarti.  However, he pulled his shot because he was afraid he would hit Jackie Kennedy.  The kill shot came from the storm drain.

The Nix film is not useless, it is not too grainy and fuzzy to make out anything.  It clearly shows two shots from the pergola.  Watch the video I posted. 

No body knows who are the two men in the grassy knoll, People stating names is all hearsay from researchers trying to sell books.

Hired gunmen do not care if they hit Jackie, they were there to kill JFK and if anybody else got him, that is collateral damage.

There is no proof that a shot came from the storm drain.

Rich, I learned not to believe a single word that any one says about the JFK assassination unless you can see it.  I have shown you proof of two shots from the pergola.  Watch the video, I read your link, so I expect that you will watch the video.


Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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2 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

Hi Paul,

I am just evaluating facts in Dealey Plaza at the time without taking into account what anybody said or says that was there.  All I know is:

1. There are gunmen in the pergola that took two shots, one to JFK's head, the other to Gov. Connally.  There are photo and film evidence that show this facts.

2. There are two yellow lines painted in the curb of Dealey Plaza, one before the pergola, and the other after the pergola on the driver side of the limo. You can watch the Zapruder film to see that this is fact.

3. William Greer slowed down the limo to a crawl so much so that SS Clint Hill was able to run from the follow up car to the limo.  You can watch the Zapruder and the Nix film as this that this is fact.

I am deducing because of the facts presented that Greer slowed the limo down between the first yellow line and the second yellow line so the shooters could kill JFK.




I agree that Greer's failure to speed the limo out of Dealey Plaza until it was too late was a huge factor in the assassination. That failure may well have been deliberate on his part. Further, his apparent braking of the limo to a crawl was critical to the success of the assassination. You are correct to suspect him of complicity. 

A possible (and only a possible, not a sure) defense might point out that:

1. The presidential limo was not a high-performance vehicle. It did not accelerate quickly - it was a 6.000 pound armored monster that was compared to driving a huge sled. Slow, unresponsive, slushy. Incredible, but allegedly true in 1963.

2. Greer was genuinely alarmed by the men on the overpass - under no circumstances should any men have been permitted to watch the motorcade from the Triple Overpass, immediately over the head of the president! Any assassin located there did not need to shoot the president - all they had to do was to drop a brick on his head, and the Secret Service was helpless!

Therefore maybe (MAYBE) Greer was innocent of complicity.

But whether he was guilty of complicity or not, Greer's driving actions were derelict and contributed to the president's murder. To me though, the single most suspicious Secret Service agent is Winston Lawson, the advance man ultimately responsible for the motorcade route down Elm Street. Only because the motorcade made that fateful turn off Main and up Houston did it come within sniper range of any concealed spot in Dealey Plaza. If it had stayed on Main at a reasonable speed, the odds of a successful head shot from behind any fence or any high-rise building would have been astronomically small. 

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Guest Rich Pope
2 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

The Nix film is not useless, it is not too grainy and fuzzy to make out anything.  It clearly shows two shots from the pergola.  Watch the video I posted. 

No body knows who are the two men in the grassy knoll, People stating names is all hearsay from researchers trying to sell books.

Hired gunmen do not care if they hit Jackie, they were there to kill JFK and if anybody else got him, that is collateral damage.

There is no proof that a shot came from the storm drain.

Rich, I learned not to believe a single word that any one says about the JFK assassination unless you can see it.  I have shown you proof of two shots from the pergola.  Watch the video, I read your link, so I expect that you will watch the video.


You have no idea what you're talking about.  


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On 9/17/2019 at 10:07 AM, Joe Bauer said:

I once heard a recording of an audio interview of William Greer  (or read a transcript of one ) in which he described his turning around to look at a wounded Governor John Connolly while driving the presidential limo on Elm Street in Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963.

Obviously he heard the first two shots and Connolly crying out.

What Greer left out in this interview was his further action of turning much more fully around ( in fact a 180 degree turn with his head ) to look straight on at JFK a second or two after his separate first head turn to look at Connolly and just a split second before and right through JFK's head being hit and exploding.

You can clearly see this full reverse turn of Greer's head while JFK was being shot in the head simply by watching the Zapruder film in slow motion with the full screen shot that shows all of the occupants in the limo ( Greer and Kellerman included ) during the shooting versus just JFK, Jackie and the Connollys.

Greer left out of his interview comments his true 180 degree backwards head turning action of looking directly at JFK during the head shot ( including his slowing of the limo almost to a stop at the same time ) most probably because the true fuller account could indicate these two actions on his part obviously made JFK more vulnerable to the last head shot.

No driver of a moving vehicle turns his head 180 degrees around to look directly in back of the vehicle without taking their foot off of the accelerator and/or placing it on the brake pedal. We all know this truism.

A quick glance to the side is one thing, but a full turn backwards is another.

And you can see JFK's limo come to almost a complete stop when Greer did this and it was during this extreme slow down when the shooter was able to line up his kill shot and let loose, successfully hitting a bulls-eye on JFK's head.

Greer stayed turned around looking at JFK's head explode for a split second and "then" turned back around and hit the gas. I believe you can even see Greer and Kellerman jerk their upper bodies downward defensively when JFK's head was hit. They obviously heard the impact into his skull and/or felt the shock wave of the impact.

But the fact that Greer would purposely offer up a less than full account of his physical actions to downplay any blame on his part just before and during JFK's head shot says a lot about his character imo.

Greer lying about his full backwards head turn to see JFK's head hit, the speed of the limo during the entire shooting spree and his slowing the limo down to a near stop just  before JFK's head shot, logically forces you to consider Greer and his actions and testimony with serious credibility doubt .

William Greer

William Greer

William Greer was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1910. His family emigrated to the United States. Greer worked as a farm labourer before moving to Boston where he became a chauffeur. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor Greer joined the US Navy. He was assigned to the presidential yacht in May 1944.

At the end of the Second World War Greer joined the U.S. Secret Service. He joined the staff of the White House in November, 1950. Over the next thirteen years he worked as a chauffeur for Harry S. Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy.

On the 22nd November, 1963, Greer was assigned to drive the presidential car in the motorcade through Dallas. Several witnesses said that Greer stopped the car after the first shot was fired. This included Jean Hill, who was the closest witness to the car when Kennedy was hot: According to Hill "the motorcade came to almost a halt at the time the shots rang out". James Chaney (one of the four Presidential motorcyclists) - stated that the limousine "after the shooting, from the time the first shot rang out, the car stopped completely, pulled to the left and stopped." Mary Woodward, a journalist with the Dallas Morning News wrote: "Instead of speeding up the car, the car came to a halt... after the first shot".

Kenneth O'Donnell (special assistant to Kennedy), who was riding in the motorcade, later wrote: "If the Secret Service men in the front had reacted quicker to the first two shots at the President's car, if the driver had stepped on the gas before instead of after the fatal third shot was fired, would President Kennedy be alive today? He added "Greer had been remorseful all day, feeling that he could have saved President Kennedy's life by swerving the car or speeding suddenly after the first shots."

William Manchester claims that Greer told Jackie Kennedy at Parkland Hospital: "Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, oh my God, oh my God. I didn't mean to do it, I didn't hear, I should have swerved the car, I couldn't help it. Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, as soon as I saw it I swerved. If only I'd seen it in time!"

Senator Ralph Yarborough, who was riding with Lyndon B. Johnson, was highly critical of the actions of Greer: "When the noise of the shot was heard, the motorcade slowed to what seemed to me a complete stop... After the third shot was fired, but only after the third shot was fired, the cavalcade speeded up, gained speed rapidly, and roared away to the Parkland Hospital... The cars all stopped... 'I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but for the protection of future Presidents, they (the Secret Service) should be trained to take off when a shot is fired."

It has been estimated that 59 witnesses and the Zapruder Film indicated that Greer stopped after the first shot was fired. However, when interviewed by the Warren Commission, Greer claimed: "I heard this noise. And I thought that is what it was. And then I heard it again. And I glanced over my shoulder. And I saw Governor Connally like he was starting to fall. Then I realized there was something wrong. I tramped on the accelerator, and at the same time Mr. Kellerman said to me, "Get out of here fast." And I cannot remember even the other shots or noises that was. I cannot quite remember any more. I did not see anything happen behind me any more, because I was occupied with getting away."

Greer also testified that he heard three shots and they all came from behind him. His testimony on Kennedy's head wound did suggest that a conspiracy had taken place. He claimed that when he got to Parkland Hospital he noticed Kennedy's "head was all shot, this whole part was all a matter of blood... it looked like that (his head) was all blown off." This contradicts the pictures of Kennedy's head that were published sometime after his death.

There is evidence that Greer also believed that John F. Kennedy had been a victim of a conspiracy. The daughter of Roy Kellerman, the Secret Agent in Kennedy's car, told Harold Weisberg in the 1970's that "I hope the day will come when these men (Kellerman and Greer) will be able to say what they've told their families".

William Greer died on 23rd February, 1985. His son, Richard Greer, was interviewed in 1991. When asked, "What did your father think of JFK," Richard did not respond the first time. When asked a second time, he responded: "Well, we're Methodists... and JFK was Catholic..."

Jackie Kennedy bitterly recounted the actions of Kellerman and Greer during the shooting. John Connally publicly stated the agents were very slow to react.


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32 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

I went through all of the Moorman photos I have gotten over the years, and I don't see anyone in there.  Don't know where the shots are in Nix  either.



People are always skeptical because this was done in plain sight.

I circles where Mr. Zapruder and Mrs Sitzman are as well where the shooter is next to them.  It is visible in your copy of the Mary Moorman photo.  See attached link.

I bet you are still going to say that you do not see it or that it is a blob there.  I can't help you see what you don't want to see.  I hope that you realize it is there.  You can also look at the same spot of the NBC sourced image that I uploaded earlier in the thread.  It is much more visible there.



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Guest Rich Pope
4 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


I agree that Greer is a suspect. However, in his defense, the Secret Service protocols were violated left and right on the motorcade route, and that was the responsibility/fault of Winston Lawson, the Secret Service advance man who (ultimately) opted for the bizarre 135 degree turn onto Elm Street.

Walt Brown interviewed Greer (in 1970?) and published his work in 1985. Greer told Brown that as soon as he completed that tough turn onto Elm (the limo almost hit the north edge of the curb in front of the TSBD) that he looked ahead and saw . . . men on the overpass, beneath which he was to drive the limo! This was such a flagrant violation of Secret Service protection protocol that he began scanning left and right to see if there was any other way around them. 

There was not. 

Greer claimed (to Brown) that it was the dangerous presence of several unknown men on the triple overpass that caused him to momentarily slow the limo. He claimed this was such an obvious red-flag that he (almost involuntarily) hit the brakes.

Was Greer telling the truth?

I don't know, but whether he was in on the plot or not,  the unacceptable presence of men on the overpass directly above the presidential limo would have alarmed any trained Secret Service agent.

A further factor in favor of this thesis:

I believe that the very first shot fired at President Kennedy came just as the limo was turning onto Elm from Houston. That shot missed, but it caused JFK to involuntarily flinch to his left. That flinch was edited out (apparently) of the Z-film (Zapruder claimed he never stopped filming, yet there is an obvious break in his footage.)The Hughes film and the Towner film both have obvious damage to the key frames just as the limo completes its turn onto Elm. This damage occurred while these films were in the hands of the authorities. It is not a coincidence that visual confirmation of an "early" shot was concealed in all three films.

Therefore, I think it highly likely that a muffled - but audible - shot was fired from the Dal-Tex building at the motorcade just as the limo turned. 

It missed. 

I doubt Greer had any idea that the kill zone extended to the corner of Elm and Houston. 

Good post.  JFK Jr. was convinced George H.W. Bush was in the Dal-Tex building that day.  I'm not saying Bush was a shooter.  In fact, James Files claims Johnny Roselli was a shooter from the Dal-Tex building.  Dallas Uranium and Oil was a CIA front located in the Dal-Tex building.  So, with the help of the CIA, shooters had easy access.

Edited by Rich Pope
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1 hour ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


I agree that Greer's failure to speed the limo out of Dealey Plaza until it was too late was a huge factor in the assassination. That failure may well have been deliberate on his part. Further, his apparent braking of the limo to a crawl was critical to the success of the assassination. You are correct to suspect him of complicity. 

A possible (and only a possible, not a sure) defense might point out that:

1. The presidential limo was not a high-performance vehicle. It did not accelerate quickly - it was a 6.000 pound armored monster that was compared to driving a huge sled. Slow, unresponsive, slushy. Incredible, but allegedly true in 1963.

2. Greer was genuinely alarmed by the men on the overpass - under no circumstances should any men have been permitted to watch the motorcade from the Triple Overpass, immediately over the head of the president! Any assassin located there did not need to shoot the president - all they had to do was to drop a brick on his head, and the Secret Service was helpless!

Therefore maybe (MAYBE) Greer was innocent of complicity.

But whether he was guilty of complicity or not, Greer's driving actions were derelict and contributed to the president's murder. To me though, the single most suspicious Secret Service agent is Winston Lawson, the advance man ultimately responsible for the motorcade route down Elm Street. Only because the motorcade made that fateful turn off Main and up Houston did it come within sniper range of any concealed spot in Dealey Plaza. If it had stayed on Main at a reasonable speed, the odds of a successful head shot from behind any fence or any high-rise building would have been astronomically small. 


I have to disagree with you.  The fact that 1) There are yellow markers on the street curb, 2) There are two gunmen in the pergola, 3) The car slowed down to a crawl.

All three points combined make a strong case - William Greer was told to slow that vehicle down in order for JFK to get assassinated.

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7 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

Walt Brown interviewed Greer (in 1970?) and published his work in 1985. Greer told Brown that as soon as he completed that tough turn onto Elm (the limo almost hit the north edge of the curb in front of the TSBD) that he looked ahead and saw . . . men on the overpass, beneath which he was to drive the limo! This was such a flagrant violation of Secret Service protection protocol that he began scanning left and right to see if there was any other way around them. 

There was not. 

Greer claimed (to Brown) that it was the dangerous presence of several unknown men on the triple overpass that caused him to momentarily slow the limo. He claimed this was such an obvious red-flag that he (almost involuntarily) hit the brakes.

Was Greer telling the truth?

Greer slowed down the limo when he turned to look at JFK just before and during the JFK head shot.

Look at the Zapruder film video I provided in my earlier post.

In this it so clear to see Greer's full backwards head turn and the slowing of the limo while he was doing this.

Greer's claim that he slowed only because of what he saw on the over-pass is proven wrong by the actual filming of his actions during the shooting imo.

Greer may have slowed the limo involuntarily because that is what you do when you turn your head 180 degrees backwards while driving. In the least, you lessen the push on the accelerator or even remove your foot from it.

The slowing of the limo during Greer's head turn backwards is right there in the film. Right in front of your eyes!

Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Rich Pope said:

Good post.  JFK Jr. was convinced George H.W. Bush was in the Dal-Tex building that day.  I'm not saying Bush was a shooter.  In fact, James Files claims Johnny Roselli was a shooter from the Dal-Tex building.  Dallas Uranium and Oil was a CIA front located in the Dal-Tex building.  So, with the help of the CIA, shooters had easy access.


Where did you get the info on JFK Jr.'s beliefs about GHWB?  That is fascinating, but I've never seen that before. When and where did JFK Jr. say that? Can you link it, please?

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