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David Ferrie documents

Guest Bart Kamp

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Bart, for all your hard work, I would like to present you and Malcolm with the 100% officially authorized, endorsed, certified and approved Education Forum Official Honorary Degree Award: the Doctorate Of Outstanding Excellence.

If anyone else would like one of these awards and has PayPal, please feel free (well, almost free) to contact me.

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36 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

Bart, for all your hard work, I would like to present you and Malcolm with the 100% officially authorized, endorsed, certified and approved Education Forum Official Honorary Degree Award: the Doctorate Of Outstanding Excellence.

If anyone else would like one of these awards and has PayPal, please feel free (well, almost free) to contact me.


But seriously, I agree they deserve some type of special recognition.

These documents being shared here on the forum are amazing.





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4 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

What I have shared here is an absolute pittance as to what will eventually be available..

You'll see.



Can't wait.

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Looks like Garrson found out that Jack Ruby was right in the middle of the JFK hit formulation and was the controller for LHO in Dallas.  More than likely while Dorothy K was down in New Orleans in 1965 she found out this same level of information, for which she was targeted for death also.  She was so panic'd over the New Orleans visit she sent her hair dresser friend back quickly and told him to not even admit he was there with her, as what she found out they might kill her over.

Fits the scoop that I got in Nov 22 63.     Ruby was solicited by ORNL person named Raymod W. Tucker, Sr. because the USAEC was upset that JFK made deal with Russia for atmospheric test ban and the plot was evidenced to LHO when he came to Oak Ridge in late July 63 as part of the kill Castro CIA planning, which fell apart in the end.

LHO was the mole in the system that knew too much and had to be taken out along with JFK.    To satisfy the USAEC deals to keep JFK from ending Nuke Weapons in his 2nd term, the attack had to be directed at JFK and Not RFK to avoid the hit on the USAEC again.

Jack Ruby was big pals with Castro, which might be why the kill Castro plot failed as the Mafis/Ruby wanted Points with Castro for various reasons to help the Mafia/

Edited by Jim Phelps
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