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On 4/22/2022 at 4:09 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Oh no!  It's now ok for Mickey and Pluto to do that in Ted's home state?

Disney in Texas? Judge invites company to move to our state amid DeSantis feud (msn.com)

Abbott will protest.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- if you think that one line, uttered in the hopes of having some legal CYA, will erase mens rea and exonerate Trump from all of his coup plotting, then I have some swampland to sell you. 


Well, maybe I would buy swampland. My investing record has been checkered. 

Well, let's see what can hold up in a court of law. Headlines, commissions (Warren Commission, 9/11), committee hearings (HUAC) have one standard, and courts of law another. 

Perhaps more great legal and political theater ahead.

Looks like the 'Phants will edge out the Donks in the midterms, and probably start ginning up their own committee investigations. 






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11 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- if you think that one line, uttered in the hopes of having some legal CYA, will erase mens rea and exonerate Trump from all of his coup plotting, then I have some swampland to sell you. 

Yes, Matt, Ben's credulity and capacity for denial never cease to amaze.

We can learn a great deal about Trumplican "logic" and selective avoidance of facts by reading Ben's posts.

He's an erstwhile cognitive barometer of the alternate MAGA-verse.


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I read a guy yesterday who said that Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to be ousted from office; not because she committed treason, but because she can't remember the last two years.

MTG says CNN lies about her all the time and twists her words all around.

If she can't remember what she said, how does she know CNN is twisting her words?

Can't have it both ways Margie.

Steve Thomas

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I can finally rest easy tonight.

I don’t have to be a conspiracy freak or a lone nutter, because JFK didn’t die in the first place.

I just have to get me one of them thar med beds

Some QAnon sects have made med beds central to their conspiratorial claims. A Dallas-based group, which follows the Q influencer Michael “Negative 48” Protzman, has promoted med beds, in part because the devices address a plot hole in another conspiracy theory. The group falsely believes that John F. Kennedy is still alive and youthful, and attributes his remarkable longevity to the curative powers of med beds.”



The queen of Canada swears by them.

Steve Thomas

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Aidan Aslin, a British mercenary (ex Royal Marine) with a Ukranian wife speaks after being captured by the Russians. His words about the Ukrainian side that he sought to desert are not exactly glowing, he alleges war crimes, Nazism/fascism and the Ukrainian forces have used civilian locations to launch attacks.

Of course, he has been captured for a week or so, can his words be relied upon?




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Emmanuel Macron was elected to a second term as French president on Sunday evening with 58.8% of the vote, according to an estimate from the Ipsos polling institute. His far-right challenger Marine Le Pen won 41.2% of the vote in an election that saw the country’s highest abstention rate in 50 years. 

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Are the Davos lot at it? 



by Tom Luongo

"I never wanted
to write this article. I never wanted to believe that the people who think they have the right to run the world, the Davos Crowd, would take us to World War III with a nuclear-armed country. But that is exactly what I see in the future. Since the end of the first phase of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which saw them successfully take most of the southern coast along the Black Sea but fail to secure either Kharkov or Kiev in the north, there has not been one move made by any major country in the collective West (US, UK Commonwealth, Europe and Japan), that tells me they are interested in peace. In fact, as I’ve pointed out so many times in the past, nearly every major faction we can name in this conflict is facing some form of existential threat. Under those circumstances, it is impossible to rule out irrational behavior. When you are fighting for your very survival, that’s when every action is justified, even the irrational. It explains why Russia chose its path. They clearly felt, rightly or wrongly, that the provocations from the West were only going to continue and their best course of action was to pre-emptively strike Ukraine. It looks now that the attack on Kiev was both not part of the original plan and somewhat haphazardly put together which is why it failed. However, the Russians, despite that setback and its implications, are resolute. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently stated this position clearly: “Our special military operation is meant to put an end to the unabashed expansion [of NATO] and the unabashed drive towards full domination by the US and its Western subjects on the world stage.” He further called Western activity a “gross violation of international law,” using rules made up on an ad-hoc basis to suit their purposes. It’s clear everyone is claiming the moral high ground here, but war is anything but moral. I bring this up to dispel any illusions about the situation in Ukraine. From their point of view, Russia felt justified in striking first in Ukraine to gain what advantage they could. That they did not secure the capital and bring a swift end to Ukraine as a functioning state means that the conflict can now stay an open-ended affair for as long as NATO and the West want it to be. We may look back in hindsight at their failures in Ukraine as the event which turned what could have been a localized affair into the first major kinetic battle in World War III. From this failure we can see exactly what the West’s response has been, to up the ante now with justification because Russia struck first and indecisively. The US and the EU continue to pile sanction on top of sanction on the Russian economy while pressuring any and all countries who have not condemned them into staying on the sidelines. The US, in particular, through a political class on both sides of Congress that never met an issue they couldn’t blame on ‘The Russians™”, has proceeded with almost enthusiasm to supply weapons, money, support and soon, men to turn what was a proxy war between it and Russia into an open conflict. Congress passed a new version of the Lend-Lease Act to provide weapons to Ukraine. Countries like Poland and Slovakia have cleared out their warehouses of leftover gear from the Cold War sending weapons, tanks, anti-aircraft batteries into Ukraine. What look to me like coordinated false flag events such as the massacre of over 300 civilians in the city of Bucha outside of Kiev were designed to flood all media with images of atrocities, while the Biden administration ordered more US troops into Poland, the Baltics and Romania. A complete blackout of any information countering the atrocity at Bucha is in effect. I wonder if we’re allowed to tweet about Pfizer vaccine complications now? We are now in the buildup to the next phase of the war in Eastern Europe. And I do not see this ending with a simple restoration of the Iron Curtain, as I expected in the past. 

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, something not even the most hardline pro-Russian analyst thought was seriously on the table, it always looked to me that Davos was using the US to manufacture a conflict with Russia to threaten war but eventually break Europe proper off from US and UK belligerence. European leaders like France’s Emmanuel Macron, long an advocate for an EU Army to replace NATO, seemingly kept trying to pull off the delicate division of European and US/UK foreign policy objectives. But, with EU leadership, especially German politicians like Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and former Defense Minister now EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen braying openly for war both kinetic and economic without limit, there can be no mistaking what is really going on. During a recent trip to Kiev Von der Leyen urged, “For all member states, those who can, should deliver [weapons] quickly, because only then can Ukraine survive in its acute defensive struggle against Russia." The EU continues to pile sanctions on top of sanctions with a fifth package being hotly debated, including banning Russian energy imports. The EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrel has now openly come out and said, “this war will be won on the battlefield.” The EU is now using the money they are stealing from Hungary, who have been sanctioned out of their EU budget distributions over their ban on LGBTQ teachings in public schools, to fund Ukraine’s war effort. There never really was any separation between European and Anglo foreign policy objectives. It was always the plan to launch this war through an attack on the Donbass which would provoke a Russian military response, if Russia didn’t take the bait. Since Putin believes that if a fight is inevitable, you strike first, where we are today is all part of a script which is unbelievably dangerous.

The Debt Limit
The question is why? Why are we being railroaded into a potential world war and all the economic, cultural, and personal devastation that comes along with that? It makes little to no sense to kill off a tremendous number of people who for decades have been a source of nearly unlimited, unimaginable wealth and power, unless you deem them nothing more than an economic burden incapable of providing any net benefit to society. This is the totalitarian thinking of the high priests of the World Economic Forum. The system of wealth extraction through debt issuance has reached its predictable limit. Keynesian-esque macroeconomics’ inherently flawed principles would always lead us to this moment. It is that moment where the bills are coming due to pay for the social welfare systems of the West, especially the very generous ones of Europe, built on US subsidies of Europe’s defense and dollar debasement both enforced by a dominant US military. So, the problem facing Davos was simple, “How do we default on our promises to the people without losing any of the power we currently enjoy?” It is simple, really. You purposefully crash the global economy using rising social and economic inequality to set people against each other. You first take them to war with each other and then, once things are ripe for collapse, you manufacture a war with those societies or countries which refuse to go along with your plans, in this case Russia and then China and blame them for the people’s suffering. The entitlement programs of the West are beyond bankrupt. There is no way to grow out of these unfunded liabilities, which, for example, in the US are more than $96 trillion according to a 2021 study at truthinaccounting.org. That’s not counting state pension systems or private corporation pension systems who are also trillions in arrears. The numbers are simply insane. Everyone knows it and it’s obvious that the way to deal with the problem is by defaulting on it little by little. Davos’ plan is to crash the economy, default on the sovereign debt, forgive the private debt of those most politically aligned with them, i.e. students in the US and Europe, and issue a completely unbacked digital currency funded only through the flow of taxes replete with a full-scale surveillance state. In order to crash the global economy that means breaking the basic bonds of the economy itself, making investment into commodity and energy production maximally uncertain through rapid and rampant price inflation caused by supply chain breakdown. That is where we are today and they have blamed this on COVID-19, which was not the culprit. Idiotic lockdowns and vast monetary stimulus are the main causes of the situation we are in today, none of which was necessary to combat the virus. Davos et.al. have understood that the current monetary system would end with geometric debt issuance leading to its collapse. So, the choices were clear, either unmoor money from debt, ushering in MMT, or force a contraction on the rest of the world. This is the essence of the Great Reset. Because Russia and China openly defied this play by refusing to go along with using Climate Change as the excuse, world war is now their preferred option. This has left Davos and the rest of the globalist oligarchy in the Anglosphere and Europe united in their need to lay the blame on someone other than themselves. Because if we ever figure this out en masse, it won’t be Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping getting overthrown it will be Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Ursula Von der Leyen and Mario Draghi. The gambit here is obvious. If the West cannot use what’s left of its immense political and economic power to bring Russia and China to heel through the US military and intelligence operations in Ukraine to bleed Russia white, then the West’s economy will run out of momentum and collapse in on itself while leaving the rest of the world free to muddle through, admittedly with less for a decade or so, but without the veneer of Western control. If this sounds insane to you, it’s because it is. But that’s the madness we’re dealing with here. 

Even after watching this play out for so many years now, this obvious passion play isn’t completely descriptive of what’s going on here. It’s something far deeper than this, something far darker. I’m speaking about what I perceive to be their psychology. We are dealing with people who have ruled from the shadows for so long, who have amassed so much wealth and power, that their belief in their rightness came from their past successes. They say, “We are superior to the masses because we have successfully controlled them in the past. That is prima facie evidence then that we are entitled to lead humanity into the next age.” We are the elite. You are the tax cattle. Culling some of you is not only the right thing to do, but also, in a sense, our birthright. This sense of invincibility, this zenith of their arrogance has taken an even more dangerous turn. Because they used lies and manipulation of data, the media, and basic human psychology to create fake crises like COVID-19 and Global Warming to push their agenda of power everlasting they have unleashed the kind of chaos which only leads to war because they have convinced too many people to be as self-righteous as they are. This is why people like Von der Leyen or Draghi look so offended whenever they issue some new edict sanctioning Russia or wayward members of the European Union. It’s disbelief that anyone would question their wisdom. And that’s the scariest part of all of this. It is this complete descent into madness that reverses their meritocratic argument. Because if success was the only measure of one’s righteousness, then they would welcome new people into the fold who have been successful in rising to meet them as equals and see value in them. But clearly, they do not, or they would have accepted the many offers from Russia and China to carve up the world into obvious spheres of influence between the multiple poles of the post Soviet world. This would have preserved far more of their power than the path they have embarked on. It wouldn’t need to be war unless someone was out to prove a point and satisfy an unquenchable need. So, something else is obviously at play here. Davos and their political apparatchiks in power believe that because they are in charge, they are entitled to lead because they have the best ideas. It is this entitlement, this fervent belief in their superiority that is what we are facing. That their ideas, their foresightedness, is the only solution to humanity’s problems as they have defined them – overpopulation, resource scarcity, pollution, etc. It doesn’t matter what anyone else wants, to solve the virus of humanity itself is to bring it so low that a fully formed technocratic tyranny would then be welcomed by people on the edge of despair and starvation. Davos saw the future brought on by a massive advance in productivity over the past thirty years and can’t conceive of how they will find things to do with all of these now, in the words of the WEF’s Yuval Harari, “useless people.” They have created an entire class of middle managers, high priests of technocracy, who truly believe these cynical crises are real. They have no faith that humanity is capable of self-regulation or temperance. They have corrupted not just the politics of the age but the very souls of the people who follow them. And that religious fervor in the eyes of Europe’s true believers like Guy Verhofstadt, Tony Blair, Mark Carney, and Emmanuel Macron isn’t fake. It’s real. It’s as real as yours and my revulsion at the very thought of being ruled by them. To that list I will now add the most dangerous one of all, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is clearly only operating from the perspective of starting a wider war to satisfy his own sick fantasies. I don’t buy the idea at this point that Zelenskyy is a tool. He’s a willing partner, having steered this ship right into this nuclear bomb containing iceberg. If he cared about his people he would have surrendered weeks ago, called a real truce and cut a deal with Russia that spared the lives of thousands. Instead, he has gone on tour promoting war and death without any pretense of remorse for the dead and the larger consequences. On the Anglo side of the fence, we have grifters like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Boris Johnson. They aren’t true believers per se, maybe Obama, but they are certainly venal enough to be bought off with the spoils of the system. That makes them almost as dangerous. The Heartland or No Man’s Land? The situation now is the culmination of my worst projections of where we could go when we opened 2022. Davos is arming Europe through the Biden administration to openly fight a war with Russia over Ukraine. The EU itself is gearing up to become a military power independent from the US which is where the bulk of the EU’s monetary stimulus will go in the coming years. In the two months since this war started there have been almost too many instances of unnecessary provocations aimed at those countries who refuse to go along with this. 

In the lead up to the war in Ukraine Vladimir Putin made a number of significant moves to shore up support across all of Asia. He and his diplomatic right hand, Lavrov, made the entire round across Asia and Eastern Europe. I think Putin knew a year ago that it was going to come down to this spring. It’s why he cut major deals with Narendra Modi in India in November. Visited Viktor Orban in Budapest. Met with the leaders of many of the OPEC nations, especially with Saudi Arabia, securing a weapons and military hardware deal. Saudi Arabia finally ended the war in Yemen, began facilitating talks with the Arab League to bring Syria in from the cold. OPEC+ continues to defy EU calls to replace Russian oil and gas, reiterating its stance in mid-April that it is not possible to offset Russian oil exports. This is either a direct snub of the EU and the US refusing to break the cartel or it’s an admission that OPEC is already pumping at near maximum capacity. Moreover, Putin recently took a call from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman where the two agreed on all major points, including bilateral trade, defense, and the cohesion of OPEC+. This implied an even stronger relationship than at any time in the past. Lastly, Putin had multiple significant meetings with his counterpart in China, Xi, to put in place the financial infrastructure to defend Russia from the inevitable economic apartheid that would come from the West the minute he made any move. The biggest transgression, outside of his invading Ukraine, was hosting now former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, in Moscow to discuss a major gas pipeline across Afghanistan into Pakistan. This was the first time since the 1990’s that a Pakistani leader visited the Kremlin. The US was openly hostile to this, publicly telling Khan not to go. He did and within a month of his visit to Moscow, he is now the ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan. Regime change is the phrase of the day in Washington D.C. Prominent members of Congress and President Biden himself have now called for both Putin’s removal from power and outright assassination. Speaker Nancy Pelosi canceled at the last minute a trip to Taiwan, citing a positive COVID test, which would have put US/ Chinese relations on even thinner ice. This all confirms what I have been saying since the beginning of the Biden administration, that all these foreign policy ‘mistakes’ were nothing of the sort. They were purposeful provocations for the purpose of leading to a permanent rift between East and West. Not until the day that Russia crossed the border into Ukraine did I believe we would wind up in an actual hot war. Not until Russia’s failed attempt to capture Kiev to end the war quickly did I think we would see this level of insanity. Never in my life have I been so sad to have been wrong. Never have I not wanted to write these words. But that is the reality we have to face today."

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On 4/16/2022 at 12:53 AM, Benjamin Cole said:


I lived in America 60 years, and they were saying that for the last 30 years---"Americans won't do this work." 

So, millions of Americans are willing to go to Afghanistan and Iraq, in horrid heat and carrying 90-pound packs, and get their heads blown off, but not willing to do manual labor in the US?  

For the right wage, Americans, and people everywhere on the planet, will do the work.

Supply and demand. Econ 101. Yes, wages may have to rise to fill some positions---good! 

Are you the face of the New Donk Party? Higher blue-collar wages are bad.

Add on: I hope the Donks learn to stop calling everyone, everywhere, 24/7, a "racist."  Do Donks ever feel sheepish, or self-righteous, about defining whole groups of people they never met as "racists." 

If you meet some racists from a particular demographic, party or group, does that mean all people in that group are racists?

"They are all alike. They are all racists" ?




Ben:I lived in America 60 years, and they were saying that for the last 30 years---"Americans won't do this work." So, millions of Americans are willing to go to Afghanistan and Iraq, in horrid heat and carrying 90-pound packs, and get their heads blown off, but not willing to do manual labor in the US?

Well, since you've lived here 60 years, then you know the answer to that question is ---yes, right. We've had no problem recruiting soldiers for a volunteer army, and you never see  white people out on the fields.  

You know I asked you once if we should have a minimum wage and you didn't answer?

Ben:For the right wage, Americans, and people everywhere on the planet, will do the work.Supply and demand. Econ 101. Yes, wages may have to rise to fill some positions---good! 

Ok, and how would you accomplish that? What  you're really asking for is something that will monumentally change our free market capitalist system.

The closest thing I can interpret from what your asking is called a "guaranteed living wage."

Then you come up with this idiocy.

Ben: Are you the face of the New Donk Party? Higher blue-collar wages are bad.Then this rant! Add on: I hope the Donks learn to stop calling everyone, everywhere, 24/7, a "racist."  Do Donks ever feel sheepish, or self-righteous, about defining whole groups of people they never met as "racists." 

So when you remove all your slogans, buzzwords, dogwhistles,  and faux drama.You actually thought the candidate most likely to bring you that was Donald Trump?,and then seeing him in office for years trying to slashing benefits to everyday people, giving tax cuts to the wealthy, you still believed this?

There is only one candidate who outright  has come out for Guaranteed Living Wage and it's a Democrat Bernie Sanders, and maybe Elizabeth Warren, and yes Ben, that is about as anti Corporate and anti "Globalist" as you can get. You come off in these statements as if you think you're the only guy who would stand up for the working man? And you're not even aware of this?

So do you believe in a guaranteed living wage or was all this drama just designed to impress us that your heart is with the everyday guy?  Because all this knowledge was readily available to you. Are you sure you're not trying to BS us?.

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Ben:I lived in America 60 years, and they were saying that for the last 30 years---"Americans won't do this work." So, millions of Americans are willing to go to Afghanistan and Iraq, in horrid heat and carrying 90-pound packs, and get their heads blown off, but not willing to do manual labor in the US?

Well, since you've lived here 60 years, then you know the answer to that question is ---yes, right. We've had no problem recruiting soldiers for a volunteer army, and you never see  white people out on the fields.  

You know I asked you once if we should have a minimum wage and you didn't answer?

Ben:For the right wage, Americans, and people everywhere on the planet, will do the work.Supply and demand. Econ 101. Yes, wages may have to rise to fill some positions---good! 

Ok, and how would you accomplish that? What  you're really asking for is something that will monumentally change our free market capitalist system.

The closest thing I can interpret from what your asking is called a "guaranteed living wage."

Then you come up with this idiocy.

Ben: Are you the face of the New Donk Party? Higher blue-collar wages are bad.Then this rant! Add on: I hope the Donks learn to stop calling everyone, everywhere, 24/7, a "racist."  Do Donks ever feel sheepish, or self-righteous, about defining whole groups of people they never met as "racists." 

So when you remove all your slogans, buzzwords, dogwhistles,  and faux drama.You actually thought the candidate most likely to bring you that was Donald Trump?,and then seeing him in office for years trying to slashing benefits to everyday people, giving tax cuts to the wealthy, you still believed this?

There is only one candidate who outright  has come out for Guaranteed Living Wage and it's a Democrat Bernie Sanders, and maybe Elizabeth Warren, and yes Ben, that is about as anti Corporate and anti "Globalist" as you can get. You come off in these statements as if you think you're the only guy who would stand up for the working man? And you're not even aware of this?

So do you believe in a guaranteed living wage or was all this drama just designed to impress us that your heart is with the everyday guy?  Because all this knowledge was readily available to you. Are you sure you're not trying to BS us?.


I prefer the US move to higher wages through market mechanisms. That is, enforcement of immigration laws.

I am not anti-immigrant, or anti-anybody. But if a First World nation has open borders to a Third World gateway, we see the results. 

Which the elite Donks and 'Phants cheer! The coprolitic Purple Party!

Wages get eroded. 

Friends back in the US tell me McDonalds is presently offering $16 an hour in inland California. That's about $32,000 a year. 

A young couple working at McDonalds could make $64,000 a year. That does not strike me as so bad. Maybe it tight labor markets persist, it will get higher. 

Yes, I think globalism has had poor results for the American middle class...and excellent results for the elites who run both parties. 

I stand by my sentiment that DC foreign-trade-military-immigration policies are made by elite globalists. 

Trump was an oddity in that he applied tariffs on China imports, and tried to secure the Southern border. That does not make Trump a nice guy or good man. 

It just shows you how totally corrupted some US policies are that even a Trump was an improvement. 





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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Wages get eroded. 

 Wages are not eroding! There's actually a labor shortage. You've been spouting the Fox mantra for so long you have no idea what's really going on in the states.

 Anybody in the U.S.  who requires services could be serviced by immigrants. If you're in the Hotel industry, whether it's a corporate chain or a small hotel owner , they requires immigrants to clean. The restaurant industry would collapse without immigrants. Why because whites don't want to do those jobs. Is that simple!!

First off it's

Ben: Are you the face of the New Donk Party? Higher blue-collar wages are bad.T

Then it's

Ben:But if a First World nation has open borders to a Third World gateway, we see the results. Which the elite Donks and 'Phants cheer! The coprolitic Purple Party!

Oh it's the ":donks and the phants" now Ben and we're not directly accused of  anything? That was quite a rant! We could be insulted but maybe  a few too many Mai Thai's?  😝   🙃🤥


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43 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

 Wages are not eroding! There's actually a labor shortage. You've been spouting the Fox mantra for so long you have no idea what's really going on in the states.

 Anybody in the U.S.  who requires services could be serviced by immigrants. If you're in the Hotel industry, whether it's a corporate chain or a small hotel owner , they requires immigrants to clean. The restaurant industry would collapse without immigrants. Why because whites don't want to do those jobs. Is that simple!!

First off it's

Ben: Are you the face of the New Donk Party? Higher blue-collar wages are bad.T

Then it's

Ben:But if a First World nation has open borders to a Third World gateway, we see the results. Which the elite Donks and 'Phants cheer! The coprolitic Purple Party!

Oh it's the ":donks and the phants" now Ben and we're not directly accused of  anything? That was quite a rant! We could be insulted but maybe  a few too many Mai Thai's?  😝   🙃🤥


To respond to any more of your posts, I will need a string of Mai Tais....a carousel of Mai Tais...platoons of Mai Tais

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