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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:


John Bolton on CNN openly boasting that he has planned Coup d’etat’s. Something they’ve denied for decades. 

Well, you know, Bolton brags about coups, and Biden brags about gruesomely killing some guy in Syria. 

You have the neo-cons and the neo-liberals...if you can tell one from the other....

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10 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You have the neo-cons and the neo-liberals...if you can tell one from the other....

We’re very fortunate that one wears a red tie and one wears a blue, otherwise it’d be very difficult to tell them apart. Voters are so lucky that candidates identify as one thing or another, or it could get so confusing. 

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

After Tuesday's Jan. 6th investigative committee hearing former Watergate star witness John Dean stated "Trump is in trouble."

It is my view that with each new hearing we are seeing a deconstruction of Trump's Jan 6th coup attempt and other constitution violating crimes culpability defense to such a devastating degree that the case against Trump has truly reached a "beyond reasonable doubt" tipping point.

This is the most intelligent and well planned and thought out congressional investigation into highest governmental wrong doings I have ever seen since Watergate.

The committee's investigative effort is so thoroughly well researched, well coordinated and well presented even our own justice department realizes how behind the curve they are in their own task of investigating the possible crimes committed by Trump, et al.

Sadly, all the incredible hard work fact finding efforts of this committee could end up wasted and meaningless if the Justice department blows their end of the investigation and use of these committee's findings in bringing true justice to bear on what the committee has so clearly presented and already proven ( in my opinion ) as high crimes against our constitutional democracy.



      I agree with your assessment of the high quality of this Congressional J6 investigation, especially in comparison with sham investigations like the Warren Commission, 9/11 Commission, Whitewater, and Benghazi.

     But I also believe that these J6 hearings are valuable for the country, regardless of what the DOJ does.

     Why?  Because 68% of Fox News viewers in a recent poll still blame Antifa for Trump's J6 coup attempt!

     We still have a substantial proportion of the U.S. population-- 25-30%-- who are living Trump's Big Lie in the MAGA-verse bubble.

     The Trump cult needs to be de-programmed through exposure to the truth.

     Unfortunately, most of them are refusing to watch the J6 hearings, and frantically focusing on shiny objects like Hunter Biden's laptop, the current (worldwide) inflation problem, or false equivalence arguments-- as if there were no real differences between Trump's anti-democratic, fascist cult and progressive Democrats.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


      I agree with your assessment of the high quality of this Congressional J6 investigation, especially in comparison with sham investigations like the Warren Commission, 9/11 Commission, Whitewater, and Benghazi.

     But I also believe that these J6 hearings are valuable for the country, regardless of what the DOJ does.

     Why?  Because 68% of Fox News viewers in a recent poll still blame Antifa for Trump's J6 coup attempt!

     We still have a substantial proportion of the U.S. population-- 25-30%-- who are living Trump's Big Lie in the MAGA-verse bubble.

     The Trump cult needs to be de-programmed through exposure to the truth.

     Unfortunately, most of them are refusing to watch the J6 hearings, and frantically focusing on shiny objects like Hunter Biden's laptop, the current (worldwide) inflation problem, or false equivalence arguments-- as if there were no real differences between Trump's anti-democratic, fascist cult and progressive Democrats.


With each huge Trump crime truth revelation exposing committee hearing there is a small but steady erosion of the delusional Trump false reality myths that his blindly loyal base has desperately and irrationally clung onto in defending him.

These hearings ( shown nationally 6 times now with massive coverage ) and the Trump crimes they are exposing are so powerfully documented in every way...they are actually over-riding the Fox News propaganda machines influence

with even a growing percentage of their own previously locked in Trump cult followers (who still have some sense of their own independent thinking thought processes) now realizing there is just too much proof being presented that their leader is not who Fox News portrays him to be nor his election interference crimes not being as serious as they are. 

It is the constant showing of multiple hearings over a long period of time that is keeping them relevant.

Most Americans for many reasons have very short attention spans when it comes to following the news with any significant and intelligent thought. Even extremely important and impacting event stories such as the super violent and death and injury causing attempted coup on January 6th, 2021 will not hold their attention with just one two or three hearings.

The extended hearings where the Trump election stopping attempts

are kept on the front pages and top TV news shows for months, and with more and more indisputable proof of wrong doings coming from them, can't help but have an effect on countering all the Trump defending propaganda pumped out every day and night by that massive right wing propaganda machine of Fox News and right wing radio.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Whatever your political views, can anyone explain why a hearsay witness (Carrie Hutchinson) was put on national TV at the 1/6 hearings (an emergency session!), but the actual witnesses to the gigantically important tussle inside the President limo have not even been asked (let alone subpoenaed) to testify?

Is it of no concern that the actual witnesses have indicated that they will testify under oath that the tussle-event never happened, at least in the way portrayed? 

So...are you watching a scripted TV show? 

Should an independent observer conclude that if this is 1/6 standard for how narratives and evidence are crafted...that perhaps it is better to wait an actual trial, before drawing any conclusions? 

Would anyone at the forum accept hearsay testimony against LHO if there were actual eyewitness testimony that contradicted the hearsay testimony? 

If in another case, the government presented hearsay evidence against a defendant, and prevented actual eyewitness evidence from being presented...what would you conclude? 

I think you would conclude you were watching a kangaroo trial. 



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Biden details US raid in Syria that left ISIS leader dead

He made White House remarks on the dramatic Special Forces operation.

By Luis Martinez

February 04, 2022, 3:11 AM


U.S. drone strike kills al Qaeda-linked commander in Syria. He was riding a motorcycle

JUNE 28, 2022 / 8:11 AM / AP



The US military killed a leader of the Islamic State on Tuesday in an airstrike in Syria, (President) Joe Biden said.--The Guardian--July 13 


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I had heard the term purging voter rolls but not aware of it being done in this fashion or to this extent.  It is repugnant if effective tactic which should be illegal.  It almost certainly changed the 2000 presidential election, likely 2004.  As well as the last Georgia governor's election.   And if DeSantis won by 1/2 of 1% . . .  Go figure.  "Democracy" in action?

Is Ron DeSantis getting ready to pull a Jeb Bush? - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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33 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

I had heard the term purging voter rolls but not aware of it being done in this fashion or to this extent.  It is repugnant if effective tactic which should be illegal.  It almost certainly changed the 2000 presidential election, likely 2004.  As well as the last Georgia governor's election.   And if DeSantis won by 1/2 of 1% . . .  Go figure.  "Democracy" in action?

Is Ron DeSantis getting ready to pull a Jeb Bush? - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism 


I have become increasingly skeptical of the use, by both parties, of absentee ballots. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says Bush jr. prevailed in Ohio, in 2004, through the bogus use of such ballots. 

My understanding is that in Europe, voter ID is required before voting. I do not know if they have absentee voting. 

Interesting topic. 


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53 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

It's almost as if she was sent there with the intent of making the J6 Committee look stupid.

Remember when Adam Schiff read what he thought was a verbatim transcript of the call between Orange Man Bad and the Ukrainian President, and they later released the actual recorded call, and neither was like the other? Same thing.

The Legacy Media and the Dems will follow any story that affirms their narrative right over a cliff, every time.

So Carrie Hutchinson made the whole thing up. What are they going to do, charge their star witness with perjury or contempt of Congress?


Hey, I'm going to a Right Wing Militia at midnight tomorrow in the NJ Pine Barrens if you want to join. We're going to talk about insurrections and AK-47s and how to be a better climate change denier.

Park in Shamong and walk 3.2 miles due east. Sit there until someone comes to find you. No flashlights. Lot's of mosquito and tick spray is advised.

Whatever you do, don't tell anyone from the Legacy Media about the secret location, deep in the woods, in the dark, miles from anywhere. They might show up and catch us red-handed, concocting more diabolical plans. 


Sadly, I must agree with the thrust of your comments regarding legacy media. 

I was a reporter for part of my checkered and not-illustrious careers.  Job One is report what is true, and let the chips fall where they may. 

The "Hunter Biden laptop is a Russian disinformation story" ranks there with Life magazine reporting, shortly after the JFKA, that JFK had been shot through the throat when he turned to look at the TSBD. 

Life's December 6, 1963 issue. Life reports, 

"The 8mm [Zapruder] film shows the President turning his body far around to the right as he waves to someone in the crowd. His throat is exposed to the sniper's nest [in the TSBD] just before he clutches it." 

Another interesting aspect:  Life in November 1963 had prepared to run a story about LBJ corruption that likely would have ended LBJ's career---a story that was bumped when JFK was shot. And then never ran.

Since the 1960s, what has changed in legacy media? 

Except legacy media being even more-deeply compromised?  

The 1/6 Cheney-crat committee hearing, perhaps even more than most government hearings, deserves fair but skeptical media reception.

Those words...well, nice sentiments. 






Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I had heard the term purging voter rolls but not aware of it being done in this fashion or to this extent.  It is repugnant if effective tactic which should be illegal.  It almost certainly changed the 2000 presidential election, likely 2004.  As well as the last Georgia governor's election.   And if DeSantis won by 1/2 of 1% . . .  Go figure.  "Democracy" in action?

Is Ron DeSantis getting ready to pull a Jeb Bush? - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism 

I'm glad, I think that Nixon didn't exploit this tactic.  He likely would have invaded Cuba in support of the BOP.  How might Russia have responded?

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