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6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

“WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI agents who searched former President Donald Trump’s Florida home last month found empty folders marked with classified banners, according to a more detailed inventory of the seized material made public by the Justice Department on Friday. “

“The inventory shows that 43 empty folders with classified banners were taken from a box or container at the office, along with an additional 28 empty folders labeled as “Return to Staff Secretary” or military aide. Empty folders of that nature were also found in a storage closet.”

“It is not clear from the inventory list why any of the folders were empty or what might have happened to any of the documents inside.”

That stuff could be anywhere in the world by now.

This is beyond scary.

Steve Thomas

National security is at stake. Who has the documents that were originally in the files? Friends or foes?

I think it's time the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg example was put into play...arrest and conviction, followed by swift punishment.

WHY? Because as of noon on January 20, 2021, Donald J. Trump's term of office ended. That means from that point forward, he is no longer President, no longer has "executive privilege," and no longer has THE NECESSARY SECURITY CLEARANCE TO VIEW SUCH DOCUMENTS...MUCH LESS POSSESS THEM.

Reality Winner got a 5-year sentence for possessing ONE such document.

Trump had HOW MANY such documents?

Ben, that's NOT "Deep State" stuff. That's ESPIONAGE ACT violation stuff.

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That was a spooky speech by Biden. 

The brothel-devil red background, the Marine guards posed like Academy Award Oscars, the sometimes slurred presentation by Biden demonizing a large swath of his countrymen. (Was this doomer-show produced by the ABC producer who is putting on the 1/6 hearings)?

More hints that a US civil war is brewing. That's what the CIA-financed analysts are saying, so it must be true.

Biden looked a little nutty. But then Trump looked nutty too.  But Trump never appeared in such a creepy setting. 

These are our choices? 


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Other Presidents have made speeches with American troops in the background. I saw a photo just today of former President George W. Bush speaking from an aircraft carrier [whether it was before or after the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner was unfurled was unclear.

Please tell me that you don't recall former President Trump demonizing large portions of our citizens. I'll gladly post the video clips for you.

But the only ones I hear threatening war in the streets are Trump supporters like Lindsey Graham, who said that would happen if Trump was to be arrested. I don't hear anyone on the other side threatening to take arms to the streets other than Trump supporters. 

But I'm living in America, so maybe I'm not close enough to where this is all happening. [That's sarcasm, in case you didn't understand.]

On the other hand, if Trump supporters bring a physical battle to my home, I don't intend to put down my arms and surrender to them. If the need arises, I will stand up to vigilante injustice and defend my home.

Since Trump is no longer President, he has no right to handle OR POSSESS ANY classified documents. He no longer holds the office that gives him clearance to see them. NO ex-President retains that right once they leave office. 

And if he [allegedly] declassified them, why are those documents not readily available to the press? It shouldn't take an FOIA lawsuit to obtain unclassified documents. 

Your excuses for Trump are wearing thin, Ben. Remember, once he was no longer the Chief Executive, executive privilege for him ceased to exist. The "Deep State" isn't "out to get" Trump. They never were. He's one of them, the oligarchy. If anything, the "Deep State" is simply tired of him, and no longer gives a rat's azz about him.

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35 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

That was a spooky speech by Biden. 

The brothel-devil red background, the Marine guards posed like Academy Award Oscars, the sometimes slurred presentation by Biden demonizing a large swath of his countrymen. (Was this doomer-show produced by the ABC producer who is putting on the 1/6 hearings)?

More hints that a US civil war is brewing. That's what the CIA-financed analysts are saying, so it must be true.

Biden looked a little nutty. But then Trump looked nutty too.  But Trump never appeared in such a creepy setting. 

These are our choices? 



      Thanks for sharing your latest weird dispatch from the Siamese MAGA-verse.

      It's Orwellian, indeed, but not in the way that you imagine -- as if Biden condemning Trumplican fascism is "spooky," and Trumplican fascism isn't? 

     War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Anti-fascism is fascism?

      It reminds me of the Obama years, when Fox News watchers compared Obama to Hitler for issuing his DACA executive order, after the Tea Party House refused to pass the Senate immigration bill.

     Talk about yer liberal Demonrat dictator!  🤥

     At least you didn't refer to Biden as "Pedo-Hitler" tonight -- a trope I read on a less scholarly forum today.


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Trump calls Democrats "Fascists" in January, 2020

And notice the military personnel in the background.

Ben, you should be a better researcher than what I've seen on this thread.

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1 hour ago, Mark Knight said:

Other Presidents have made speeches with American troops in the background. I saw a photo just today of former President George W. Bush speaking from an aircraft carrier [whether it was before or after the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner was unfurled was unclear.

Please tell me that you don't recall former President Trump demonizing large portions of our citizens. I'll gladly post the video clips for you.

But the only ones I hear threatening war in the streets are Trump supporters like Lindsey Graham, who said that would happen if Trump was to be arrested. I don't hear anyone on the other side threatening to take arms to the streets other than Trump supporters. 

But I'm living in America, so maybe I'm not close enough to where this is all happening. [That's sarcasm, in case you didn't understand.]

On the other hand, if Trump supporters bring a physical battle to my home, I don't intend to put down my arms and surrender to them. If the need arises, I will stand up to vigilante injustice and defend my home.

Since Trump is no longer President, he has no right to handle OR POSSESS ANY classified documents. He no longer holds the office that gives him clearance to see them. NO ex-President retains that right once they leave office. 

And if he [allegedly] declassified them, why are those documents not readily available to the press? It shouldn't take an FOIA lawsuit to obtain unclassified documents. 

Your excuses for Trump are wearing thin, Ben. Remember, once he was no longer the Chief Executive, executive privilege for him ceased to exist. The "Deep State" isn't "out to get" Trump. They never were. He's one of them, the oligarchy. If anything, the "Deep State" is simply tired of him, and no longer gives a rat's azz about him.

I don't have any excuses for Trump.

All I ever said is get Trump into trial with specific charges, wherein he has a stout defense, and let the chips fall where they may. 

I stand by my statement that the 1/6 committee has been a TV show trial, and Biden's speech was stage-managed but somehow came off as creepy-looking. 

The fact that the 1/6 hearings are a show trial does not exonerate Trump, anymore than the WC report exonerates LHO. 

It just makes one pose questions.  What is the true purpose of the WC report, or the 1/6 hearings? 

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


      Thanks for sharing your latest weird dispatch from the Siamese MAGA-verse.

      It's Orwellian, indeed, but not in the way that you imagine -- as if Biden condemning Trumplican fascism is "spooky," and Trumplican fascism isn't? 

     War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Anti-fascism is fascism?

      It reminds me of the Obama years, when Fox News watchers compared Obama to Hitler for issuing his DACA executive order, after the Tea Party House refused to pass the Senate immigration bill.

     Talk about yer liberal Demonrat dictator!  🤥

     At least you didn't refer to Biden as "Pedo-Hitler" tonight -- a trope I read on a less scholarly forum today.


The Biden speech had a creepy feeling about it---so much so, that CNN color adjusted down the blood-red background mid-broadcast.

This Biden speech looks stage-managed by a Hollywood producer who had more misplaced regard for lurid drama than statesmanship. 

I think the folks at The Hill did a good report on the speech, and they are unaffiliated and pleasant people. You should watch their broadcast. 

CIA-minions are promoting the idea of a civil war in America. Why? 

I am skeptical of Biden, the Deep State and the M$M. Evidently, that makes me part of the MAGA-verse, by your lights. 

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Trump world has reached an "exhaustion" tipping point factor imo.

Except for his most cult like followers, growing chunks of his less committed base are finally admitting they can't keep up defending and cheer leading his 24/7 attacking anger campaigns against anyone and everything that doesn't promote his obsessive megalomania driven grandiose self-image promotion and his being a constant victim of injustice.

How long can anyone carry somebody else's oversized paranoid victim outrage and anger?

People have to go on and live with more peace, hope and optimism.

Trump exudes a constant angry and victimized energy.

The guy and his never ending outrage and battles are just too exhausting now.

Time to move on.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Ben's  Russia Gate hero and favorite all time AG, William Barr, (because Trump picked him) finally puts his foot down and says Trump had no right to steal government documents.

  As if anybody would have disputed that 7 years ago under Obama. But in the current Trump lunasphere,  Ben and the other Trump Anons would grant Trump unlimited power to do about anything.



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10 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

National security is at stake. Who has the documents that were originally in the files? Friends or foes?

I think it's time the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg example was put into play...arrest and conviction, followed by swift punishment.

WHY? Because as of noon on January 20, 2021, Donald J. Trump's term of office ended. That means from that point forward, he is no longer President, no longer has "executive privilege," and no longer has THE NECESSARY SECURITY CLEARANCE TO VIEW SUCH DOCUMENTS...MUCH LESS POSSESS THEM.

Reality Winner got a 5-year sentence for possessing ONE such document.

Trump had HOW MANY such documents?

Ben, that's NOT "Deep State" stuff. That's ESPIONAGE ACT violation stuff.

Mark K--

Fine. I am not a Trump supporter (except for his trade ad immigration policies, and I enjoyed his anti-PC flippancies). 

If Trump is such a bad guy, then put him on trial in a public courtroom, in which he has a stout defense, and let the chips fall where they may. 

The 1/6 show trial, or the Russiagate Hoax "investigations" are not impressive. 

To me, Trump has become a divisive diversion. 

Trump could drop dead tomorrow, and there would no change in US policies, or the decline of the nation's middle-class. 

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Open Letter to President Trump from Oathkeepers Founder Stewart Rhodes and Kellye SoRelle

December 18, 2020



We urge you to do the following simultaneously  as both the chief law enforcement officer of the nation, and as the commander in Chief:

1. INVOKE THE INSURRECTION ACT: Issue a Presidential Proclamation, directly invoking the Insurrection Act, declaring an insurrection, rebellion, and coup to be in effect by domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and traitors who are in collusion with and/or acting as agents of a foreign enemy (specifically Communist China, but also other known or unknown foreign enemies) and to call up the militia (including the National Guard, us veterans, and patriotic Americans of military age) and US military to suppress the insurrection. That proclamation should declare that domestic traitors have conspired with a foreign enemy, specifically Communist China, and have been either bribed or blackmailed by that enemy, and together they have subverted our electoral system from top to bottom to rig elections at every level, and to steal elections with the intent of overthrowing our Constitution and our way of life.

A.   Order the data seized:

B. Order a mass declassification of the dirty secrets: 

C.  Within all that data will be the evidence needed to expose the vote fraud

D.  Order a massive public “Wikileaks” style data-dump 

E.  Pardon and free Julian Assange

F.  Fire Barr and remove him from office immediately (UPDATE:

G. Appoint a special prosecutor and task force.

H.  Fire Wray and put a patriot in place as FBI Director 


2.  Order the U.S. Military to go to Defcon 2, or even Defcon 1, to defend our nation from external threats while we suppress this internal insurrection.


3.  Call the militia into federal service.




There is no way out but through. And we will NOT submit to a Chicom puppet regime. You must stand tall and use your constitutional powers to fight this war against enemies foreign and domestic while you are still President and Commander-in-Chief. If you fail to do so, we the people will have to fight a bloody revolution/civil war to throw off an illegitimate deep state/Chinese puppet regime.


Know this:  millions of American military and law enforcement veterans, and many millions more loyal patriotic American gun owners stand ready to answer your call to arms, and to obey your orders to get this done.

Stewart Rhodes

Yale Law 04

Kellye SoRelle

Texas attorney and former prosecutor


(December 18th was also the day that Flynn, Powell and Byrne met with Trump in the White House for six hours trying to get him to have the military seize all the voting machines in the country and appoint Sydney Powell as a Special Prosecutor).

Steve Thomas

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From the article: Other observers Tweeted that it was awfully suspicious that in January, 2020, Trump took thousands of government documents, some of them top secret and some of which revealed the identities of foreign agents working for the Central Intelligence Agency, and then in October, 2020, the CIA admitted to losing dozens of spies and informants abroad, who suddenly went dark. It was as though the foreign adversaries of the U.s had suddenly discovered the identities of US intelligence assets.



Empty Classified Document Folders at Trump's Office at Mar-a-Lago: Where did the Docs Go? (juancole.com)


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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