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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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20 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

People get banned from Twitter all the time; every minute of every hour of every day.

Donald Trump incited an attempted overthrow of the U.S. government, and most assuredly deserved his ban.

Jack Dorsey disagrees with you. 

Trump (like Sam BF, or Matt Gaetz in other matters) has not even been charged with a crime regarding 1/6, let alone convicted. 

Maybe purveyors of hate speech, or dick picks, or threats of violence should be banned. 

Banning people based on accusations or "investigations"...not my cup of tea. 





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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Jack Dorsey disagrees with you. 

Trump (like Sam BF, or Matt Gaetz in other matters) has not even been charged with a crime regarding 1/6, let alone convicted. 

Maybe purveyors of hate speech, or dick picks, or threats of violence should be banned. 

Banning people based on accusations or "investigations"...not my cup of tea. 

Ben if you read the Twitter files, twitter's on staff didn't think Trump incited violence, so they re wrote the terms of service so they could ban him. Sounds alot like PC Fascism huh? 

I'm in the middle of watching this video, but it's already interesting enough I'm sharing, it involved our favorite government agency CIA.. I won't spoil the rest 💯😎


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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:



Jack Dorsey apologizes for his Twitter moderation choices, saying he did the 'wrong thing for the internet and society' despite calling his decisions the 'right thing' at the time



Dorsey went on to write that he believes social media companies have amassed too much power and Twitter's decision to ban former President Donald Trump, under his own leadership, was evidence of that power taken to an extreme. 

"As I've said before, we did the right thing for the public company business at the time, but the wrong thing for the internet and society," Dorsey wrote.


A rather long mea culpa. 

Well, there is world beyond Twitter. 

So now you've turned CIA Ben? Quoting BUSINESS INSIDER! 

You were the one who said Business Insider was a CIA-MSM front!

Is that why you're calling it just "INSIDER?"


The vast majority of the party with the most registered voters approved of Trump getting kicked off twitter.
A strong majority of independents approved as well.
Traditional Republicans did as well.
Then there's a sizable group who don't care one way or another.
This isn't Thailand Ben, we don't have a Monarchy. We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule or shouldn't.
Now the majority in it's infinite wisdom (which sometimes I question) turned out to make the right decision, as now verified by the last election and Donald Trump's present poll numbers.
Dream is over.
Ben: Banning people based on accusations or "investigations"...not my cup of tea. 
Maybe purveyors of hate speech, or dick picks, or threats of violence should be banned. 
To that I would say we've seen how fast our justice system works in that it's been 2 years since we first got the taped evidence that Trump tried to illegally throw the election in Georgia and he hasn't even been prosecuted yet! So in your own stated case for banning, are we to wait for court verdicts in the case of Hate speech, dick picks, or threats of violence? You see how hypocritical that sounds.
Sounds like Dorsey, like Taibbi is making a case for "Government Deep State" control? Being a CIA mouthpiece  now Ben, I guess you'd like that!        heh heh
Incidentally, Jack Dorsey  isn't CEO of Square as that name was changed to Block, after blockchain.(crypto reference)
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11 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

People get banned from Twitter all the time; every minute of every hour of every day.


5 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Matt, probably should wait until the next page to contradict yourself...


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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

So now you've turned CIA Ben? Quoting BUSINESS INSIDER! 

You were the one who said Business Insider was a CIA-MSM front!

Is that why you're calling it just "INSIDER?"


The vast majority of the party with the most registered voters approved of Trump getting kicked off twitter.
A strong majority of independents approved as well.
Traditional Republicans did as well.
Then there's a sizable group who don't care one way or another.
This isn't Thailand Ben, we don't have a Monarchy. We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule or shouldn't.
Now the majority in it's infinite wisdom (which sometimes I question) turned out to make the right decision, as now verified by the last election and Donald Trump's present poll numbers.
Dream is over.
Ben: Banning people based on accusations or "investigations"...not my cup of tea. 
Maybe purveyors of hate speech, or dick picks, or threats of violence should be banned. 
To that I would say we've seen how fast our justice system works in that it's been 2 years since we first got the taped evidence that Trump tried to illegally throw the election in Georgia and he hasn't even been prosecuted yet! So in your own stated case for banning, are we to wait for court verdicts in the case of Hate speech, dick picks, or threats of violence? You see how hypocritical that sounds.
Sounds like Dorsey, like Taibbi is making a case for "Government Deep State" control? Being a CIA mouthpiece  now Ben, I guess you'd like that!        heh heh
Incidentally, Jack Dorsey  isn't CEO of Square as that name was changed to Block, after blockchain.(crypto reference)


Thank you for your insights. I hope Trump, an unnecessarily divisive figure, goes back to TV reality shows.

I hope the populist wing of the GOP matures and effectively alters rules regarding trade and immigration, and reduces taxes on wages, and sheds its less-attractive aspects. 

Yeah, I wondered about Insider running that Dorsey mea culpa. They are somewhat CIA funded.  

If I am a CIA mouthpiece, then I want more money. I have also been accused of being a Putin mouthpiece. 

I hereby declare to the CIA and Putin: My services can be bought, and please enter into a bidding war. 

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35 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Yes, it seems like Musk made the right decision.

Twitter will follow his aircraft, but with a delay. 

Musk is a highly visible figure, and anger towards him was been whipped up into extremes.

If one wants to toss around the pseudo-profound expression "stochastic terrorism," then Musk is a victim of that. 

Taylor Lorenz said Musk is opening up the "gates of hell."  

Unfortunately, in a nation of 330 million (the US), or a world of billions, there are some real dangerous nuts loose, both left-wing and right-wing, or religious, feminist-misandrist, or nationalist or whatever. 

I would not want to be in the public eye today. Utter one mildly wrong expression, make the "wrong" policy choice, and your career could end, or the public turns on you like a pack of hyenas. 




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1 minute ago, Chris Barnard said:



7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
The vast majority of the party with the most registered voters approved of Trump getting kicked off twitter.
A strong majority of independents approved as well.
Traditional Republicans did as well.
Then there's a sizable group who don't care one way or another.
This isn't Thailand Ben, we don't have a Monarchy. We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule or shouldn't.


Chris said of Kirk-Chris:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule

Bother to read Chris : Misquote:

Kirk: We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule or shouldn't.

Nice one! Chris! With your typical thoroughness and detail!


On to the big fish:

Twitter is reportedly not paying rent for its offices as Musk warns users to 'beware of debt' Elon Musk has reportedly asked Twitter employees to renegotiate deals signed with vendors and partners—and to withhold payment if needed. Elon Musk's Twitter may have a new strategy to get costs down: Just skip payments.13 hours ago
Maybe Musk can make progress in securing the "Deadbeat vote" to go along with the bots for his mock twitter polls.. As he hasn't been paying rent on his Twitter offices. I'm sure that will be greeted with defiant praise from the Musk fanboys who wish they could do the same. But will gladly cheer on the mega billionaire over the millionaires.
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46 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:



Chris said of Kirk-Chris:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule

Bother to read Chris : Misquote:

Kirk: We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule or shouldn't.

Nice one! Chris! With your typical thoroughness and detail!


On to the big fish:

Twitter is reportedly not paying rent for its offices as Musk warns users to 'beware of debt' Elon Musk has reportedly asked Twitter employees to renegotiate deals signed with vendors and partners—and to withhold payment if needed. Elon Musk's Twitter may have a new strategy to get costs down: Just skip payments.13 hours ago
Maybe Musk can make progress in securing the "Deadbeat vote" to go along with the bots for his mock twitter polls.. As he hasn't been paying rent on his Twitter offices. I'm sure that will be greeted with defiant praise from the Musk fanboys who wish they could do the same. But will gladly cheer on the mega billionaire over the millionaires.

It’s not like you to bite. 🙂

Misquoting is your mantra, that’s just a partial quote. The whole thing was a bit of a bore, who can blame me?! 

I think the comedy to me was you saying that “we live in a democracy.” Obviously that was over your head old boy. 

Onto Musk, again, are you looking at everything in this black and white paradigm? As if there can be no more nuanced discussion or explanation. A person is simply a hero or a villain in your thinking. We know people have the capacity to be either or both in their lifetimes. We ignore human nature and complexity with such a polarised view. To me this is clear evidence that you are being spoon fed narratives by MSM. 

I had a discussion about Musk yesterday with an investor friend, after him sending the Fauci pronouns tweet. We came to more or less the same conclusion. Beware a wolf in sheep's clothing and beware false profits. A lot of Musk’s wealth has been generated by government contracts, they could pull the plug. For those worshiping  him as a saviour, they may get a nasty surprise. However, he is making better noises than the current crop of authoritarians. Its also plausible based on his previous track record of outbursts that he is just a little “gone rogue.” He can be just the next counterpoint in this divide and rule game after the orange man has served his purpose. It would also be foolhardy to assume that given his status, that he isn’t entangled with the security apparatus in some way.

I’ll say it again, it is rather eerie the way some of you lot have switched from Trump to Musk. I can see why that is, I am not sure you impulsive types any understanding as to the why. 


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Chris said of Kirk-:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule

Kirk said:-:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule, or shouldn't.

And that's a lot different! That was specifically added because in my country, we currently have a clear minority of people who think they should rule, and we're determined they won't.


Chris, Stop BSing' us  by trying to change the subject. You misquoted me badly, to try to make a belittling joke, and you ended up being the joke, and if you were a mature adult, you'd acknowledge it and apologize. 

If you want to be treated as an adult, you have to act like one. 

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