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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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On 3/4/2023 at 8:04 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Donald Trump posted the following comments on his national social media website "Truth Social."

Trump viciously bashes Alvin Bragg and 'Horseface' Stormy Danials ( Daniels.)


"Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway," Trump wrote. "Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck."

"She is a great person, and will now be free to lead the kind of life that she deserves...and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!" he added.

I am always disturbingly amazed that our MSM has for years seen and heard these types of public pronouncements from Donald Trump ( hundreds ) and not reported them in their true reality context that they are exactly the kind of spoutings one would expect from a very aggressive and sadistically minded Jr. High School bully.

I remember kids like that from that pre-teen time period.

They would literally get their kicks by just blurting out insults towards other kids and in front of other kids. Taunting, demeaning, usually crude. Totally humiliating.

Hey, you're ugly. You're fat. You're a joke. You're a girl. You're a sissy. 

What are you going to do about it dog face?

These bully's were like little monsters. Everyone hated them.

Yet, by high school age most of these Jr. high school bullies pulled back because there were bigger tougher kids who would now challenge them if they tried that stuff in front of them.

However, Donald Trump has been acting and speaking like a typical junior high school bully his whole life!

I mean just as graphically mean and insulting. Regards one's physical looks, sexual inadequacies, etc. The most humiliating stuff. It truly is sadism.

This stunted adolescent sadistic bully mind set is so lifetime permeated into Donald Trump's personality he can't help himself and it's truly a pathological condition.

No mature and normal adult speaks about others in social settings like Trump does. 

Can you imagine a high society gathering where one of the main guests starts shouting out the things Trump says about others to all the other guests?

This divorce between Kellyanne Conway and her husband George for example? The most shameless, gross and even crude things he says about George Conway?

The host of such an affair would feel compelled to confront such a shouting out crude insulting person and probably have them escorted away.

Maybe someone really drunk might act out like that and say these most inappropriate things Trump says to a national audience. However, Trump says them soberly!

He doesn't have the excuse of saying..." oh, uh, well ... I was drunk."

Trump is truly a man with the mind of a 13 year old bully trapped into his body for the last 76 years!

He is emotionally stunted to a pathological degree.

A true "man/child" in this way.

Imagine what others could say about Trump and his marriage to his wife Melania? And when and if they get divorced?

Yet, most emotionally mature, intelligent and stable adults still would never post or say the most crude and insulting things Trump regularly says about others in any public forum.

Only Donald Trump does such outrageously inappropriate things.

Trump is the most pathologically inappropriate president in our history.

His never ending junior high school bully insult public pronouncements are a shameful embarrassment for us all. 

Can't understand how there aren't regular MSM editorial condemnations of Trump's never ending, crude and outrageous public behavior and comments by our most respected political commentators and journalists with national stage access status.


I believe you've captured Trump's emotional intelligence level. Age 13.

What happened to trump at age 13?

His family sent him off to military school.

While military school is generally known for "making a man" of its male students, apparently it succeeded in making a perpetual 13-year-old of Donald J. Trump. He was "shipped off" from his home and family, and for some reason, he became disconnected from emotional growth at that point. It might explain his fixation with personal loyalty, as perhaps he feels that his parents showed him none after shipping him off to military school. 

I'm no psychologist or psychiatrist, but I'm sure one would have a field day analyzing Trump. 

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18 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

These foreign wars usually become tar-babies, and this one is also, and on both sides. 

My amateur assessment, that an armistice is possible along present battle-lines, is apparently not being pursued by either side. 

Look for a long war, maybe a million dead, and possibly a ceasefire near present battle-lines in a few years. 


What would be wrong with requiring Russia to withdraw to its pre-war borders prior to an armistice? After all, Russia is the aggressor in the war in Ukraine.

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4 hours ago, Mark Knight said:


What would be wrong with requiring Russia to withdraw to its pre-war borders prior to an armistice? After all, Russia is the aggressor in the war in Ukraine.

What’s to be done about the ethnic Russians living in those eastern regions of Ukraine? The ones that were marginalised, discriminated against, ethnically cleansed?
Over 14,000 people have died between the 2014 coup and this conflict commencing. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

What’s to be done about the ethnic Russians living in those eastern regions of Ukraine? The ones that were marginalised, discriminated against, ethnically cleansed? Over 14,000 of them died between the 2014 coup and this conflict commencing. 


      I'm curious.  Would you mind citing the source of your "information" about the Russian insurgency against the Ukrainian government in eastern Ukraine?   (Preferably not a YouTube video, please.)

      BTW, did you hear about Sergey Lavrov's comic monologue in Delhi yesterday?

Audience in Delhi openly laughs as Lavrov says Ukraine war ‘launched against’ Russia

‘You know, the war, which we are trying to stop, which was launched against us,’ says Russian foreign minister


March 4, 2023

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6 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


So, our resident MAGA spammer, Mathew Koch, just falsely accused "woke" liberals of promoting pedophilia.

Then, one page later, Mathew Koch is celebrating the misleading MAGA propaganda of the notorious Republican pedo-lawyer, Alan Dershowitz...  Strange choice... 🤥

Mathew, did you bother to read your own scriptural reference from Mathew 18:6?

Do you really not know that Alan Dershowitz, like Donald Trump, was an associate of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

That Trump and Mathew Gaetz seem to have a thing for underage girls?

And Dershowitz, himself, seems to have an unusual affinity for conservative pedophiles?

NYT: Dershowitz was part of clemency effort for pedophile tied to Mideast talks | The Times of Israel

Ex-Victoria’s Secret CEO Contradicts Alan Dershowitz in Epstein Fight | Courthouse News Service

What We Learned From the New Yorker’s Alan Dershowitz Story (thecut.com)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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6 hours ago, Mark Knight said:


What would be wrong with requiring Russia to withdraw to its pre-war borders prior to an armistice? After all, Russia is the aggressor in the war in Ukraine.

I would delighted if Russia withdrew from Ukraine and not only that, then more or less demilitarized, since no one plans to invade Russia anyway. 

The same for the US.

But the world is what it is. 

My amateur assessment is that the present battle-lines are becoming more or less fixed, with (we are told) horrendous carnage to gain a kilometer in either direction. 

Ukraine cannot quit for obvious reasons. Putin cannot quit, because he embraced the tar-baby, which is a foreign war-occupation, from which there is no graceful exit. 

For sheerly humanitarian reasons (no geopolitics), a ceasefire makes sense. 

For the record, IMHO Putin has engaged in a volitional criminal war. He was provoked, but he had plenty of options other than war. 

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7 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:


Another symptom of the US's terminal illness.

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Ex-CIA director warns about a possible second Trump presidency
Former US defense secretary and ex-CIA director Leon Panetta joins CNN's Jim Acosta to discuss the possibility of another Trump presidency.
Yes, "warns." 
Ex-CIA director Michael Morrel also penned NYT op-eds against a Trump President pre-2016 election. 
Schumer and Maddow then chortled the intel state had seven way to Sunday to torpedo Trump. 
...Stay skeptical of government "investigations" in such a politicized atmosphere. 
None of this makes Trump a nice guy. But establishment DC does not care if you are a nice guy or not (or even coherent)---they care if you are compliant. 
The buddy-buddy relationship between the CIA and Donks: Healthy? 
PS----seems a bit creepy that the CIA is getting publicly involved in domestic elections...but then I guess they always have been, so why not being it out into the open? 
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7 hours ago, Mark Knight said:


What would be wrong with requiring Russia to withdraw to its pre-war borders prior to an armistice? After all, Russia is the aggressor in the war in Ukraine.


The problem is that your final sentence is debatable to put it mildly. In fact, it’s an example of the logical fallacy known as petitio principii (begging the question).

Can you not see that there were objective grounds for Russia to feel existentially threatened by the expansion of the USA’s cat’s paw, NATO, towards and up to Russia’s border and more insidiously into Ukraine, given the USA’s “full spectrum dominance” foreign policy?

And please deal with the self-explanatory concept of full spectrum dominance rather than, as others here have done, disingenuously avoiding the concept by focusing on its wording.

As always, such evasion is an admission of the inability to deal with the substantive argument, thus validating it.

Edited by John Cotter
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49 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

Another symptom of the US's terminal illness.

Basically the left in America has opened the authoritarian pandoras box in the name of fighting Trump, and now Fascism is having a resurgence in the name of "Antifascism" 



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BTW @W. Niederhut your Alan Dershowitz Matt Gaetz grasping at strings shows how pathetic of a person you are that you can't even acknkoledge your own parties attack on Children. And you telling me my own quote of the bible back to me shows that you have the mentality of a 5yr old and no one should waste their time with you because there is obviously something wrong with you.. 

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Audience in Delhi openly laughs as Lavrov says Ukraine war ‘launched against’ Russia

Because Putin's fascists reflexively lie about everything, they've now completely lost all self-awareness and don't realize how ridiculous they sound to sane people.

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President George H W Bush bequeathed the world not only bile-based diplomacy – who among us does not know precisely where we were when he unleashed a chunder tsunami into the lap of a grateful Japanese Prime Minister? – but a rich legacy of wisdom, most memorably encapsulated in his dictum “America’s freedom is the example to which the world expires.”   

Given that the whole world - and California, one trusts - dotes upon the American lead, my modest proposal is that the Bidenescu regime sets an example to Russia by, for example, ending its illegal occupation of a mere one-third of Syria, and then offering lavish recompense to the peoples of that country for the death and destruction caused by the CIA’s vast Operation Timber Sycamore; and the subsequent  wholesale theft of the nation’s oil reserves which, entirely coincidentally, rest in that occupied territory. Washington might even consider lifting sanctions, too, on this earth-quake devastated county. 

Think of the lectures you could give to the world from such a position of moral leadership born of concrete example! No longer would a sceptical world laugh at American hypocrisy on the issue of respect for nations’ territorial integrity, though it might still, I confess, at this: 


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32 minutes ago, Paul Rigby said:

President George H W Bush bequeathed the world not only bile-based diplomacy – who among us does not know precisely where we were when he unleashed a chunder tsunami into the lap of a grateful Japanese Prime Minister? – but a rich legacy of wisdom, most memorably encapsulated in his dictum “America’s freedom is the example to which the world expires.”   

Given that the whole world - and California, one trusts - dotes upon the American lead, my modest proposal is that the Bidenescu regime sets an example to Russia by, for example, ending its illegal occupation of a mere one-third of Syria, and then offering lavish recompense to the peoples of that country for the death and destruction caused by the CIA’s vast Operation Timber Sycamore; and the subsequent  wholesale theft of the nation’s oil reserves which, entirely coincidentally, rest in that occupied territory. Washington might even consider lifting sanctions, too, on this earth-quake devastated county. 

Think of the lectures you could give to the world from such a position of moral leadership born of concrete example! No longer would a sceptical world laugh at American hypocrisy on the issue of respect for nations’ territorial integrity, though it might still, I confess, at this: 


Don't be spreading disinformation, Paul.

Don't you know there's no such place as Syria?

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