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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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14 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Where would we hapless mass media dupes be without Ben and Chris to help us overcome our naivete about patriot purges, the nefarious Dr. Fauci, white replacement theory, nasty women in politics, and liberal mind control?  🤥

Well put W! Where would our lives be now with out being  a fly on the wall hearing the accumulated paranoid fears of Ben and Chris every day? Perhaps with a slightly greater sense of peace? There comes the challenge! Better to tune it out with the general din, as a simple, stupid song. But if we keep our ears open to the essence we can perhaps transmute it and reflect back in benign amusement!

Since Chris is off in the ethers with broad proclamations and  no real specifics. It's much more fun to focus on Ben and his repeated installments ad nauseam since he got here about  Identity Politics, Brian Sicknick, Tucker Carlson, Repeated references to FBI instigating 1/6 break ins into the Capitol marshaled by Ray Epps, and his obsession with superficial, fanciful, subordinate figures such as Buffalo horns, while completely ignoring those responsible for the planning of the events, the attempted sequestering of VP Pence, the deliberate inaction of the President, who instigated it. OK, then Ben's dreaded "Deer Virus epidemic, Repeated obsessions  about evil witch war mongers Hil and Liz, who Ben himself eventually " "out hawks" in Ukraine!, Ben's early praising of  Missouri Congressman Thomas Massie, before he comes out with his Gun toting family Xmas wishes greeting card! This guy can really pick em!

Self proclaimed "Populist" Ben looking for similarly populist politicians for President among the other stated Congressional populist, pool of talent, Louie, Gohmert, Jim Jordan ,Gary Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, Andy Biggs, Thomas Massie, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Laureen Boebert! Would that be the third party blind leading the blind?

Repeated references to "Biden /Globalists" labeling  when  Biden, while no radical is the least Globalist, business friendly president of this century!  Obviously ass backwards confusions of the power structure when it was Biden who was asking the corporate globalist state to abandon "business as usual" and join sanctions and not the corporate state asking Biden! Yeah, that's how it happened!

And talk about both sides of the fence!, Now Ben's hailing, Billionaire Musk's  offer to purchase twitter repeatedly ad nauseam despite obvious business conflicts of interest with Ben's repeatedly expressed hated  Xi in China as well as conflicting interests with his U.S. government contracts. And then of course Musk's own  personal huge twitter wars, feuds /conflicts with the most anti corporate state/anti globalist state politicians such as Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC. In this we can see the scope, courage and conviction of Ben's incessantly repeated anti "globalist" rage ! Now it's Musk,instead of Trump. Always making exceptions for the "strong man" to lead us out self imposed oppression! 

The lesson leaned from those who would not be amused by my diatribe, is that you only have to hear it once!  heh heh


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Interesting, especially MSNBC's take on Musk. 

BTW, I am defined as being in America's far left in the above clip, as I believe in national health care (although held to 15% of GDP, by top down planners). 

I am not sure about free child care. 

Musk believes in white supremacy and no democracy, according to MSNBC. 

Whatever Musk believes, I am against social injustice. 

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On 4/30/2022 at 10:58 AM, W. Niederhut said:


W. In fairness, I do think you're rushing to judgment here about Musk..I haven't seen any proof that Musk is a racist, engages in hate speech or disinformation, at least yet. I think the real issue should be confined to the question if we really want billionaires buying social platforms to propagate their points of views and filter their opponents out.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

W. In fairness, I do think you're rushing to judgment here about Musk..I haven't seen any proof that Musk is a racist, engages in hate speech or disinformation, at least yet. I think the real issue should be confined to the question if we really want billionaires buying social platforms to propagate their points of views and filter their opponents out.


Let's see....Bezos owns the WaPo and Laurene Powell-Jobs owns The Atlantic

I would say the billionaire class is well-represented already....

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For a long time, militia members and other far-right crazies have been warning that a second civil war is coming.

I've been scratching my head trying to figure out how the geographical boundaries for such a split would be drawn. After all, you have liberals and conservatives in every state.

Monday, with the announcement of the Supreme Court's draft opinion on Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court laid out where those geographical lines will be drawn. In the Opinion, the Court said that it will be up to each State to decide.

States are already staking out their position, with States like Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and Missouri passing even more stringent anti-abortion laws, even laws to prevent women from traveling out of state; and States like Connecticut, New York, Michigan, New Jersey and California vowing to protect abortion rights at all costs.

The Court has now pitted States against each other.

In one fell swoop, the Court has done what noone else could in the lat 50 years.

Steve Thomas

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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

W. In fairness, I do think you're rushing to judgment here about Musk..I haven't seen any proof that Musk is a racist, engages in hate speech or disinformation, at least yet. I think the real issue should be confined to the question if we really want billionaires buying social platforms to propagate their points of views and filter their opponents out.



    Musk may not be a racist, but the Trumplicans are, certainly, cheering for Musk to allow the Orange Menace back on Twitter.

    Wouldn't you agree that Trump, himself, has been a major source of disinformation and hate speech in the U.S. media since 2015 -- attacking minority groups, immigrants, etc.?   For example, Trump's inflammatory rhetoric about Mexicans invading the border played a direct role in triggering the El Paso Walmart Massacre.

    Trump also repeatedly promoted deadly disinformation during the COVID pandemic-- downplaying the importance of social distancing, masking, and vaccines-- resulting in hundreds of thousands of preventable U.S. deaths.  Geez, the guy even hosted deadly MAGA campaign rallies, in Tulsa, Phoenix, and elsewhere, during the 2020 pandemic!

    Trump has also fomented a wave of hate crimes against Asian Americans, blaming the "China virus" (Wu Flu, etc.) for his blunders in managing the pandemic-- including his decision to abolish Obama's White House pandemic response team and the U.S. epidemiology team in China (prior to 2019!)

    The Wuhan lab leak theory may be valid, (I suspected as much from the beginning of the pandemic) but it was politicized by Trump and the GOP to deflect blame from their own pandemic blunders-- and it has played a role in promoting violence against Asian Americans.  See, for example...

Poll: Americans now more likely to blame Asian Americans for COVID (axios.com)

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7 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

For a long time, militia members and other far-right crazies have been warning that a second civil war is coming.

I've been scratching my head trying to figure out how the geographical boundaries for such a split would be drawn. After all, you have liberals and conservatives in every state.

Monday, with the announcement of the Supreme Court's draft opinion on Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court laid out where those geographical lines will be drawn. In the Opinion, the Court said that it will be up to each State to decide.

States are already staking out their position, with States like Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and Missouri passing even more stringent anti-abortion laws, even laws to prevent women from traveling out of state; and States like Connecticut, New York, Michigan, New Jersey and California vowing to protect abortion rights at all costs.

The Court has now pitted States against each other.

In one fell swoop, the Court has done what noone else could in the lat 50 years.

Steve Thomas

Fox correspondent: "States may put more restrictions on [abortion], but people have the right to leave. They can go live somewhere else where it’s more of a free-for-all and they could do whatever they want... it should be about choices WE want to make."


And, so it begins.

Steve Thomas

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Ben , if you were present  only the other day I showed  you Bezos tweeting about Musk's buying of twitter and his  conflict of interest with China and the U.S. Government and noted the hipocrisy of him owning WAPO.

As I've said before, I think twitter and other social media is much more accessible and hence much more powerful than the major newspapers. The CIA or "Operation Mockingbird" could never have created a Trump, though I'm sure they would have liked to..

W. Trump was kicked off of twitter after using it to incite the 1/6 insurrection. I agree, I have absolutely no problem with that. And unlike Susan Collins, I don't think Trump will ever "learn his lesson", and I'd never let him back..

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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