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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

You're a perpetual victim to your deep state which is all encompassing in your everyday thoughts

Any notion that the "deep state" is real went down the tubes via our lived experience with Trump.

If the "deep state" was an actual thing, it never would have allowed him to do the damage he's done.


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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Any notion that the "deep state" is real went down the tubes via our lived experience with Trump.

If the "deep state" was an actual thing, it never would have allowed him to do the damage he's done.



And the JFKA was a loner-leftie-loser at work? 

Since 1963, military and intel budgets have only ballooned, and the multinationals become larger than any private enterprises ever seen before in history---and intent on controlling governments but especially Washington. 

How do explain 50 intel officers swearing (in compliant, affiliated media) that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian dis-information campaign? 

You don't think Biden was the Deep State's man? Why or why not? 

Not one of the M$M'ers referred to the 50-intel-officer laptop statements as "baseless," although they were, in fact, baseless. 

Or the treatment in the M$M, to this day, of Stone's movies, and the JFKA? 

Bolton saying he organized coups? 

Matt--I think what angers you is the new alliance between the security state and the Donks.

If I was still a Donk I would be angered too. 


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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I used to think you were sincere when you said that. Then you started criticizing court decisions decisions that didn't go your way. Actually I would afford you that liberty more than you apparently do. You're reacting emotionally to some of the anti Trump sentiments and trying to enforce a suffocating stick in the mud mentality on us where no one can express his sentiments until Trump's s actually found guilty in a court of law?.

Such dependence on our legal system hardly denotes much independence of thought anyway.


They're called jokes Ben. Unfortunately you've never exhibited much of a sense of humor. But you should get it straight that when you accuse others of being under tutelage of the MSM, you're outright insulting us! Many of us have a longer history not accepting government decrees than you've ever proven to us.     But then..


What are you under his Brett Stephen's tutulege Ben? Why was that even worth mentioning? We don't care Private school elite conservative Brett Stephens says..

Ben,  you're sermons to us serve only to celebrate victimhood. You're a perpetual victim to your deep state which is all encompassing in your everyday thoughts, and you feel compelled to bring us down to your level with endless posting.(Biden fist bumps yet again?) Then when your facts are held to question, like you're recent statement cocksure statement that Garland wasn't behind the search and who is  really running our government??? Then your called on your inaccuracy and it just becomes another opportunity for you to go into victimhood again. I'm sorry, but you will be called on your inaccuracies again in the future.

On a lighter note, after now seeing more consecutive posts from you, Ben. May I congratulate you on your  meteoric rise in posts as you are about to pass W's number of posts  on this thread in about a third of the time. In all my time here, I've never seen a greater pace. Congrats again!


What court decision did I criticize? 

I have wondered why the homeless gadfly Mr. Buffalo Horns got five years in prison, but Ray Epps skates, despite being copiously captured on video fomenting the occupation of the Capitol.

But...it must be because Epps is a nice guy. He was lionized in The New York Times as a nice guy.

Did you know Epps has pet dogs and that he pets his dogs? 

I am sure nothing fishy about this.


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Pillaging. That's the word that comes to mind.

I don't care if you do think he is the God-King. Whatever documents or pictures or statues or mementos that Donald Trump helped himself to during the four short years that he occupied the Oval Office, didn't belong to him. They belong to the people of the United States.

I would also like to know who helped Trump go through all these boxes of documents. He doesn't read, and he sure as hell doesn't understand what he does read, so who was going through all this paperwork to decide what to cart off?

I shudder to think it might have been someone like that Stephen Miller guy.

Steve Thomas

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     Remember when Reality Winner leaked an NSA document to The Intercept proving that Trump and Putin were lying about Russian hacking of our 2016 election?


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8 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Any notion that the "deep state" is real went down the tubes via our lived experience with Trump.

If the "deep state" was an actual thing, it never would have allowed him to do the damage he's done.


Matt's right. Don't we have to rethink our concept of the dreaded "Deep State". What kind of airtight repressive regime actually allows a President, who was a known security risk, was impeached by Congress for withholding military funds in exchange for foreign investigations into his political rival, to abscond with top secret materials, and takes a year and a half to come to Mar a Lago and nicely ask for their return and goes into a series of "negotiations" to get them back and apparently doesn't even realize there were valuable other top secret documents still outstanding, but needs a tip from an insider?

Or a dreaded "deep state" that goes into a 3 year long investigation where Trump's appointed AG  decrees that the investigation can't bring criminal charges on the President anyway, and the investigation itself chooses not to investigate Trump's finances when it's so apparent everything Trump  does is for money and to pay off debt as result of his colossal financial mismanagement?

In this matter. So far, I see the "Deep state" as a one way pledge by the party who wants to preserve their Democracy to go after criminals with one hand tied behind their back, if the other side would  just deescalate a little and tone down their perpetual victim whining, at having to answer to any of Trump's actions at all.

And how is that working out?

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