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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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49 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     There's a fairly detailed report at WaPo this week about Sanibel Island and Hurricane Ian.  It will take a while to repair the three mile causeway to the island, which is in ruins.

     When it comes to current existential crises in the world, I would rank the Ukrainian War (and Putin's nuclear threats) as #1 and catastrophic climate change at #2.

      The GOP in Florida, and throughout the country, needs to come clean about climate change denial.

      Koch-funded Republican Rick Scott actually forbade state officials from using the term, "climate change," when he was governor of Florida.  And Florida Republicans Ron DeSantis and Marco Rubio voted against Federal aid for Hurricane Sandy victims back in the day.

Sanibel residents hope for recovery after Hurricane Ian's destruction - The Washington Post




Please read, because lack of pollution is causing the storms to get stronger, William.. 

'Declines in Air Pollution Have Made Hurricanes Stronger' 
Without the cooling effect of aerosols, warmer oceans have provided more fuel to storms





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Ray Grasse is an astrologer with a fairly good track record. He says next week could be a truly eventful one. Here is what he posted today on Facebook:

Of all the planetary aspects occurring this month, arguably the most powerful is the Pluto station occurring right now, exact on Saturday, Oct 8th - and amplified considerably by the full moon one day later, Oct. 9th – but it’s been building up momentum for at least a couple of weeks already and will continue to be felt for at least another couple weeks. (A planetary “station” is when planets slow down and become stationary in the process of changing directions, giving rise to what some have called a “branding iron” effect.)
What does this mean for us?
For one, as I’ve been pointing out throughout the year, this is one of the major trigger points for the U.S. Pluto return (the next one being in late December) – thus activating all that is good and bad about that pattern. (For a more detailed explanation of the return: www.astro.com/astrology/tma_article210208_e.htm
 This is undoubtedly behind much of what we see happening right now with the Supreme Court, Hershel Walker, Florida, immigrants, and the Trump documents controversy It’s also notable that the supposedly next (and final?) Jan. 6th committee meeting will be taking place well within the orb of this station – scheduled for Oct. 13th; you can bet some important “buried secrets” will be coming to light as a result of that.
Psychologically speaking, Pluto opens a door to the “underworld,” as it were, in terms of exposing us to deep-seated energies and emotions. This makes for great raw materials for creative or spiritual types (just look at the brilliant people born during Pluto stations, such as Joni Mitchell or Neil Young). On a scientific or archaeological front, this could mean the “underworld” opens up in terms of vast new depths in space, as found by the Webb or Hubble telescopes, or possibly even developments in archaeology.
In terms of personal grown, this can be a time of deep spiritual or occult investigations and insights, as well as cathartic self-examinations or a healing of old wounds and resentments. (It’s even conceivable that Biden’s offering of pardons to those convicted of marijuana offenses today reflects the more redemptive and healing aspects of Pluto.)
But for others, Pluto can simply dredge up dark emotions from the past, causing one to pick at old “scabs” and rehash old dramas. (There seems something fitting to me about the fact that controversial new movies about Marilyn Monroe and Jeffrey Dahmer are being watched by millions right now, considering the “dark” subject matters presented by both.) More generally, Pluto deals with the past so it’s also common during a Pluto station for people from your own past - friends, partners, family members - to suddenly resurface and get back in touch, or for you to get I touch with them.
More globally, I think this next week could be a roller coaster ride in terms of places like Ukraine, Russia, China, and last but certainly not least, North Korea - here’s to hoping it doesn’t get too crazy out there.
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5 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Biden pardoning thousands for federal marijuana possession charges and encouraging governors to do the same on state charges is pretty cool.

Much as I detest recreational drugs, including alcohol and nicotine, the right move....

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32 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Ray Grasse is an astrologer with a fairly good track record. He says next week could be a truly eventful one. Here is what he posted today on Facebook:

Of all the planetary aspects occurring this month, arguably the most powerful is the Pluto station occurring right now, exact on Saturday, Oct 8th - and amplified considerably by the full moon one day later, Oct. 9th – but it’s been building up momentum for at least a couple of weeks already and will continue to be felt for at least another couple weeks. (A planetary “station” is when planets slow down and become stationary in the process of changing directions, giving rise to what some have called a “branding iron” effect.)
What does this mean for us?
For one, as I’ve been pointing out throughout the year, this is one of the major trigger points for the U.S. Pluto return (the next one being in late December) – thus activating all that is good and bad about that pattern. (For a more detailed explanation of the return: www.astro.com/astrology/tma_article210208_e.htm
 This is undoubtedly behind much of what we see happening right now with the Supreme Court, Hershel Walker, Florida, immigrants, and the Trump documents controversy It’s also notable that the supposedly next (and final?) Jan. 6th committee meeting will be taking place well within the orb of this station – scheduled for Oct. 13th; you can bet some important “buried secrets” will be coming to light as a result of that.
Psychologically speaking, Pluto opens a door to the “underworld,” as it were, in terms of exposing us to deep-seated energies and emotions. This makes for great raw materials for creative or spiritual types (just look at the brilliant people born during Pluto stations, such as Joni Mitchell or Neil Young). On a scientific or archaeological front, this could mean the “underworld” opens up in terms of vast new depths in space, as found by the Webb or Hubble telescopes, or possibly even developments in archaeology.
In terms of personal grown, this can be a time of deep spiritual or occult investigations and insights, as well as cathartic self-examinations or a healing of old wounds and resentments. (It’s even conceivable that Biden’s offering of pardons to those convicted of marijuana offenses today reflects the more redemptive and healing aspects of Pluto.)
But for others, Pluto can simply dredge up dark emotions from the past, causing one to pick at old “scabs” and rehash old dramas. (There seems something fitting to me about the fact that controversial new movies about Marilyn Monroe and Jeffrey Dahmer are being watched by millions right now, considering the “dark” subject matters presented by both.) More generally, Pluto deals with the past so it’s also common during a Pluto station for people from your own past - friends, partners, family members - to suddenly resurface and get back in touch, or for you to get I touch with them.
More globally, I think this next week could be a roller coaster ride in terms of places like Ukraine, Russia, China, and last but certainly not least, North Korea - here’s to hoping it doesn’t get too crazy out there.

Alert! Pluto is no longer a planet! 

Astrology needs to be revamped to remain viable! 

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I think we are nearing the end game in Russia.

Putin the Barbarian will be gone soon, but his fellow homicidal maniacs must be captured or killed as well.

There are many good people in the Russian government that want to move Russia into the 21st Century and cease being a terrorist state.

I wish them, and the peaceful members of Russia's citizenry, all good speed in getting there.

Andrei Kartapolov, looking at you, guy.

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4 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

No, he's 100% correct.

You would have let Hitler live, wouldn't you've, Matthew?

I think we are nearing the end game in Russia.

Are you calling me Joe Kennedy? lol
I would've let Hitler go to art school and had the Kaiser change the German Constitution to ours where you have to be a born citizen to be the leader... Matt, I know in your mind Antifa just means Anti Fascist and buying an electric car is the same as fighting on the front lines in post modern leftist American politics. This is similar to a big brother making little brother say uncle, it's only going to get worse from here. Look up an ethnic voting map of Ukraine, that will be the final map after the war.  Ukraine will be cut off from the water and will be a land locked country when this is over to cut off a NATO threat. If Ukraine agreed to what Elon Musk was offering that would be a lot better than what is coming.  


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AP News 'Biden: Nuclear ‘Armageddon’ risk highest since ’62 crisis'


NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden said Thursday that the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is at the highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, as Russian officials speak of the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons after suffering massive setbacks in the eight-month invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking at a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin was “a guy I know fairly well” and the Russian leader was “not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons.”

Biden added, “We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis.” He suggested the threat from Putin is real “because his military is — you might say — significantly underperforming.”

Yogi Barra famously said "it's like deja vu all over again"

I can't tell if this is reminding me of LBJ in Vietnam or Nixon arming Cuban exiles? Biden is using strategic oil reserves to save his party in the midterms, using the FBI to keep his 
opponent from running in 2024 and is following the play book of getting America into a war for reelection. Pipelines have to be cut for a war to happen, people don't have commerce during a hot war... We were safer under Cheeto Benito! The chickens are coming home to roost now from the Left's policies of anything is better than Trump...  

Edited by Matthew Koch
left out the word "of"
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