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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Speaking of wealthy people, has anyone heard of this right wing power couple funding the vile Willie Horton style GOP ads during the current baseball playoffs?

(No Paywall at link)

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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

The following article summarizes everything I have been saying about the massive power and negative influence right wing talk radio has had on our society the last 30 years.

The top 10 huge national audience right wing political propogandists ( there are more behind them ) broadcasting their left-liberal fear mongering and demonizing demagoguery to 10's of millions of Americans 24/7.

Hannity, Dave Ramsay, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Alex Jones, even George Noory, etc.

All following the Godfather of right wing radio  Left/Liberal fear and hate broadcasting propaganda Rush Limbaugh.

Notice Coast to Coast AM host George Noory makes the top ten list! He favors the far right wing movement and has since he first appeared. He used to have Alex Jones on semi-regularly, Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi as well.

50 million regular listeners tune in to this far right wing, fear mongering liberal hate radio propaganda every day.

And the left has basically no one?


Talk radio: Widening the airwaves' great divide.

Across America, the message is loud and clear: 35 years after the talk radio revolution, "on the air" is still often an exercise in "off the rails." 

Correspondent Jim Axelrod asked industry expert Brian Rosenwald, "In 2022's America, what's the nature of talk radio? Is it any different than it's been the last two or three decades?"

"If anything, Jim, I think it's more extreme," Rosenwald replied.

Following the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, broadcasters were no longer required to present both sides of controversial political issues – which ushered in Rush Limbaugh's polarizing and immensely popular style that attracted 15 million listeners a week who felt dominant media outlets had a liberal bias.

"And I think over that long span, it has unquestionably divided Americans," Rosenwald said. "It has unquestionably hardened our politics."

"And how is that good for America?" Axelrod asked.  

"It's not; it's bad for America."

Michael Harrison, the publisher of Talkers Magazine, the industry Bible, said, "We're facing a cultural crisis in this country. "If we could have on the liberal side what we have on the conservative side, the talk radio industry would be better, free speech would be better served, and the nation would be better served."

It's not that liberals haven't mounted a counter-attack; they just chose another battlefield.

As to why there is no "liberal Rush Limbaugh," Rosenwald said, "I think they've gone into other areas. I think Jon Stewart has been every bit of a trailblazer as Rush Limbaugh was, and he happened to colonize late-night comedy. Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, most of the late-night comics lean left at this point."

Which is why, more than three decades after Limbaugh weaponized talk radio for the right, liberals remain outmanned and outgunned. On the list of Talkers Magazine's Top 10 most popular talk radio hosts, all ten are conservative.

While the vitriol flows in both directions these days on commercial radio, the one part of the dial that is liberal turf, public radio, attracts big numbers, though its relatively restrained compared to the intense competition for listeners on commercial radio that's creating ever-more extreme approaches to attracting listeners.

If you're hoping for any change in this dynamic, don't; talk radio is now a mature business, with those running it less willing to gamble on something like nuance.

According to Harrison, "I think right now it's 'have a take, and don't suck.'"

Because the only color that seems to matter more than red and blue in our divided America … is green.

Axelrod asked, "What is the mission of talk radio? Is it to generate light, or heat?"

While the vitriol flows in both directions these days on commercial radio, the one part of the dial that is liberal turf, public radio, attracts big numbers, though its relatively restrained compared to the intense competition for listeners on commercial radio that's creating ever-more extreme approaches to attracting listeners.

If you're hoping for any change in this dynamic, don't; talk radio is now a mature business, with those running it less willing to gamble on something like nuance.

According to Harrison, "I think right now it's 'have a take, and don't suck.'"

Because the only color that seems to matter more than red and blue in our divided America … is green.

Axelrod asked, "What is the mission of talk radio? Is it to generate light, or heat?"

"The mission of talk radio," Harrison replied, "is to generate ratings and revenue."

For more info:





CBS Sunday morning did a segment on that today..

What William doesn't understand is; I watch my OPPS 



Edited by Matthew Koch
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2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

CBS Sunday morning did a segment on that today..

What William doesn't understand is; I watch my OPPS 



Great! Thanks for the link.

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49 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

BTW Joe, I hope you are feeling a bit better and are on the mend to some degree?! 

Thank you CB.


I don't know how I was able to post "anything" today.

My head feels like it has been kicked by a horse. Post concussion symptoms worsening. Equilibrium stuff. Focus stuff. Heavy headed. Neck pain to boot.

Vertigo worse as well. 

Then I have been feeling nauseous all day as well. Get shock wave weak feelings. Scary actually.

Am calling a neurologist tomorrow morning to be seen asap.

This forum is my only distracting outlet.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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23 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Thank you CB.


I don't know how I was able to post "anything" today.

My head feels like it has been kicked by a horse. Post concussion symptoms worsening. Equilibrium stuff. Focus stuff. Heavy headed. Neck pain to boot.

Vertigo worse as well. 

Then I have been feeling nauseous all day as well. Get shock wave weak feelings. Scary actually.

Am calling a neurologist tomorrow morning to be seen asap.

This forum is my only distracting outlet.

I am sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine how challenging that is. With some of the very talented Dr’s out there, and the powerful healing potential of the body, I hope this comes to pass quickly and normality returns. Life just really kicks us sometimes. I am glad the back and forth here is providing at least some entertainment. 

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12 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

I am sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine how challenging that is. With some of the very talented Dr’s out there, and the powerful healing potential of the body, I hope this comes to pass quickly and normality returns. Life just really kicks us sometimes. I am glad the back and forth here is providing at least some entertainment. 

Amen. Health and happiness to all.

But remember the wisest words ever spoken, by the fictional, yet immortal character of Mike Hammer (author, Mickey Spillane): "Life is 10-to-1 against." 

That's just the way it is. 

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

I am sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine how challenging that is. With some of the very talented Dr’s out there, and the powerful healing potential of the body, I hope this comes to pass quickly and normality returns. Life just really kicks us sometimes. I am glad the back and forth here is providing at least some entertainment. 

Thank you CB.

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Damn Joe,  I guess at least it's good that it isn't your heart though?. Well good luck with that. i would hope they can at least give you  something to relieve the pain.

In regards to what we were saying. Yes i think it is Humboldt U. radio.So it's Thom Hartman and those 2 guys from Madison Wisconsin right alongside Sean Hannity on the radio dial. But they didn't change out KNBR. I like sports, but not all the time. I've taken trips to the 4 corners. It's all right wing there. Even in the Mojave, LA talk radio is all right wing.

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