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Yeah, sure, Mathew. 

I get all of my valid medical data from politicians and anecdotal anti-vax sources on YouTube.

Why trust prestigious, peer-reviewed medical journals like NEJM when you can watch YouTube channels?

Geez... What formal science education have you and Chris Barnard had?

Do you know the difference between molecular and cellular immune responses?

Between the structure and function of IgG and IgA?

As for Van Morrison and Eric Clapton, they're among my favorite R&B musicians, but they're both lousy epidemiologists.

You guys probably don't know that Van Morrison was raised in Jehovah's Witness kingdom halls.

He's not a very rational source of scientific, medical knowledge.

Neither is Eric Clapton.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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21 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

William have you read RFK Jr's book?

Of course he hasn’t read that. It’s like a manual explaining every deception and the corruption of the medical field during the pandemic. It’d be too damaging for his ego. 

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1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:

Yeah, sure, Mathew. 

I get all of my valid medical data from politicians and anecdotal anti-vax sources on YouTube.

Why trust prestigious, peer-reviewed medical journals like NEJM when you can watch YouTube channels?

Geez... What formal science education have you and Chris Barnard had?

Do you know the difference between molecular and cellular immune responses?

Between the structure and function of IgG and IgA?

As for Van Morrison and Eric Clapton, they're among my favorite R&B musicians, but they're both lousy epidemiologists.

You guys probably don't know that Van Morrison was raised in the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Halls.

He's not a very rational source of medical knowledge.

You've become the Country Guys at the end of Easy Rider William. 

You didn't watch the video because you would have referenced the stats from he Government the Doctor uses.

You are much like Dr Lattimer commenting on the JFK case here. Lattimer was a doctor but of Urology telling us about Gun Shots his expertise was dependent on obscure medical conditions such as the Thornberg Syndrome etc and other peoples data. You don't have to be an epidemiologist to analyze statical data, So your lame attempt only defiles your own credibility. There are a lot of logical fallacies per usual in your response.

Why trust a corporate company that won't show it's data for 75yrs?  That's not how science works Doc.. 

Libertarianism isn't merely a Jahovah's Witness value, Eric Clapton suffered a vaccine injury and you are being very disrespectful about that by saying he's lousy epidemiologist. You are a great apologist for the establishment, sounds like you too have MKULTRA'd yourself into believing your not a sell out member of the establishment because you still listen to classic rock. 

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Chris, Weren't the covid pandemic vaccines a plot to cull 80 % of the world population off (was that the Gates- Faucci Axis powers? I'm not sure if you specifically named it that) And it involved  the spike protein. If people took it, there was a good chance they'd all die within 2 years! It's pretty obvious that hasn't happened. At one point Chris said young men are "dropping dead like flies"! from taking the  RNA vaccines which also never really happened. (I used to watch that doctor a lot as he was pushed by anti vaxxers, yet appears sane, and he's saying nothing in that clip other than the excess rates should be looked into. I have no problem with that. He's never denied the pandemic! And he's just one guy!)
Your  previous track record in any future conversations have to be taken in account.
In defiance I just chose the spike protein moderna vaccine. Chris, you would have called me brave or you would have called me foolhardy. But as you know, petty naysayers, weak and strong alike, have never stopped me. As you've just witnessed today with JFK and Diem! I've had 2 and a booster and haven't been sick in years, and defied the odds of frightened youth half my age!. I also have the satisfaction of knowing I largely mitigated the possible passing of the virus to those around me. And I did it in respect for the wishes of the brave people who made great sacrifices and put themselves in danger to save as many afflicted people as they could. Even if they never made Fox News, or never any real mention from the naysayers here!
All the civil rights issues that people complain about  are due to one basic cause that's been going on since the world began. In a pandemic where hospital admissions and deaths rise to lethal proportions. People who are uninfected, don't want to be around people who are infected, or around people who don't take necessary precautions to be uninfected.
Cry about it, but it's that simple.
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If any of our members happen to be considering visiting Carmel, Ca for the Thanksgiving week, just thought you may like to know of at least one fine restaurant's Thanksgiving meal offering for that day. 

  • Aubergine at L’arberge: 6 course Prefix with wine pairings, $495 per person.

Kirk, Paul ...how bout it?

My wife and I are too 71 year old tired and strapped to do much that day in the way of food.

We will be splitting a Turkey sandwich from our favorite local deli...with a couple of small paper cups of cranberry sauce included.

Maybe a couple of moon pies for dessert?

My wife over-ruled my first choice of a KFC two piece meal.



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47 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez... What formal science education have you and Chris Barnard had?

Its been a few hours since you mentioned which class at Harvard you were in. 🙂  

23 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Chris, Weren't the covid pandemic vaccines a plot to cull 80 % of the world population off (was that the Gates- Faucci Axis powers? I'm not sure if you specifically named it that) And it involved  the spike protein. If people took it, there was a good chance they'd all die within 2 years! It's pretty obvious that hasn't happened. At one point Chris said young men are "dropping dead like flies"! from taking the  RNA vaccines which also never really happened. (I used to watch that doctor a lot as he was pushed by anti vaxxers, yet appears sane, and he's saying nothing in that clip other than the excess rates should be looked into. I have no problem with that. He's never denied the pandemic! And he's just one guy!)
Your  previous track record in any future conversations have to be taken in account.
In defiance I just chose the spike protein moderna vaccine. Chris, you would have called me brave or you would have called me foolhardy. But as you know, petty naysayers, weak and strong alike, have never stopped me. As you've just witnessed today with JFK and Diem! I've had 2 and a booster and haven't been sick in years, and defied the odds of frightened youth half my age!. I also have the satisfaction of knowing I largely mitigated the possible passing of the virus to those around me. And I did it in respect for the wishes of the brave people who made great sacrifices and put themselves in danger to save as many afflicted people as they could. Even if they never made Fox News, or never any real mention from the naysayers here!
All the civil rights issues that people complain about  are due to one basic cause that's been going on since the world began. In a pandemic where hospital admissions and deaths rise to lethal proportions. People who are uninfected, don't want to be around people who are infected, or around people who don't take necessary precautions to be uninfected.
Cry about it, but it's that simple.

Either quote me directly, or not at all Kirk, you’ve been caught out playing this deception game before. We have around 20% excess mortality in the UK. Investigations into miscarriages, stillborns and neo-natal deaths. Have a look at variables.

Remember when you called me and Dennis “filthy rats” for not taking the V, dehumanising us?! I asked you a question, do you remember it?

You based your assumption on MSM pharma marketing and president Biden’s words. You were totally wrong about the V’s stopping transmission, what is more, in the last two weeks it has come to light that they never even tested for that. Your faith in big government and MSM/pharma marketing really just makes you naive, or impressionable. 🙂 

I won’t be so unkind as to make you neurotic by sending you links about what is actually happening, I am a little fairer, and a little kinder than you. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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In regard to the New York Times story about Justice Alito and the leaks of opinions from the Supreme Court, here is the response I received yesterday from the Times that my comment on its article was being published:

The New York Times

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with The New York Times community.

Douglas Caddy | Houston, Texas
Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh were honored at the 40th anniversary dinner of the far-right Federalist Society on November 10 in Washington, D.C. These justices and Chief Justice Roberts are prepared to impose their extremist and hypocritical opinions on 340 million Americans
Edited by Douglas Caddy
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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     What is it about a NINEFOLD INCREASED RISK of death from COVID in unvaccinated adults over the age of 65 that you and Chris Barnard still don't understand?

     Do you and Chris know how to read graphs?

      Impact of Vaccination on Risk of COVID-19–Related Mortality (cdc.gov)

Please re-read my comments. 

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3 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

I won’t be so unkind as to make you neurotic by sending you links about what is actually happening, I am a little fairer, and a little kinder than you. 

This sentence perfectly illustrates a point I've been trying to make to you guys..

Essentially, though you may not realize it, but you guys have a mission to make us feel as neurotic and frightened as you. 

But you always fail

Which only serves to make you guys more neurotic and frightened!

Which is really your whole point!

Whenever I can serve as a mirror, you have my word Chris, I will.

Chris: I won’t be so unkind. I am a little fairer, and a little kinder than you. 

heh heh heh heh, Ho yeah! So  now you're going to tell me all this fearmongering was done out of a profound sense of kindness and fairness? What a con!

To again hold up the mirror Chris,  you're just conning yourself.

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7 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

This sentence perfectly illustrates a point I've been trying to make to you guys..

Essentially, though you may not realize it, but you guys have a mission to make us feel as neurotic and frightened as you. 

But you always fail

Which only serves to make you guys more neurotic and frightened!

Which is really your whole point!

Whenever I can serve as a mirror, you have my word Chris, I will.

Chris: I won’t be so unkind. I am a little fairer, and a little kinder than you. 

heh heh heh heh, Ho yeah! So  now you're going to tell me all this fearmongering was done out of a profound sense of kindness and fairness? What a con!

To again hold up the mirror Chris,  you're just conning yourself.

You have kindly given some insight into your thinking, Kirk. I guess at this point you have to explain away anything that is unpalatable, that contradicts your world view, no matter how illogical your thinking is. 

You think me, and others are afraid, and that we are projecting? It was me who explained the concept of a mass psychosis to you and how it works. Of course at the time you thought a fear psychosis was heretical thought. Not now apparently. Another time I was right. 🙂

After about two years you now accept it exists but, only in Ben, me, and a couple of others on the forum. The comical part that’s making me smile is, you think we are the ones who are afraid. It just says to me that reading psychology or people isn’t one of your penchants. Look at the way you and others are triggered here. Its a direct reaction to fear. Mention the orange man and people like you foam at the mouth.  

I’ll just continue to be the guy who said “I told you so.” Which must be rather humbling for an old timer like yourself. 


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Yeah that Electoral College will always kick butt over fair taxation. Isn't it funny how the Red states always complain about the Feds yet still have their hand out? Would an analogy of an ungrateful 20 something still at home with their parents suffice?

Incidentally, California has now passed Germany as the 4th biggest economy in the world behind 1.The USA 2. China 3.Japan.  Are the blue states really getting the respect that they deserve?

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4 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

In regard to the New York Times story about Justice Alito and the leaks of opinions from the Supreme Court, here is the response I received yesterday from the Times that my comment on its article was being published:

The New York Times

Your comment has been approved!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with The New York Times community.

Douglas Caddy | Houston, Texas
Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh were honored at the 40th anniversary dinner of the far-right Federalist Society on November 10 in Washington, D.C. These justices and Chief Justice Roberts are prepared to impose their extremist and hypocritical opinions on 340 million Americans

Great! Congratulations Doug.

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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris: I won’t be so unkind as to make you neurotic by sending you links about what is actually happening, I am a little fairer, and a little kinder than you. 

Chris, you said this. I didn't .

I see now from your responses, there is no opportunity for your personal growth here. So I'll go back to a more insular approach and evaluate your recent rants from a personal perspective and not so much a healing perspective. And I think this below pretty much capsulizes it.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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23 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Chris, you said this. I didn't .

I see now from your responses, there is no opportunity for your personal growth here. So I'll go back to a more insular approach and evaluate your recent rants from a personal perspective and not so much a healing perspective. And I think this below pretty much capsulizes it.

I am not sure you even understood what I was saying, wouldn't be the first time you got the wrong end of the stick.  As I said; I'll keep being the one who says "I told you so." I'll continue to educate you, even though your capacity to learn is diminished. I'll keep observing that two year lag in your comprehension and understanding. 

As for your link, it really shows your level of intellect, somewhere between simple and moronic. Just get back to your John Wayne movies that give you so much comfort. 🙂 


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