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Unveiling The Limo Stop

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37 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Motivated devil's advocate....   Isn't the reenactment car 10" higher than the limo?

Yes. JFK's was riding 10" higher in the reenactments measured from the street to his head top.

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So doesn't that changes how the two vehicles are compared... the limo will always be lower than the reenactment limo and therefore JFK will be lower...  or am I missing something obvious here?

shouldn't you Lower the re enactment car by 10" (within the frame that is of course) and see how it lines up with the extant limo?


Edited by David Josephs
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21 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

Hi David,
Reasonable disagreements are fine, that’s encouragement for me to provide a more detailed explanation of the concept /alterations.
I’ll continue posting on this thread moving forward.

Beginning with:

Credit John Costella PDF:

Bill Newman (on the north side of Elm Street, near the Presidential limou­sine at the time of the shooting), November 24, 1963: “The car was pro­ceeding toward him and it seemed that the President’s arms went up and that he raised up in his seat and started to look around.” [FBI report: CE1432: 22H842]

I'm getting the distinct impression that Robert West saw on the original Zfilm, that which Bill Newman describes two days later.

The difference between them being: Where West plotted the reaction and where we see that reaction on the extant zfilm.

Four/Five extant frames after Robert West(Life Mag Investigation) surveys in a shot, we arrive at extant z212, which shows someone in the QueenMary reacting to something.

The time period between West and the QueenMary reaction is where the extant sprocket hole images are missing.

This gif might also help you with the SA Ready apparel fiasco.



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10 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

Does this clone work for you with the blue lines being an equal distance apart?

Making the assumption that an adult human head averages between 9.4 and 10"



So doesn't this prove that they are both in the same place?  I'm sorry but I don't understand your point then...

"Raised up in the seat" should show JFK much higher than the readjusted downward location of the reenactment head...

When are you saying he ROSE UP?

And doesn't this simply prove that the reenactment camera was not in the exact Zapruder filming location but slightly higher?  one of your gifs on the last page shows it doesn't line up well...

The sign is lower while the holes in the wall are higher.. the result of the camera being slightly too high.. near objects appear lower, far ones, higher... ??



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Yes, the camera was higher in the reenactment than the original. Why?

I'm quite sure it was done intentionally.

By May of 64 (among all the other prior reenactments) had they not ascertained Zapruder's camera height? Why?

They had his physical position on the pedestal well established and Zapruder was still available for height sizing.

Shaneyfelt surely knew the importance of this as he shot the reenactment from the pedestal using Z's camera.

Where is the beautiful color reenactment footage shot by Shaneyfelt?

It was only the president that was shot, I guess they could half-ass the reenactments.

The StemmonsSign alterations were completed in "Notchville" Tennesee.

"Raised up in his seat" - Enough to see, partial hands at the throat, above the sign???

I asked if West saw a version described in the previous sentence at approx extant Z208 ,which was then advanced to what is seen starting at approx extant Z226.








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On 2/2/2023 at 3:09 PM, Chris Davidson said:

I asked if West saw a version described in the previous sentence at approx extant Z208 ,which was then advanced to what is seen starting at approx extant Z226.


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Just another building block of the deception/adjustment to tie trajectories/timing back to the SE 6th floor.

Using the same concept from the previous posting should allow you to understand Shaneyfelt's testimony a little better.

Remember too, the speed from said z161-166 now becomes 2.24mph because of retarded distances.




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2 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

Sorry, I don't know the answer to my question.

It sounded in that sentence like you actually asked West... and then didn't provide the answer...

Who are you asking?

And where do you refer to 226?  I must have missed it cause all i see is thru 214

Edited by David Josephs
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1 minute ago, David Josephs said:

It sounded in that sentence like you actually asked West... and then didn't provide the answer...

Who are you asking?

It was just a general question to the audience.

I never spoke to Robert West.

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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

It sounded in that sentence like you actually asked West... and then didn't provide the answer...

Who are you asking?

And where do you refer to 226?  I must have missed it cause all i see is thru 214


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21 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

A little from the other side:


I’ll just mention this briefly as I want to stick around the StemmonsSign.
But, if you add the distance differences among the two previous melding occurrences, it might appear as an adjustment in another location.
For instance:
15.25ft + 10.2 ft -.9ft (BS adjustment advancement from CE884 z161-166 entry) = 24.55ft



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