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Is anyone interested in Apollo missions...

Jack White

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There is little doubt that the
There is little doubt that the glowing white and red hot material being removed from the WTC rubble 90 days after the collapse could only have been created by a nuclear 'device'.
This getting very Twlight Zone! How long did the steel in Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain red hot? Strange that we have no reports of elevated levels of radiation.

No other explanation I think not LOL, the debris pile fire easily could have been hot enough.


So John, just how do you think the explosives were placed without anybody noticing? The perimeter columns were clad in aluminum and were on the outside of the building. There was no access from the inside to the outside of the buildings except in the basements, lobbies and roofs, the (outsides of the) widows which did not open were washed by machine. The core columns were encased in drywall.

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No other explanation I think not LOL, the debris pile fire easily could have been hot enough.


... just how do you think the explosives were placed without anybody noticing? The perimeter columns were clad in aluminum and were on the outside of the building. There was no access from the inside to the outside of the buildings except in the basements, lobbies and roofs, the (outsides of the) widows which did not open were washed by machine. The core columns were encased in drywall.

Perhaps Len is right?

His intriguing and carefully researched posts highlight one reason I no longer visit cities, except under duress.

It's far too dangerous.

Localized fuel fires easily lead to the collapse of entire towerbocks; gigantic steel framed structures frequently drop to the ground like matchboxes.

Much safer to live deep inside a tropical rainforest, even in cyclonic conditions. :lol:

Edited by Sid Walker
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John and Sid...I applaud your debunking of the professional debunker.

The facts are on your side. Keep it up. Truth will prevail. Keep up the

good work. It is appreciated.


Well, thanks Jack, but your applause may have been premature.

Len's erudition and persuasive well-documented arguments are prevailing. After all, he has the western mass media and 99%+ of mainstream western politicians on his side.

I shall add collapsing steel-framed buildings and molten steel at fuel fire temperatures to my list of things I must believe in to gain mainstream cred (along with magic bullets).

As indicated by my previous post, I've never trusted skyscrapers.

Turns out they can dissolve into dust and molten metal at any time. :lol:

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You are exactly right, Sid. We should all just roll over and die. But, before we do, would it not be appropriate to provide some kind of award to Len for prevailing in this matter of neo-logic? How about the G. Posner Case Closed Award For Ignoring The Facts And Toting The Neocon Nit Pik Dictatorial Award For Excellence In Quasi Research, Name Calling For Disruptive Purposes, and General Debunking Rudeness?

Then we could continue our discussion of relevant facts and issues of interest.


John McCarthy

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You are exactly right, Sid. We should all just roll over and die. But, before we do, would it not be appropriate to provide some kind of award to Len for prevailing in this matter of neo-logic? How about the G. Posner Case Closed Award For Ignoring The Facts And Toting The Neocon Nit Pik Dictatorial Award For Excellence In Quasi Research, Name Calling For Disruptive Purposes, and General Debunking Rudeness?

Then we could continue our discussion of relevant facts and issues of interest.


John McCarthy

I'll second that John (except for your second sentence :) )

Len, you are famous.

When can we expect the book, lecture circuit... even a movie?

Edited by Sid Walker
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Hot Damn!!!!! A big ass hole in the roof!!!!!

"How long did the steel in Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain red hot?"

The bombs dropped on the civilian targets were detonated by barometric devices at thousands of feet above the surface of the city so that only the bottom of the fireball touched the ground. This is another case of asking a dumb question and not knowing what the answer is gonna be, to quote you! Your awards are building up.

The nuclear device in the WTC was detonated in the steel structure UNDERGROUND.

Next question?


John McCarthy

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The nuclear device in the WTC was detonated in the steel structure UNDERGROUND.

Next question?


John McCarthy

Thanks John, I've been LMAO reading the stuff you post, knowing that soon you would post something that shows exactly how warped your brain really is. And now you have gone and jumped the shark! Good work...another Education Forum NUTJOB!

A nuke in the basement...priceless!

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It should be noted that when the facts aren't on Healy's side (which is about 99 percent of the time) he resorts to insults, inane/snide remarks and/or pathetic attempts at humor.

David – YOU pressed the matter about Fetzer being dishonest. I was going to let it go at that remark. I have shown that on multiple occasions he gave false information that he almost certainly knew was false. If you want to defend him try to show that he a) didn't say what I said he said, B) was correct or c) didn't know what he said was incorrect. I doubt you'll be able to do any of the above because I have shown: a) where he made these comments, B) that they were incorrect c) that he almost certainly knew they were incorrect (he misquoted his own book for example).

It's not a question of trusting me, if someone doesn't all they have to do is check my sources. Since the text of his book is not available online I provide here a scan of the cited passages.



I wonder if Fetzer was in the right why he hasn't said anything I brought up these lies on another forum that he is a member of but so far he hasn't replied. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FETZERclaimsDEBUNK/

"offhand, OFFHAND comment? LMAO"

Yes Davie 'offhand'

Main Entry: 2offhand

Function: adjective

1 : CASUAL, INFORMAL <a relaxed, offhand manner>

2 : done or made offhand <offhand excuses>

Function: adverb

: without premeditation or preparation : EXTEMPORE <couldn't give the figures offhand>


I didn't plan on documenting or making a big deal about his dishonesty; I was merely expressing my opinion of his work in reaction to John's comment. You forced my hand.

The Tiffany globe was presumably this model which is 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter.news articles referred to it being worth $ 250 it now sells for $299. Perhaps Jack can do some photo-analysis showing that Fetzer's fingers weren't really less than an inch apart in the video as they appear to be but rather more that four.



Edited by Len Colby
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Fetzer might want to take the time to speak to John Judge, who actually took the time to do some actual research on this matter. He talked with the air staff on the ground that saw the highjackers get on the planes.

One of Johns friends was an air hostess, who's usual route was the one that went into the pentagon, she was allowed into the crash site and saw pieces of the airplane and also saw the friendship bracelet on her friends severed hand.

John confronted a 9/11 CTer in my presence a few months back, the CTer simply refused to believe John.

The Truth movement by and large is a cult that refuses to make any acceptions to what their 'experts' say.

So there is one excellent reason why the highjackers were on the place

1. Because the air stewards saw them get on!


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Fetzer might want to take the time to speak to John Judge, who actually took the time to do some actual research on this matter. He talked with the air staff on the ground that saw the highjackers get on the planes.

One of Johns friends was an air hostess, who's usual route was the one that went into the pentagon, she was allowed into the crash site and saw pieces of the airplane and also saw the friendship bracelet on her friends severed hand.

John confronted a 9/11 CTer in my presence a few months back, the CTer simply refused to believe John.

The Truth movement by and large is a cult that refuses to make any acceptions to what their 'experts' say.

So there is one excellent reason why the highjackers were on the place

1. Because the air stewards saw them get on!


John Judge is a good friend of mine, and is correct on most issues.

However, in this instance, I believe he has been has been taken in

by clever propaganda presented to a close friend, stewardess T Carter.

She was summoned to the Pentagon and shown a photo of a severed

arm which had a bracelet on it and asked whether she could identify

it. She said the bracelet belonged to a friend. Why was Ms. Carter

selected to show the gruesome photo to? Why not a family member?

Was she chosen because she is a friend of Judge?

I find this bizarre. How many other various "body parts" were photographed

and identified "by friends"? This is the only known instance. What is the

documentation for the finding of this "arm" and photographing it? Was it

photographed in the Pentagon or at a morgue? How do we know the arm

came from the Pentagon event and not some other source? How did they know to

show it to Ms. Carter?

I do not think John or Ms. Carter are trying to mislead; they are telling

what they know. I think they are victims of very bizarre propaganda.


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Disprove the statement.

Uh John, you made an extraordinary claim, its YOUR job to back it up, which you have failed to do.

But lets start here...show us proof that the buildings fell from the bottom UP!

Witnesses inside the north tower reported a massive explosion in the sub basement at the moment of, or several seconds before, the impact of the plane. The Naudet brothers video documentary of the events shows massive damage to the ground floor lobby, with all the glass being blown out, and the tiles being knocked off the walls. The official explanation for the lobby damage is that burning jet fuel raced down the elevator shafts and caused the explosion, but there was only one express elevator shaft in the north tower that connected from the ground floor to the level of the plane's impact. All the other elevator shafts were staggered, most extending to only about the 40th floor, and I believe one or two going as far as the 70th floor. The alleged hijacked plane, American Airlines flight 11, impacted above the 90th floor. WTC maintenance man, William Rodriguez, was in one of the sub-basement offices with about 14 other people when a huge explosion erupted in one of the sub-basement levels just beneath them, causing the walls to crack, and the ceiling to cave in. A fellow worker came running up from the floor below where Rodriguez and the others had heard the explosion screaming "Explosion! Explosion!", with the skin hanging off his arms, and with "pieces of his face missing." Another WTC employee, Mike Peccarello, was talking to a co-worker in the sub-basement level when the lights went on and off, and assuming another terrorist attack like the one in 93, began to ascend to the ground floor to see what was going on. As they got to the level of the machine shop, they saw a several ton piece of machinery blown completely across the room, and a fire door "crumpled up like a piece of aluminum foil." How could burning jet fuel, igniting at the 90th floor or above, have been the cause of all of this? The Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory seismograph recorded seismic spikes 14 seconds before the official time of plane impact on the north tower, and 17 seconds before the time of impact on the south tower. This discrepancy in time between the seismographic spikes recorded at the L.D.E.O., and the official time of plane impacts, has still not been satisfactorily explained.

Edited by Brian Smith
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Disprove the statement.

Uh John, you made an extraordinary claim, its YOUR job to back it up, which you have failed to do.

But lets start here...show us proof that the buildings fell from the bottom UP!

Witnesses inside the north tower reported a massive explosion in the sub basement at the moment of, or several seconds before, the impact of the plane. The Naudet brothers video documentary of the events shows massive damage to the ground floor lobby, with all the glass being blown out, and the tiles being knocked off the walls. The official explanation for the lobby damage is that burning jet fuel raced down the elevator shafts and caused the explosion, but there was only one express elevator shaft in the north tower that connected from the ground floor to the level of the plane's impact. All the other elevator shafts were staggered, most extending to only about the 40th floor, and I believe one or two going as far as the 70th floor. The alleged hijacked plane, American Airlines flight 11, impacted above the 90th floor. WTC maintenance man, William Rodriguez, was in one of the sub-basement offices with about 14 other people when a huge explosion erupted in one of the sub-basement levels just beneath them, causing the walls to crack, and the ceiling to cave in. A fellow worker came running up from the floor below where Rodriguez and the others had heard the explosion screaming "Explosion! Explosion!", with the skin hanging off his arms, and with "pieces of his face missing." Another WTC employee, Mike Peccarello, was talking to a co-worker in the sub-basement level when the lights went on and off, and assuming another terrorist attack like the one in 93, began to ascend to the ground floor to see what was going on. As they got to the level of the machine shop, they saw a several ton piece of machinery blown completely across the room, and a fire door "crumpled up like a piece of aluminum foil." How could burning jet fuel, igniting at the 90th floor or above, have been the cause of all of this? The Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory seismograph recorded seismic spikes 14 seconds before the official time of plane impact on the north tower, and 17 seconds before the time of impact on the south tower. This discrepancy in time between the seismographic spikes recorded at the L.D.E.O., and the official time of plane impacts, has still not been satisfactorily explained.

And its YOUR contention that this was the result of a NUKE...and the buildings stood for an hour? Please. Your brain has popped a breaker.

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Disprove the statement.

Uh John, you made an extraordinary claim, its YOUR job to back it up, which you have failed to do.

But lets start here...show us proof that the buildings fell from the bottom UP!

Witnesses inside the north tower reported a massive explosion in the sub basement at the moment of, or several seconds before, the impact of the plane. The Naudet brothers video documentary of the events shows massive damage to the ground floor lobby, with all the glass being blown out, and the tiles being knocked off the walls. The official explanation for the lobby damage is that burning jet fuel raced down the elevator shafts and caused the explosion, but there was only one express elevator shaft in the north tower that connected from the ground floor to the level of the plane's impact. All the other elevator shafts were staggered, most extending to only about the 40th floor, and I believe one or two going as far as the 70th floor. The alleged hijacked plane, American Airlines flight 11, impacted above the 90th floor. WTC maintenance man, William Rodriguez, was in one of the sub-basement offices with about 14 other people when a huge explosion erupted in one of the sub-basement levels just beneath them, causing the walls to crack, and the ceiling to cave in. A fellow worker came running up from the floor below where Rodriguez and the others had heard the explosion screaming "Explosion! Explosion!", with the skin hanging off his arms, and with "pieces of his face missing." Another WTC employee, Mike Peccarello, was talking to a co-worker in the sub-basement level when the lights went on and off, and assuming another terrorist attack like the one in 93, began to ascend to the ground floor to see what was going on. As they got to the level of the machine shop, they saw a several ton piece of machinery blown completely across the room, and a fire door "crumpled up like a piece of aluminum foil." How could burning jet fuel, igniting at the 90th floor or above, have been the cause of all of this? The Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory seismograph recorded seismic spikes 14 seconds before the official time of plane impact on the north tower, and 17 seconds before the time of impact on the south tower. This discrepancy in time between the seismographic spikes recorded at the L.D.E.O., and the official time of plane impacts, has still not been satisfactorily explained.

And its YOUR contention that this was the result of a NUKE...and the buildings stood for an hour? Please. Your brain has popped a breaker.

This Finnish website explains the use of SMALL NUCLEAR DEVICES at various

levels of the WTC buildings:


The Finnish site has numerous pages. Go to all of them. Home page:


Follow the evidence.


Edited by Jack White
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