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Destiny Betrayed, Second Edition - Jim DiEugenio


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Well, I guess I just can't help myself about that vocabulary.  When I used to write film reviews, people would come up to me and say, "You know I have to get a dictionary out when I read those things."

 I did the same thing when, growing up, when I was reading some of the better book critics e.g. Edmund Wilson, Lionel Trilling, Dwight Macdonald.  Which is where I learned to write book reviews.

As per the Baron. IMO, the giveaway is Dr Mendoza. Who I learned about from Jim Marrs. 

Edited by James DiEugenio
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14 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Well, I guess I just can't help myself about that vocabulary.  When I used to write film reviews, people would come up to me and say, "You know I have to get a dictionary out when I read those things."

But I have to say, I did the same thing when, growing up, I was reading some of the better book critics e.g. Edmund Wilson, Lionel Trilling, Dwight Macdonald.  Which is where I learned to write book reviews.

As per the Baron. IMO, the giveaway is Dr Mendoza. Who I learned about from Jim Marrs. 

I learn about 5 or 6 words a week, most of the latin phrases (which are commonplace in legal frameworks) have come from JFK books. It’s great to be learning ...  

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On 2/15/2021 at 4:13 AM, Greg Doudna said:

One more comment on Ruth Paine and the destruction of her good name. Her father's AID work and sister's employment as a psychologist with CIA was unrelated to the covert-assassination ops of CIA and does not mean Ruth was CIA for which there is no evidence. Probably most have known a friend who has siblings or a parent who has been career military, if not coming from such a family yourself; that does not mean that friend or you yourself are covert military. There is no evidence of CIA employment or involvement in Michael Paine's family at all, let alone in Michael's own history. Ruth has denied being CIA or a Marina babysitter for an agency. Ruth has testified that the Hosty visit to her home in Nov 1963 was the first time she met an FBI agent in her life. Ruth's testimony from start to finish has never been shown to be other than credible and truthful and has been regarded as credible and truthful by 100% of the experienced staff investigators for WC and HSCA. Ruth has no criminal record, never underwent training in the kind of covert black arts attributed to her, everyone who knew her has spoken of her as sincere and living her religious convictions as a Friend. The Paines' finances were investigated in detail by FBI and no compensation from an agency ever came to light. The way Ruth Paine came to meet and took an interest in helping Marina is reasonable in terms of Ruth's pre-existing study and teaching of Russian. The suspicions of Ruth as CIA later in Nicaragua with her work with pro-Nica, so damaging in discourse, have never been substantiated and were fueled in the first place by the unfounded accusations of JFK assassination researchers. I encountered mention of those suspicions raised of Ruth in Nicaragua, told to me in the St. Petersburg Friends Meeting by persons who did not believe them to be true, but I imagined how hurtful such accusations were. Has anyone here been falsely accused, without evidence, and then it became believed? This is how innocent people are destroyed folks.

DeMohrenschildt had a long known history of CIA and other agencies' involvement, that is completely clear, unlike with Ruth. It is very plausible (and would be surprising if it were not the case) that DeMohrenschildt informed on Lee and Marina to the same Dallas CIA Domestic Contacts close friend Moore that DeMohrenschildt had been in contact with in his supplying of other information from his travels of interest to CIA, and who discussed Oswald with DeMohrenschildt when DeMohrenschildt sought out his first contact with Lee. Yet nobody makes up fantastic stories about George DeMohrenschildt fabricating and planting evidence all over the place on Lee, forging and planting backyard photos, forging and planting firearms purchases in Lee's name, etc and etc and etc. But all sorts of things of that nature are imagined and hallucinated out of thin air and believed without any evidence whatsoever with respect to Ruth; why?

On the supposition that if DeMohrenschildt was a conduit of intelligence-informant information on Lee in Dallas, and that some continuity in intelligence agency information continued with Lee after the DeMohrenschildts left for Haiti around the end of April 1963, it does not logically follow that Ruth Paine was the handoff. Lee and Marina went to New Orleans at that time and lived in New Orleans and any handoff of Lee would be in New Orleans. Ruth Paine was helping Marina with these moves, and upon learning Marina was about to have a baby and the Oswalds in dire straights concerning medical care and finances, Ruth invited Marina to live with her in Oak Cliff in late Sept 1963 to get medical attention and have her baby. There is of course no reason to suppose Ruth had any idea that JFK would be assassinated or that Lee would be charged with it, when Ruth made that fateful phone call at Marina's urging to see if Lee could get a job at the TSBD. 

The reason there is no reason to suppose that is because if Ruth were witting to the assassination or had been involved in wittingly setting up Lee, or any of the other things imagined, or Michael either, what mechanism was in place to ensure neither of them would ever talk, ever blow the whistle, ever go to authorities and confess? Neither were murdered, neither suffered medical or personal or psychiatric breakdown or untimely deaths, they both spoke openly, there is no sign anybody controlled what either of them said over the years. Ruth welcomed my wife and me after I returned to the US from working in Denmark newly married to my wife from Denmark, and Ruth was part of a small group who went to a restaurant for lunch following my first Friends Meeting upon my return to the US. At that time the book Mrs. Paine's Garage had just come out and Ruth talked informally to us about it. I did not notice any fear or trepidation in her as she talked. Is this how two persons with lifetime huge sinister secrets inside behave? Does that sound like someone materially involved in the assassination of JFK or in one of the most high-profile felonious framings imaginable of an innocent man long ago?  

People who spin out elaborate conspiracy theories invoking covert actions and deception of Ruth Paine as a "deux ex machina" explanation for anything needed to fill out a JFK assassination theory, despite no evidence for any of it, never seem to consider some prior questions of plausibility: if you were asked to fabricate or plant evidence criminally implicating someone--such a very serious and horrible thing--and to testify falsely and extensively under oath concerning that, would you maybe ask for some indemnification from the US government, drawn up by lawyers and airtight legally, in case your perjury were to be exposed and you were prosecuted for that? When you imagine Ruth hither and yon forging and planting fabricated evidence, carrying out instructions from unseen handlers above her instructing her what to do and testify (all without documentary evidence for any of this) ... do you realize how bizarre that sounds? How far removed it sounds from actual "Innocence Project" type cases addressing issues of false convictions in the US criminal justice system? When there has never been any evidence her story is other than what she has long testified?

I have not in all this time renewed contact with Ruth, remiss on my part. She is now in her upper 80s so I will not delay. With covid and logistics a visit to her retirement home in northern California is not too likely. But I am already forming the letter. How I have studied quite a bit concerning the JFK assassination, have seen the things said about her, and how deeply, deeply sorry I am that she has had to experience that, for she did not deserve it. In her life she has told the truth, has worked for Quaker causes, was part of Kennedy liberalism and idealism, tried to help Marina at the time, has no record of ever maliciously hurting anyone in her life. We all make mistakes in our various walks with God. But I think Ruth will fare better in the judgment of eternity than in the words of some on earth.

This is about all I intend to say regarding Ruth Paine.

Very well stated Greg. Ruth Paine has been dragged through the cesspool of false innuendos and outright lies for too long. I appreciate your efforts to set the record straight.  

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