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Public interest in the JFK assassination

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Sub-headline from an article in the June 12-13, 2021 weekend edition of The Wall Street Journal:

"Nearly half of the U.S. population was born after 1981, the last year of double-digit consumer price increases." 

It makes one wonder what percentage of the U.S. population was born after 1963 and the affect of this on public interest in the assassination of President Kennedy.

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45 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Sub-headline from an article in the June 12-13, 2021 weekend edition of The Wall Street Journal:

"Nearly half of the U.S. population was born after 1981, the last year of double-digit consumer price increases." 

It makes one wonder what percentage of the U.S. population was born after 1963 and the affect of this on public interest in the assassination of President Kennedy.

The latest census data indicates that about 16% of the U.S. population is currently over 65.

In 2019, the percentage of U.S. citizens born prior to 1960 was roughly 23%.

Older Americans Month: May 2021 (census.gov)

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news (there is some good news, so bear with me), but interest is waning and "they" are winning (or perhaps they have even won). Public opinion polls are still "on our side" but nowhere near the large margins they once were from roughly 1988-2003ish (and witness public comment sections on any related articles littered with "Oswald did it-get a life" kind of statements).  Time has not been a friend. Since 2013, the mainstream media has really shut down dissent on the case and it is now very common to see Oswald listed as the assassin, not even the alleged assassin, with no note of any theories or discrepancies and so forth. So many principals have passed on since 1963. Think about it this way: 30 years ago (!), when the JFK movie came out, Jackie, Teddy, JFK Jr, the Connallys and a score of others were still alive. From 1988-1993 (and off and on until 2003), talk shows and even some mainstream programs catered to pro-conspiracy shows...no longer. The Men Who Killed Kennedy was a regular feature on the A & E Network and the history channel from roughly 1991-2003...no longer.

New crap books by Carol Leonnig and Dan Abrams are massive best-sellers that trot out Oswald as the assassin, Ruby as a lone-nutter, the agents ordered off the limo myth, etc.

The only real "good" news: the internet still displays a fair amount of interest and pro-conspiracy sites, forums and views abound. Also, Josiah Thompson's book (and, to a lesser extent, my book) has been selling very well. There is also the new Stone documentary that we hope sees the light of day in America/ on television/DVD. In addition, the 2017-2018 file releases garnered some positive press and revelations. But you know that old saying: "yesterday's headlines wrap tomorrow's fish." The constant meme/ soundbite culture we live in (thanks to social media) is relentless and makes people forget things quickly. Finally, the whole Covid mess has probably been a distraction, as well.

Another aspect that did irreparable damage: the whole false flag/dirtying of the term "conspiracy theory." Alex Jones and James Fetzer trotted out that obscene Sandy-Hook-is-a-hoax fraud and it has carried over into so much else ever since, not to mention all the silly 9/11 theories. Trump and his minions only dowsed fuel onto the flame via the whole Qanon/ Pizzagate/other obscene theories muck (including Ted-Cruz-dad-knew-Oswald).

As I state in my new book, hope springs eternal, but time has not been a friend.

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37 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

I hate to be the bearer of bad news (there is some good news, so bear with me), but interest is waning and "they" are winning (or perhaps they have even won). Public opinion polls are still "on our side" but nowhere near the large margins they once were from roughly 1988-2003ish (and witness public comment sections on any related articles littered with "Oswald did it-get a life" kind of statements).  Time has not been a friend. Since 2013, the mainstream media has really shut down dissent on the case and it is now very common to see Oswald listed as the assassin, not even the alleged assassin, with no note of any theories or discrepancies and so forth. So many principals have passed on since 1963. Think about it this way: 30 years ago (!), when the JFK movie came out, Jackie, Teddy, JFK Jr, the Connallys and a score of others were still alive. From 1988-1993 (and off and on until 2003), talk shows and even some mainstream programs catered to pro-conspiracy shows...no longer. The Men Who Killed Kennedy was a regular feature on the A & E Network and the history channel from roughly 1991-2003...no longer.

New crap books by Carol Leonnig and Dan Abrams are massive best-sellers that trot out Oswald as the assassin, Ruby as a lone-nutter, the agents ordered off the limo myth, etc.

The only real "good" news: the internet still displays a fair amount of interest and pro-conspiracy sites, forums and views abound. Also, Josiah Thompson's book (and, to a lesser extent, my book) has been selling very well. There is also the new Stone documentary that we hope sees the light of day in America/ on television/DVD. In addition, the 2017-2018 file releases garnered some positive press and revelations. But you know that old saying: "yesterday's headlines wrap tomorrow's fish." The constant meme/ soundbite culture we live in (thanks to social media) is relentless and makes people forget things quickly. Finally, the whole Covid mess has probably been a distraction, as well.

Another aspect that did irreparable damage: the whole false flag/dirtying of the term "conspiracy theory." Alex Jones and James Fetzer trotted out that obscene Sandy-Hook-is-a-hoax fraud and it has carried over into so much else ever since, not to mention all the silly 9/11 theories. Trump and his minions only dowsed fuel onto the flame via the whole Qanon/ Pizzagate/other obscene theories muck (including Ted-Cruz-dad-knew-Oswald).

As I state in my new book, hope springs eternal, but time has not been a friend.

Unfortunately, I have to agree. Time has always been on the side of the perpetrators. If only what John Lennon said was true: "...time wounds all heels." Alas...

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1 hour ago, Robert Burrows said:

Unfortunately, I have to agree. Time has always been on the side of the perpetrators. If only what John Lennon said was true: "...time wounds all heels." Alas...

Thanks. Yes; definitely.

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Since 2013, the mainstream media has really shut down dissent on the case

This is possibly a glass half full / glass half empty thing.

I think the media didn't shut down dissent, so much as they shut down reporting on it. And the reason they shut down reporting on it, was because the case for conspiracy has been made very strongly, a lot of people doubt the official story, and there's a wealth of info now available for anyone who wants to educate themselves on the topic.

Also - 


Public opinion polls are still "on our side" but nowhere near the large margins they once were from roughly 1988-2003ish

Who does the polling? If the Washington Post ever held a poll on the subject, and then printed the numbers, I wouldn't trust the numbers they printed. Ditto The Guardian.


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11 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

I hate to be the bearer of bad news (there is some good news, so bear with me), but interest is waning and "they" are winning (or perhaps they have even won). Public opinion polls are still "on our side" but nowhere near the large margins they once were from roughly 1988-2003ish (and witness public comment sections on any related articles littered with "Oswald did it-get a life" kind of statements).  Time has not been a friend. Since 2013, the mainstream media has really shut down dissent on the case and it is now very common to see Oswald listed as the assassin, not even the alleged assassin, with no note of any theories or discrepancies and so forth. So many principals have passed on since 1963. Think about it this way: 30 years ago (!), when the JFK movie came out, Jackie, Teddy, JFK Jr, the Connallys and a score of others were still alive. From 1988-1993 (and off and on until 2003), talk shows and even some mainstream programs catered to pro-conspiracy shows...no longer. The Men Who Killed Kennedy was a regular feature on the A & E Network and the history channel from roughly 1991-2003...no longer.

New crap books by Carol Leonnig and Dan Abrams are massive best-sellers that trot out Oswald as the assassin, Ruby as a lone-nutter, the agents ordered off the limo myth, etc.

The only real "good" news: the internet still displays a fair amount of interest and pro-conspiracy sites, forums and views abound. Also, Josiah Thompson's book (and, to a lesser extent, my book) has been selling very well. There is also the new Stone documentary that we hope sees the light of day in America/ on television/DVD. In addition, the 2017-2018 file releases garnered some positive press and revelations. But you know that old saying: "yesterday's headlines wrap tomorrow's fish." The constant meme/ soundbite culture we live in (thanks to social media) is relentless and makes people forget things quickly. Finally, the whole Covid mess has probably been a distraction, as well.

Another aspect that did irreparable damage: the whole false flag/dirtying of the term "conspiracy theory." Alex Jones and James Fetzer trotted out that obscene Sandy-Hook-is-a-hoax fraud and it has carried over into so much else ever since, not to mention all the silly 9/11 theories. Trump and his minions only dowsed fuel onto the flame via the whole Qanon/ Pizzagate/other obscene theories muck (including Ted-Cruz-dad-knew-Oswald).

As I state in my new book, hope springs eternal, but time has not been a friend.

I probably agree but..

The establishment media said that whacko-conspiracy theory that COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan had been certifiably debunked.

Alex Jones said it came from a lab.

A sane person does not take cues from Alex Jones, or the Washington Post. In this world, you are on your own. 

A friend of mine says there is nothing more fake than an American reality TV show.

One might add that (too often for comfort) there is nothing more fake than "real" news. 

The treatment of the JFKA is a case in point. 



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