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Michael Kazin and the NY Review vs JFK

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I actually wrote Kazin a note and emailed it to him.  Today I wrote the editor of the NY Review blasting her for printing such a piece of junk that was not a review at all.

It was just an excuse to trash JFK.  The general idea is that if you erase what the true record was, then his assassination does not mean much.  In other words it is part of a political agenda.

And man have they tried to erase it.  How many knew that Kennedy tried to pass Medicare in 1962? That he spoke about universal healthcare.  Well somehow Kazin did not know those things, or if he did he ignored it for his agenda.  And maybe. to stay in good graces with the NY TImes and W Post.



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Excellent article.   Michael Kazin appears to be yet another academician promoting the false history of JFK's presidency in the U.S. mainstream media.

It's the kind of propaganda that works-- having reputable "experts" repeat the lie.

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Yes, he is in the footsteps of hacks like Dallek and Sabato.

I emailed Kazin my article and said, for everyone who reads this you now have custard pie all over your face.

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I don't see how he's called a Professor of History.  I thought that required a desire, a commitment to teach the Truth about History.  A duty to research such before you write about a given subject on it.  Jumping from the Senate in 1956 to the Presidency in 1960 and beyond when the book ends in 1956 is not a review of the book.  It's propaganda, a personal diatribe based on the authors opinion, a perversion of True History.  I wonder if he's done enough research to understand what he's a victim of.  Operation Mockingbird has become institutionalized with the 1-5% owning 95-98% of the Main Stream Media.  He likely does know which side his bead is buttered on.   jmo, off the soap box.


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Egads, what has happened to the American "left"?

The left has not only become elaborately censorious, they are so aligned with the Deep State, globalists and the national security state they make Tucker Carlson look appealing. 

To me, this Kazin writing has the look of another article, written by another useful idiot, intended to undermine any impetus for a full release of documents under the JFK Records Act, which Biden will rule on later this year. 

It was long-dead Russians that did the JFKA, or the Cubans did the JFKA, a lone nut did the JFKA, and JFKA was not that great anyway, and on and on. 

No, JFK was not perfect. But he deserves a fair shake. 





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"Why, nearly six decades after his murder, do Americans still care so much about and, for the most part, continue to think so highly of John Fitzgerald Kennedy?"--Michael Kazin

Right, we Americans only care about the JFKA as we deluded about his true nature. Ergo, we should not care if all the records are released under the JFK Act, or that the assassination be re-investigated. 

I got news for Kazin:

1. You got the JFK record wrong. 

2. Even if JFK was a bad president, or had policies we disagree with, even ordinary citizens cannot stand idly by while the national security state removes an elected president.

And murder is murder.


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On 6/15/2021 at 1:18 AM, James DiEugenio said:

I actually wrote Kazin a note and emailed it to him.  Today I wrote the editor of the NY Review blasting her for printing such a piece of junk that was not a review at all.

It was just an excuse to trash JFK.  The general idea is that if you erase what the true record was, then his assassination does not mean much.  In other words it is part of a political agenda.

And man have they tried to erase it.  How many knew that Kennedy tried to pass Medicare in 1962? That he spoke about universal healthcare.  Well somehow Kazin did not know those things, or if he did he ignored it for his agenda.  And maybe. to stay in good graces with the NY TImes and W Post.



Even after almost six decades the Power Elite fear JFK.


Where we ask no quarter, and no quarter do we give
We're right down the street from the street where you live
They mutilated his body and they took out his brain
What more could they do? They piled on the pain
But his soul's not there where it was supposed to be at
For the last fifty years they've been searchin' for that...

-Bob Dylan 



Edited by Robert Burrows
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RB: But his soul's not there where it was supposed to be at
For the last fifty years they've been searchin' for that...


This is where someone like Kazin comes in.  

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BTW, I sent Kazin an email with my article attached.

That was Sunday evening.

No reply.  And that is no surprise.

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