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This case would be a goldmine for someone willing to make an anthology series or documentary series

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On some streaming service. This particular rabbit hole is DEEP! I'd love to see either or both (anthology series or documentary series). People are fascinated by this topic even if they aren't students of assassination lore. You'd NEVER run out of material! It could go 11 or 12 seasons and still have interesting stories to tell! If you decided to do an anthology series with actors you could do complete standalone episodes on overlooked stories like Coley from the news and the pools of blood he saw, the real chain of custody of the Z film with the two different and separate sessions at the NPIC lab, the shell game with the body of JFK and different coffins and autopsies......So many stories to tell and you got the bigger ones like Umbrella Man, Rose Cheramie, etc. You could do a whole episode on the Warren Commission. One on the HSCA. One on the work of the ARRB. Hell, if they had an entire channel devoted to the assassination with nonstop 24 hour programming I'd watch, lol, but that's just me. Lol! I know many are critical of The Men Who Killed Kennedy series but we need something like that and if you think it wasn't done the way it should have been then we need a similar series done right with deep investigation done on each subject.

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I would love to see a big Hollywood theatrical film at some point about the evolution of the case focused on the earliest critics. We really need people to know about these heroes that modern day critics stand on the shoulders of. Show the criticism of the investigation from day 1 on through the formation of the Warren Commission and the news specials trying to convince the public of the Warren Report. Mark Lane trying to.represent Oswald. The earliest books from critics. Sylvia Meagher coming up with the index to the 26 volumes. Show the progression and how the public slowly went from belief in the "official" story to how 70-80% doubted it. Could be called The Critics.

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I agree, Jamey. It seems that no matter how many books I read or shows I watch, there is always something new to learn. And some things only reveal themselves to be relevant when placed in context, so even things I learned long ago can surprise me later with a fresh significance.

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4 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

On some streaming service. This particular rabbit hole is DEEP! I'd love to see either or both (anthology series or documentary series). People are fascinated by this topic even if they aren't students of assassination lore. You'd NEVER run out of material! It could go 11 or 12 seasons and still have interesting stories to tell! If you decided to do an anthology series with actors you could do complete standalone episodes on overlooked stories like Coley from the news and the pools of blood he saw, the real chain of custody of the Z film with the two different and separate sessions at the NPIC lab, the shell game with the body of JFK and different coffins and autopsies......So many stories to tell and you got the bigger ones like Umbrella Man, Rose Cheramie, etc. You could do a whole episode on the Warren Commission. One on the HSCA. One on the work of the ARRB. Hell, if they had an entire channel devoted to the assassination with nonstop 24 hour programming I'd watch, lol, but that's just me. Lol! I know many are critical of The Men Who Killed Kennedy series but we need something like that and if you think it wasn't done the way it should have been then we need a similar series done right with deep investigation done on each subject.

I agree. It would be a great series if it were produced with care and passion.

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Just getting Stone and Jim Di Eugenio's documentary available for public viewing in the U S, and the rest of the world would be a major step towards such.

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Jeez, you could a bang-up two-hour movie just on John Newman's  "WWIII" virus idea (Dan Hardway had a similar observation). 

It has been a few decades since I read a John le Carre novel, but the LHO biography build, the WWIII virus and of course the consequences tops anything he wrote. 

But of course, I would happier with a real-world serious full-on re-investigation of the whole JFKA. 


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Benjamin Cole, it's getting about time for something investigatory from the government! So far every 20 or 30 years they do something to look like they are actually doing something in hopes to appease us "conspiracy theorists", lol! You had the Warren Commission right away nearly, then we got the HSCA in the 70's, and the ARRB in the 90's. But those last 2 were only formed after something major to sway the public towards conspiracy (Z film shown on TV, the film JFK). Sadly, it looks like we'll need something to force a new investigation. Hopefully the new Oliver Stone, Jim D doc will be a catalyst. But I fear it will take more than that. Some kinda bombshell.

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12 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

Benjamin Cole, it's getting about time for something investigatory from the government! So far every 20 or 30 years they do something to look like they are actually doing something in hopes to appease us "conspiracy theorists", lol! You had the Warren Commission right away nearly, then we got the HSCA in the 70's, and the ARRB in the 90's. But those last 2 were only formed after something major to sway the public towards conspiracy (Z film shown on TV, the film JFK). Sadly, it looks like we'll need something to force a new investigation. Hopefully the new Oliver Stone, Jim D doc will be a catalyst. But I fear it will take more than that. Some kinda bombshell.

Jamey F.---

Verily, and we are running out of innings.  Obviously, many people have died, and evidence becomes aged. 

Soon I will post about Connally's coat and Dr. Shaw, and the Z-film, evidence which again underlines the inconvenient truth that whoever fired on Nov. 22 did it too quickly for a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle. 

I contend this simple, digestible and true story-line could be useful in bringing about another official investigation and report on the facts, and once and for all burying the lone gunman theory. Or, at least, a full release of all records under the JFK Act. 


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13 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

Benjamin Cole, it's getting about time for something investigatory from the government! So far every 20 or 30 years they do something to look like they are actually doing something in hopes to appease us "conspiracy theorists", lol! You had the Warren Commission right away nearly, then we got the HSCA in the 70's, and the ARRB in the 90's. But those last 2 were only formed after something major to sway the public towards conspiracy (Z film shown on TV, the film JFK). Sadly, it looks like we'll need something to force a new investigation. Hopefully the new Oliver Stone, Jim D doc will be a catalyst. But I fear it will take more than that. Some kinda bombshell.

Looks like the best gamble right now would be to try and replicate more 3d models that match the pictures taken in Dealey Plaza, and seeing if the geometry is compatible with the SBT. That's a few thousand dollars in exchange for what may become a game-changer for how the western establishment is viewed.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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7 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

Looks like the best gamble right now would be to try and replicate more 3d models that match the pictures taken in Dealey Plaza, and seeing if the geometry is compatible with the SBT. That's a few thousand dollars in exchange for what may become a game-changer for how the western establishment is viewed.

Micah M--

My take, which I will post in a few days, if that the shot sequence is determined by the Z-film and Connally's coat and injuries, and the unyielding unchanging testimony of Connally his wife and others over the years---they all believed three audible shots, three hits. The rather clear evidence is that Connally was struck less than a second before JFK was struck (JFK in frame 313). 

The "tumbling bullet" striking Connally is an entirely weak argument, which I will demonstrate. 

Stay tuned!


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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