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Lee Harvey Oswald's Cold War

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I reviewed Greg Parker's 2 volume compilation about Oswald.

Its an interesting, unusual and I think valuable work.


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Greg Parker has the inquisitive mind of a journalist. While I don't agree with all his conclusions, most are well-reasoned.


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The opening about that assassination of Gaitan was really interesting.

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The thing about him is that he finds and reads books no one ever heard of before.

Guy has had some health problems of late though.

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As I say, one reason to study the JFKA, in context, is to understand US foreign-military-trade policy. 

From Smedley Butler, through the JFKA, to the Biden Administration, there is the chronic theme of a national security state in alliance with multinationals. 

Both the globalist national security state and the multinationals have grown increasingly powerful since the JFKA, not less. 

The Gaitan-Colombia story is yet another page in a very fat book. Avoiding foreign entanglements used to be the byword of US foreign policy. 

Today the dark onus is on citizens who think the US should not have a global military empire. 


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Recall, JFK wanted Congo to be a free and independent and unified country.

Today there is a whole American Africa Military contingent that covers the continent.

What is off is this: they even opposed HRC's bombing campaign against Libya.

The Gaitan plot, if it was such, is almost uncanny in how it resembles the RFK case.


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26 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Recall, JFK wanted Congo to be a free and independent and unified country.

Today there is a whole American Africa Military contingent that covers the continent.

What is off is this: they even opposed HRC's bombing campaign against Libya.

The Gaitan plot, if it was such, is almost uncanny in how it resembles the RFK case.


Carter Page worked for five years as an intelligence officer for the Marines in the Western Sahara, a nation (sort of) recently absorbed by Morocco, with US approval. 

The joke is every nation on the planet is "strategically critical" except for those places that are "critically strategic." 

BTW, a book worth reading, oddly enough, is "Duty" by Darryl Gates, the Secy Defense guy.

In it, without blushing, he relates how many smaller nations, all over the world (dozens), have effectively turned over "palace guards" to the CIA. This is, in part, because they fear coups, otherwise. 

Of course, this means the CIA is embedded all over the world, eyes and ears everywhere and entanglements always a possibility. There are many other ramifications as well. 

The Libya bombing...ooof. Libya has been destabilized ever since.  



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I think you mean Robert Gates, right?

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That was Daryl Gates. He played

a role in the RFK assassination on

the way up the ladder to LA police chief.

He deliberately absented himself at a cocktail party

during the crucial early hours of the clearly

anticipated uprising over the acquittal of

the police officers who beat Rodney King. I was

recording a radio interview about my Frank Capra biography in an LA station when the verdict

came down, and someone burst into the studio saying,

"We're shifting into riot mode." Gates wasn't.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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43 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

That was Daryl Gates. He played

a role in the RFK assassination on

the way up the ladder to LA police chief.

He deliberately absented himself at a cocktail party

during the crucial early hours of the clearly

anticipated uprising over the acquittal of

the police officers who beat Rodney King. I was

recording a radio interview about my Frank Capra biography in an LA station when the verdict

came down, and someone burst into the studio saying,

"We're shifting into riot mode." Gates wasn't.

Joseph M-

Verily, I lived in L.A during those riots as well, on Molina St. near downtown L.A. Huge columns of black smoke like pillars to the sky, observable from the roof. 

"After the riots broke out, Gates told reporters that the situation would soon be under control, and left Parker Center to attend a previously scheduled political fundraising dinner."

The LA Sheriffs were stupified, and calling LAPD every 15 minutes, asking if the LAPD needed help. (Many cities in South LA County contract with Sheriffs).

Gates told them no. 

You can't make this stuff up. 


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