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Another Fair Treatment of Stone and JFK Revisited

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This is another guy who said the film converted him.

Which was my whole point in writing it. 

That when confronted with the new ARRB evidence, no objective person could buy either the WCR or the HSCA.

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I can appreciate Mr. Stone's attempts to humanize Russia and try to bring our two countries closer, as they were when we joined together to defeat the Nazis.

However during his courting of Putin, I wonder if he forgets that KGB officers were indoctrinated to hate Americans as much as CIA guys were taught to hate Russians.

The US and Russia will hopefully be allies again someday. But I don't think that will happen while Putin is in power.

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23 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I can appreciate Mr. Stone's attempts to humanize Russia and try to bring our two countries closer, as they were when we joined together to defeat the Nazis.

However during his courting of Putin, I wonder if he forgets that KGB officers were indoctrinated to hate Americans as much as CIA guys were taught to hate Russians.

The US and Russia will hopefully be allies again someday. But I don't think that will happen while Putin is in power.

Matt A.--

I agree that Putin (regrettably) is a thug, a klepto-capitalist. 

The best hope is that when Putin passes on, Russia will more or less want to become part of Europe. 



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2 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

Stone appeared last week on the RT program "Going Underground". Informed questions, informed answers - cannot imagine such an interview conducted on American mainstream media.


Jeff Carter: I agonize over this, and not just in this particular case. Why does someone have to watch a Russian disinformation channel to get a more-accurate take on many news events?  




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19 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Jeff Carter: I agonize over this, and not just in this particular case. Why does someone have to watch a Russian disinformation channel to get a more-accurate take on many news events?  


Russia Today is useful, IMO, for perspectives on the pervasive propaganda in our U.S. mainstream media.

But the Kremlin, obviously, has its own pervasive propaganda apparatus, as everyone knows.

Russians I have known over the years know what it's like to live in a media-fabricated bubble of unreality.  And they also know that Putin is a guy who has murdered journalists who dare to criticize him.

Did the CIA do the same thing to Udo Ulfkotte?

It reminds me of that line from John LeCarre's Cold War era novel, The Spy Who Came In From the Cold -- "The Berlin Wall is not a wall.  It's a seam."

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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Russia Today is useful, IMO, for perspectives on the pervasive propaganda in our U.S. mainstream media.

But the Kremlin, obviously, has its own pervasive propaganda apparatus, as everyone knows.

Russians I have known over the years know what it's like to live in a media-fabricated bubble of unreality.  And they also know that Putin is a guy who has murdered journalists who dare to criticize him.

Did the CIA do the same thing to Udo Ulfkotte?

It reminds me of that line from John LeCarre's Cold War era novel, The Spy Who Came In From the Cold -- "The Berlin Wall is not a wall.  It's a seam."

Great line from LeCarre.

And President Xitler is no better. Probably worse. 

I was thinking about Oliver Stone's latest work, the four-hour version. 

I do not know jack about marketing, licensing etc., but is it not odd that no US network, not CBS, CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, or not even any major news outlet, Wapo or NYT, wants to acquire and then broadcast the work? (The latter through Youtube and other online channels). 

Maybe Stone wants theatrical release first. Direct to TV-web seems better to me, but these matters are way beyond my ken. 

But are you telling me there would be no audience for four, one-hour broadcasts? 






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On 7/21/2021 at 5:44 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

Great line from LeCarre.

And President Xitler is no better. Probably worse. 

I was thinking about Oliver Stone's latest work, the four-hour version. 

I do not know jack about marketing, licensing etc., but is it not odd that no US network, not CBS, CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, or not even any major news outlet, Wapo or NYT, wants to acquire and then broadcast the work? (The latter through Youtube and other online channels). 

Maybe Stone wants theatrical release first. Direct to TV-web seems better to me, but these matters are way beyond my ken. 

But are you telling me there would be no audience for four, one-hour broadcasts? 






Sounds a perfect length for a 4 part streaming series. Did someone say before that Netflix had declined?! 

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