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DURAN's Oswald description "short, poorly dressed blond" and the Cuban Visa App photo

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Tell us the problem with how the pics and app got from Duran to Cuba 

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15 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Hi David.  Another great point from you, good to see you post for the first time I've seen in quite awhile.  Hope your well and have just been distracted.

Thanks Ron....

22 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


Tell us the problem with how the pics and app got from Duran to Cuba 

Well according to DURAN they are sent once a week on Friday's yet the first Cuban stamped date we see is October 10th 1963.  See specifically claims not to remember when her OSWALD's application was sent.

The Warren Commission, from what I can tell never did get a copy of that application with requests from the highest levels to Cuba asking for documents specific to OSWALD's in-transit visa application.  (179-40003-10312 is a scan from Malcom's NARA collection of a draft where Earl Warren is requesting Rusk to try State Dept channels to get these docs from Cuba.

The versions were finally do get to see during the HSCA are supposedly carbons of each other but they are terribly misaligned as well as the 2 signatures not matching.

Full circle - if a shabbily dressed man is directed to a forgotten photographer by DURAN (she can't remember where she sent him) and there was no evidence to be found of a photographic shop that MAY have been available (WCD1170)...  the photos of a neatly dressed man in white shirt, tie and pullover cannot possibly be the same person.

It was for this main reason - I believe - DURAN was never shown the application (104-10005-10248 from Sept 10 1964)  Whether this means they did not yet have the application, or they did and knew it would not be the same person DURAN or AZCUE saw, it was shelved until the HSCA.

As my main focus has always been the period before and after the events in Mexico City, we can use many of these supposed events to unravel the conspiracy.

https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1142#relPageId=213 is CE2788 described as  CE 2788 - Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken after his return from Russia in late September 1963 (FBI item 451-4)   Two more versions of this same photo are found in Oswald's possessions after begin returned from the FBI on Nov 26th.


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What are the pictures that Duran saw and sent to Cuba?

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

What are the pictures that Duran saw and sent to Cuba?

I don't see how we can know that - if that in reality ever happened.  the "extra" typing at the bottom reiterating how OSWALD was a communist, etc...
was supposedly DURAN.  Personally I do not see how those documents can be authentic...

One of the things I've discussed in the past is the job AZCUE had.   Turning Americans against America and getting them to "double" for Cuba was AZCUE's main purpose there.  We have AMMUG-1 to thank for what OP should be when a disgruntled American enters the Cuban Embassy.

The very LAST THING Azcue would have done was chase him away.  As AZCUE was targeted for doubling (as were so many within the Cuban Compound) OSWALD if he was there should have been a prime target for a doubling attempt at least... not an argument and expulsion.

So few if any activities align with OSWALD being our OSWALD, if in fact a real person was down there at all.

I will also reintroduce the efforts the FBI made in Nov 63 trying to find any trace of OSWALD having been in Mexico...
At that point, still weeks before the assassination, the FBI asset at Gobernacion also DID NOT HAVE ANY INFO ON OSWALD having been to Mexico.

Kinda hard to believe the Mexican Dept of Interior - Gobernacion - goes from having no records to having all of them.  Rafael OCHOA.





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