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Jean Rene Souetre expelled from the US 18hrs after JFKA?!


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3 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:


Steve, I've shared the composite on Ed Forum in the past so of course I'm willing.  

However, the file exceeds the limits of EF, so I'm trying to remember how to drag the composite (or "choose file") into this thread so that you can consider the images. 

For now, the caption of photos of Jean Rene Souetre reads, 

This poor quality photograph is a unique piece.

It is the agent of the DST Michel Mertz, from two different angles, infiltrator of the OAS environment protect de Gaulle.  

He was in Dallas November 22 where he pretended to be Souetre.

His presence in Texas is proof that the French services knew that Kennedy was going to be assassinated that day.




Thank you.

Yes, you provided this composite on page 8 in the Thread, "Coup in Dallas" here:


In your post, you included a pdf file, that if a person clicks on it, can be downloaded.

I did, and yes, there is no resemlance.

You won't need to upload it again, at least for my benefit anyway.

I would disagree with the author of the piece that the French authorities knew that JFK would be assassinated that day.

 By 1963, Mertz had been expelled from France and was living in Montreal running drugs, probably as part of Lucien Rivard's network.

Steve Thomas



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12 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Thank you.

Yes, you provided this composite on page 8 in the Thread, "Coup in Dallas" here:


In your post, you included a pdf file, that if a person clicks on it, can be downloaded.

I did, and yes, there is no resemlance.



Mertz, from your composite:



Souetre composite

#1 On the base of Culumb-Bechar, 1957

Lieutenant Tromoni (on left) Souetre (on right)

#2 Sergeant Lemineur (on left) and Souetre (on right) Algeria circa 1960


#3 Soetre in Sante Prison (I think. I have not been avle to verify. The other person is unknown)



Steve Thomas

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12 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Thank you.

Yes, you provided this composite on page 8 in the Thread, "Coup in Dallas" here:


In your post, you included a pdf file, that if a person clicks on it, can be downloaded.

I did, and yes, there is no resemlance.

You won't need to upload it again, at least for my benefit anyway.

I would disagree with the author of the piece that the French authorities knew that JFK would be assassinated that day.

 By 1963, Mertz had been expelled from France and was living in Montreal running drugs, probably as part of Lucien Rivard's network.

Steve Thomas



Thanks, Steve,

I've yet to confirm this page was taken from an official government publication. Mr. Messina — who sent it to me via FB messenger — assured me this information stemmed from DST files, but unfortunately he disappeared off my radar a few days later. The caption which indicates the DST has promoted photos of Souetre as Mertz perpetuates the confusion. As you know, in the spring of 1964, French authorities sent a photo of Souetre to the CIA that compares with images we have of Souetre from private collections, so "they" were not confused in the early months following the assassination of the US president.

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20 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

#3 Soetre in Sante Prison (I think. I have not been avle to verify. The other person is unknown)



Steve Thomas



I have seen this third photo captioned as 

LA SANTE - Septembre 1961

6ème Division



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13 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:


Mertz, from your composite:



Souetre composite

#1 On the base of Culumb-Bechar, 1957

Lieutenant Tromoni (on left) Souetre (on right)

#2 Sergeant Lemineur (on left) and Souetre (on right) Algeria circa 1960


#3 Soetre in Sante Prison (I think. I have not been avle to verify. The other person is unknown)



Steve Thomas

I think we agree that Souetre and Mertz were distinct individuals in spite of periodically co-opting one another's identify. The question is why DST got it wrong. It's possible I've overlooked clues that might establish it was an official French government publication or a newspaper or magazine. MM initially insisted the photos with caption originated from DST files.

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3 hours ago, David Butler said:



I have seen this third photo captioned as 

LA SANTE - Septembre 1961

6ème Division




There is a whole write up on Jourdes in the web site you referenced earlier:


And, yes, that picture is in there. Jourdes was in Sante.

Thanks for your help.

Steve Thomas

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On 2/7/2023 at 4:05 PM, Leslie Sharp said:



Yves Guillou a.k.a Ralf Guerin-Serac and Aginter Press . . . from Hank Albarelli's Coup in Dallas,

The OAS and the Aginter Press

Before being air dropped into Vietnam again in 1954, Lucien Conien spends a few weeks at Otto Skorzeny’s training camp outside of Madrid. It is the same camp where multiple French ultraright guerre révolutionnaire tacticians who would meld into the OAS are going through intensive warfare training before being dispatched to Vietnam. By 1957, they had become bitterly opposed to Senator John Kennedy from Massachusetts when he advocated for Algerian independence. The training is rigorous, even brutal at times. Skorzeny’s chief trainers at the camp, Jean Rene Souetre, mentioned in the mysterious correspondence of Frenchman Paul Gluc, and fellow Frenchman Yves Guiliou who widely used the alias Ralf Guerin-Serac, are relentless in their objective to shape their trainees into thoroughly trained professional soldiers. Conien meets every several days with the former SS officer for drinks, dinner, and an occasional choice cigar. 

            Not surprisingly, and especially germane to one of this investigation’s central characters, is that Lucian Conien knew Otto Skorzeny quite well. His initial links to Skorzeny can be found in the La Cagoule, the French Resistance, and the long-standing, mysterious and Portugal-based Aginter Press. Ostensibly a press or media agency, Aginter Press fronted for what CIA officials privately called “assassination central.” Often wrongly cited as being founded in 1966, Aginter Press was first organized in 1962 by Skorzeny’s prized trainer, Guérin-Serac, as a “counterinsurgency, counter-guerrilla center with support of the CIA, of the paramilitary Portuguese Legion, and especially of PIDE, the feared Portuguese secret police, which supposedly financed Aginter Press at the tune of two million escudos per month. Aginter Press was a sizable operation. Between 1962 and 1965, it organized and established an important network of informers linked, through PIDE, to the CIA and to the security services of such countries as West Germany, Spain, Greece, and South Africa,” as well as numerous Latin American and several other European countries. . . .

    . . .  Significantly, as readers shall learn in detail later—regardless of the fact that today the CIA maintains that it knows nothing about Guillou and that he does not appear in their voluminous files—we know that, only about six months before the JFK assassination, on May 23, 1963, Guillou, under the alias Guerin-Serac, accompanied by OAS member and trained assassin Captain Jean Rene Souetre, met with CIA representatives in Lisbon, Portugal. A brief glimpse at Captain Souetre before we encounter him in full in Chapter 10 tells us that a detailed once-secret memorandum by CIA Deputy Director of Plans Richard Helms, identified the purpose of the Lisbon meeting, as described in at least two declassified CIA documents, was to enlist the CIA in OAS efforts to assassinate French leader Charles de Gaulle. . . . '

 ' . . . Souetre’s companion at the meeting in Lisbon was his compatriot, Guerin-Serac who before he established Aginter Press, had been a French soldier serving in France, before fighting in the Korean Conflict in the early 1950s, and “possibly served as a liaison man between the CIA and the French services.” Guillou/Guerin-Serac had also been a master parachutist in Algeria, “before he deserted the French army and joined the OAS rebellion. (This at the very same time as Jean Rene Souetre.) After Algerian independence and the OAS’s defeat, he emigrated to Spain and then to Portugal, the last colonial empire that appeared willing to fight for Western values over ‘communist imperialism.’”  

            Historians Michael Bale and Franco Ferraresi have emphasized Guerin-Serac’s instructive writings for novice terrorists, which, although written over fifty years ago, appear tailor-made for today’s senior terrorists. Some apt excerpts from Guerin-Serac’s manual Missions Spéciales are:

—Subversion acts with appropriate means upon the minds and wills in order to induce them to act outside all logic, against all rules, against all laws. In this way, it conditions individuals and enables one to make use of them as one wishes.

Action psychologique [is] a nonviolent weapon [used] to condition public opinion through the use of the press, the radio, conferences, demonstrations, etc. . . . with the goal of uniting the masses against the authorities.

—Terrorism breaks the population’s resistance, obtains its submission, and provokes a rupture between the population and the authorities. . . . There is a seizure of power over the masses through the creation of a climate of anxiety, insecurity, and danger.

—Selective terrorism . . . destroys the political and administrative apparatus by eliminating the cadres of those organs.

—Indiscriminate terrorism . . . destroys the confidence of the people by disorganizing the masses so as to manipulate them more effectively. . . .

. . . As mentioned, the two years before forming Aginter, Guerin-Serac both trained and served as a trainer in the arts of sabotage, explosives, and assassination at Otto Skorzeny’s secret training camps outside of Madrid. Indeed, Guerin-Serac, along with Jean Rene Souetre, were considered Skorzeny’s most competent trainers, and they were often called upon to work with US Special Forces who attended the camps. About this same time, claim several European historians, “US Army special forces began a program of targeting Western/NATO installations in Belgium, while disguising themselves as terrorists.”  

In early 1962, when Guerin-Serac first moved to establish Aginter Press, he acted in concert with Robert Leroy, a French SS officer during the war and WWII National Socialist SS officer Otto Skorzeny, both of whom served as the strategic leadership for Aginter. Leroy was a prewar member of Charles Maurras’ Action Française, a Far-Right political group, and then as an active member of La Cagoule’s terrorist underground. He took part in the Requête Carlist militia forces during the Spanish Civil War and then served as a Vichy intelligence operative. He was also a member of the Waffen SS Charlemagne division and was a key member of Otto Skorzeny’s commando forces, where he served as an instructor. Along with Skorzeny, following the end of the war, Leroy served as a lead instructor with Skorzeny’s efforts to train Egyptian leader Abd al-Nasir’s intelligence and security services, after recruiting a hundred German advisers from National Socialist soldiers serving during WWII, the SS underground, and from among technical experts with military industries. The purpose was to train Arab guerrillas in commando tactics and in protecting the former National Socialist technicians working for Nasir from Israeli “hit” teams. The job was carried out at the CIA’s bequest.”    

            Professor Tunander writes revealingly of Aginter: 

[The] international fascist intelligence network, Aginter Press, was established to implement the Strategy of Tension, with support from the Portuguese security service PIDE and the CIA. This network included a unit specializing in the infiltration of anarchist and pro-Chinese groups, and its “correspondents” would use such organizations as a cover for carrying out bombings and other violent attacks. Aginter Press also included a strategic centre for subversion and intoxication [drugging and poisonings] operations, along with an executive action organization that carried out assassinations (most likely the same “pool of assassins” that William Harvey, CIA station Chief in Italy, had recruited in Europe for the CIA’s “Executive Action Capability”). All of these divisions of Aginter Press were under the leadership of French OAS officer and former US liaison officer Captain Yves Guillou (alias Yves Guerin Serac), in collaboration with Robert Leroy, a former French SS officer, and Otto Skorzeny, a senior German SS officer. [Italics added]         

A portentous January 1968 affidavit sworn by Aginter Press assassin and Jean Rene Souetre associate Jacques Godard reveals the group’s relationship with certain American persons and organizations: “In the course of our services we had relations with certain persons and organizations like, for example, President Tschombe and with Biafra. We likewise were in charge of relations with the John Birch Society, which was an American political group financed especially by Texas oil producers whose activity is absolutely anti-communist. Everywhere where there is a struggle, either open or covert, with communists, the John Birch Society [JBS] lends its financial aid to the people who are struggling against international communism.”   The reader encounters the significance of the Texas oil producers and the Dallas branch of the JBS the chapter titled, “Lay of the Land,” to further understand the width and breadth of influence of Aginter Press and similar fascist organizations.


Readers will soon learn about two other far-reaching organizations quite similar to Aginter Press. These are the post-war World Commerce Corporation and the National Socialist-created Spain-based SOFINDUS group, both ubiquitous commercial organizations that served as multi-faceted intelligence operations and assassination bureaus. . . . '

Wow Leslie, this post is full of nuggets for me.  Things I didn't know.  

Like, U S Special Forces attended Skorzeny's training camps outside Madrid.  And . . .

Skorzeny's camp bitterly opposed Senator Kennedy's 1957 advocating for Algeria's independence.  I.E., they had a six year grudge against him by 1963.

The John Birch Society, the Dallas chapter in particular, supported multiple efforts financially by his "camp".

This one takes the cake though.

Along with Skorzeny, following the end of the war, Leroy served as a lead instructor with Skorzeny’s efforts to train Egyptian leader Abd al-Nasir’s intelligence and security services, after recruiting a hundred German advisers from National Socialist soldiers serving during WWII, the SS underground, and from among technical experts with military industries. The purpose was to train Arab guerrillas in commando tactics and in protecting the former National Socialist technicians working for Nasir from Israeli “hit” teams. The job was carried out at the CIA’s bequest.”    

Just a few years later that same CIA's own JJ Angleton would be giving away enriched plutonium to those Israeli's.

My, what a topsy turvy world in which we live.  I'm going to have to read the book!

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17 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Wow Leslie, this post is full of nuggets for me.  Things I didn't know.  

Like, U S Special Forces attended Skorzeny's training camps outside Madrid.  And . . .

Skorzeny's camp bitterly opposed Senator Kennedy's 1957 advocating for Algeria's independence.  I.E., they had a six year grudge against him by 1963.

The John Birch Society, the Dallas chapter in particular, supported multiple efforts financially by his "camp".

This one takes the cake though.

Along with Skorzeny, following the end of the war, Leroy served as a lead instructor with Skorzeny’s efforts to train Egyptian leader Abd al-Nasir’s intelligence and security services, after recruiting a hundred German advisers from National Socialist soldiers serving during WWII, the SS underground, and from among technical experts with military industries. The purpose was to train Arab guerrillas in commando tactics and in protecting the former National Socialist technicians working for Nasir from Israeli “hit” teams. The job was carried out at the CIA’s bequest.”    

Just a few years later that same CIA's own JJ Angleton would be giving away enriched plutonium to those Israeli's.

My, what a topsy turvy world in which we live.  I'm going to have to read the book!

Thanks, Ron, and Major Ganis's "The Skorzeny Papers" is definitely worth the time as well. He's drawing directly from the collection of Otto's private papers he purchased at auction.  

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28 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Thanks, Ron, and Major Ganis's "The Skorzeny Papers" is definitely worth the time as well. He's drawing directly from the collection of Otto's private papers he purchased at auction.  

The documentary mentioned lots of receipts and notes that haven't been understood. I wonder if some forensic accounting would yield some secrets?

Edited by Chris Barnard
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48 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

The documentary mentioned lots of receipts and notes that haven't been understood. I wonder if some forensic accounting would yield some secrets?

I hope Ralph Ganis has continued to pursue those and other areas of research related to the collection.  It's my understanding that the portion of the collection he purchased revealed very little of the Skorzenys' activities in 1963.  I've never completely understood whether that was a result of certain papers being withheld? might they have been segregated for sale to the highest bidder? or did Otto and Ilse simply not generate records or engage in written correspondence during that year . . . for some reason? 

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6 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I hope Ralph Ganis has continued to pursue those and other areas of research related to the collection.  It's my understanding that the portion of the collection he purchased revealed very little of the Skorzenys' activities in 1963.  I've never completely understood whether that was a result of certain papers being withheld? might they have been segregated for sale to the highest bidder? or did Otto and Ilse simply not generate records or engage in written correspondence during that year . . . for some reason? 

Or had his widow had a knock at the door by some men in suits who insisted because of matters of national security that they needed to look through his papers and personal effects. 

I suspect he was long enough in the tooth and the huge implications of any such revealing records meant that he perhaps wouldn’t have kept any. If he did, they’d be in a safe place should he have been arrested and needed bargaining chips. 

Who knows?! 


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3 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Or had his widow had a knock at the door by some men in suits who insisted because of matters of national security that they needed to look through his papers and personal effects. 

I suspect he was long enough in the tooth and the huge implications of any such revealing records meant that he perhaps wouldn’t have kept any. If he did, they’d be in a safe place should he have been arrested and needed bargaining chips. 

Who knows?! 


Chris, If you haven't already, you can view clips from Otto's 1975 funeral on YouTube. 

Considering Ilse's history, it's possible she determined what would and wouldn't be put up for auction.  As of 2011, there was a Lot from the collection on auction  that seems to hold critical detail of their role in attempting to reconstitute The Reich from their base in Spain, in league with such characters as Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Werner Naumann, Leon Degrelle, et al.

So, I think the questions remain . . . were those US officials and fascist sympathizers that she and Otto had been in league with in 1963 concerned the couple had maintained incriminating records, or were they confident the avowed N A T Z I couple would know the appropriate time to begin releasing their story?

And can we venture to speculate as to Ilse and Otto's personal perspectives of their roles in the assassination of Kennedy? Did they consider themselves heroes in the fight against the spread of communism? Or were they diehard, proactive N A T Z I S to the end?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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On 2/8/2023 at 3:33 PM, Steve Thomas said:


There is a whole write up on Jourdes in the web site you referenced earlier:


And, yes, that picture is in there. Jourdes was in Sante.

Thanks for your help.

Steve Thomas

I wonder if those who seem to be at least familiar with the Souetre family have his former wife's name and might her family still be accessible? 

            About a month after escaping, Souetre emerged in Feb–March 1962 living in Spain, and from there he often traveled to Portugal. On several occasions at this time Souetre approached CIA officials and tried to persuade them to provide the OAS with backing as the best and most “viable alternative to communism” in France. As we have seen, there are at least two declassified CIA documents that purport to outline these meetings. Meanwhile, his new bride, provided false identity papers, had joined him in Madrid but because of his continued OAS activities, she soon left him, returning to France where she filed for a divorce. Due to her use of false documents in Spain, her divorce was interrupted by her falsification of papers. Having paid the fine for the offence, she was released, the divorce was finalized, and Josette Marcaihou disappeared from history. 


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37 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I wonder if those who seem to be at least familiar with the Souetre family have his former wife's name and might her family still be accessible? 

            About a month after escaping, Souetre emerged in Feb–March 1962 living in Spain, and from there he often traveled to Portugal. On several occasions at this time Souetre approached CIA officials and tried to persuade them to provide the OAS with backing as the best and most “viable alternative to communism” in France. As we have seen, there are at least two declassified CIA documents that purport to outline these meetings. Meanwhile, his new bride, provided false identity papers, had joined him in Madrid but because of his continued OAS activities, she soon left him, returning to France where she filed for a divorce. Due to her use of false documents in Spain, her divorce was interrupted by her falsification of papers. Having paid the fine for the offence, she was released, the divorce was finalized, and Josette Marcaihou disappeared from history. 




Josette Suzanne MARCAILLOU D'AYMERIC although I have also seen it with one L so Josette Marcailou 

They had one son Yannick born in 1964 although I'm sure @Steve Thomas knows a lot more than me on the subject 🙂

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