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Peter Dale Scott on “Harvey Lee Oswald”

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This particular note raises a few questions.


I would suspect this was just a formality.  The Soviets had determined he would work in the Experimental Shop at the Minsk factory which was far more than a radio and tv factory.  If memory serves there were something like 5000 people working there, which most of were working for roughly 70 rubles.

Question?  Did the Soviets know of one or two Oswalds?  The note indicates two and they are named and given different positions in the factory.  Supervisor=700 rubles.  Assembler=70 rubles.

Oswald comes in as a Regulator (read Supervisor) at a salary of 700 rubles.  It is the same salary or close to the salary of the plant manager.  Oswald is getting more money than the English spy/traitor/defector Kim Philby.  OBTW, Kim Philby was James Angleton's constant luncheon partner when he was stationed in the US.  It has always been my opinion that the CIA mole hunter was looking for himself.

The note on Harvey Lee Oswald as the Regulator and Lee Harvey Oswald as the Assembler is confusing and disturbing.  What does it mean?  One can take a position here that another cannot overcome through argument.  Should it be interpreted literally or use our own judgement?



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5 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

I was so convinced by John A's book that I rarely stray from his conclusions, but there is no reason for you to do that.


We are really not that far apart in our thinking.  At this point, it is not necessary to make a decision on two Oswalds in Russia.  That may come later with more information.   This note of Steve's is problematic in the sense of one or two Oswalds.  On re-reading this note concerns only one.


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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

One thing I cannot explain is that if Lee H, Oswald submitted an application for employment to the Radio-television plant on January 11, 1960.

https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=440&search="Harvey_Lee+Oswald" page 426 (in English, I might add)

how could there be a Certificate of Employment saying Lee Harvey Oswald is "presently employed" as an assembler date January  1, 1960? (maybe they forgot the extra 1 between the number 1 and the number 11)

CE 985 page 111


Steve Thomas



Thanks for bringing all of these neat documents back into the discussion. 


Lee Oswald transforms from Assembler to Regulator.  If my memory serves, Oswald rebelled at the pay of an Assembler probably saying I won't do that for that.  The Assembler job was assigned on Jan. 1, 1960 before Oswald went to Minsk if I am remembering correctly.  He rebelled and was later assigned as a Regulator with much greater pay.

This ought to tell one how important Oswald was to the Soviets and how much they wanted his knowledge and expertise at the electro-technical plant at Minsk.  Oswald had an incredible wealth of knowledge about radar and the U2. 

I would surmise there were elements in the Soviet Union who were anti-Khruschev as there were elements in the US spy world who were anti-Eisenhower/Nixon in the peace talks.  The U2 was a throwaway.  It had out lived its usefulness.  It was with the Oswald Project adapted to that purpose to keep the Cold War going.  Big money was being made during the Cold War era.  The only thing better would be a limited war such as Cuba or later Viet Nam.

Two positions can be argued with neither taking the upper hand.  

Edited by John Butler
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As I understand it, the job application was merely a formality – something for the Personnel file.


Lee Harvey Oswald’s “Historic Diary”

Warren Commission Volume XVI CE 24 pp 98-99


Notice that on January 5th, he says, "I am to receive 70 rubles a month".

On January 13th, he now says that he is a ""checker", making 700 rubles a month.

That's a tenfold increase in salary.

Nice work if you can get it.


mis-spellings left intact


Jan 1- 4 No change in routine
Jan 4 . I am called to passport office and finilly given a Soviet document not the soviet
citizenship as I so wanted, only a Residence document, not even for foringners but a
paper called "for those without citizenship ." Still I am happy. The offial says they
only are sending me to the city of "Minsk" I ask "is that in Siberia? He / laughes. he
also tells me that they have arranged for me to recive some money though the Red
Cross. to pay my hotel bills and exhensis . I thank the gentelinen and leave later in
the afternoon I see Rimma "she asks are you happy" "yes"
Jan. 5. I go to Red Cross in Moscow for money with Interrupter (a new one) I recive
5000. rubles a huge sum!! Later in Mink I am to earn 70 rubles a month at the factory.
Jan. 7 . I leave Moscow by train for Minsk, Belorussia . My hotel bill was 2200, rubles
and the train ticket to Minsk 1,50 . rubles so I have alot of money & hope. I wrote my
brother & mother letters in which I said "I do not wish to every contact you again ."
I am begining anew life and I don't want any part of the old".


Jan 7 . Arrive in Minsk, met by 2 women Red Cross workers We go to Hotel "biinsk"
I take room, and meet Rosa and Stellina two persons from intourist in hotel who speak
English Stellina is in 40's nice married young child, Rosa about 23 blond attractive
unmarried Excellant English, we attract each other at once .
Jan 8 . I meet the city mayor, comrade Shrapof. who welcomes me to Minsk promisis
a rent-free apartment "soon" and warns me about "uncultured persons" who somethimes
insult foriengers. My interputer : Roman Detkof. Head For. Tech Instit . neat door .
Jan. 10. The day to myself I walk through city, very nice.
Jan . 11 I vist Minsk radio factory where I shall work. There I meet Argentinian
Immigrant Alexander Zeger Born a Polish Jew . Ilmni to Argen . i n 1938 and back to
Polish homeland (now part of Belo.) in 1955 speaks English with Amer . accent he
worked for Amer . com . i n Argen. He is Head of a Dept. a quialified Engenier, in late
40's mild mannered likable He seems to want to tell me somet. I show him my tempor .
docu . and say soon I shall have Russ . citiz .
Jan . 13 - 16 I work as a "checker" metal worker, pay : 700 rubles a month, work very
easy, I am learning Russian quickly Now, Everyone is very friendly and kind . ...

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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