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Why didn't sniper shoot when the car was on Houston St? Because...

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I have thought about this for decades.  I can only conclude the reason why the sniper did not shoot while the car was on Houston St. is because there are supposed to be two people that get killed on that day. 

1. JFK

2. Bill Greer




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I asked a good friend, a Lt. Colonel in U.S. Forces, to speak to some of his sniper friends re the ideal location for an assassination attempt. They told him what I'd already come to suspect from reading numerous books on sniping. From above, and behind, with as little lateral movement as possible. This makes the upper floors and roof of the Dal-Tex the ideal location for a sniper, and not the TSBD, or grassy knoll. 



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5 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I asked a good friend, a Lt. Colonel in U.S. Forces, to speak to some of his sniper friends re the ideal location for an assassination attempt. They told him what I'd already come to suspect from reading numerous books on sniping. From above, and behind, with as little lateral movement as possible. This makes the upper floors and roof of the Dal-Tex the ideal location for a sniper, and not the TSBD, or grassy knoll. 


I appreciate your response, I spoke to a good friend of mine, who eventually became a Major General in the Army.  He served under General Lyman Lemnitzer.  We debated this issue, he agrees, Bill Greer was supposed to get killed.  FYI - He does not believe that Lemnitzer would have been involved in any conspiracy to assassinate JFK.  I on the other hand, do believe that General Lemnitzer was involved.

This is a blowup of the pergola in the grassy knoll taken from the Robert Groden version of the Nix film.  You can clearly see the head of the gunman next to the pergola and the vapor trail of his shot.  If you follow that trajectory of that shot, it leads to Governor John Connally, which a sharp downward reaction is seen right after the shot.

Because of this shot and the shot to the chrome of the windshield, I believe the reason JFK was not shot on Houston St. was because they needed to shoot and kill the driver, Bill Greer.

Frame 24 zoomed.png

Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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5 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

I appreciate your response, I spoke to a good friend of mine, who eventually became a Major General in the Army.  He served under General Lyman Lemnitzer.  We debated this issue, he agrees, Bill Greer was supposed to get killed.  FYI - He does not believe that Lemnitzer would have been involved in any conspiracy to assassinate JFK.  I on the other hand, do believe that General Lemnitzer was involved.

This is a blowup of the pergola in the grassy knoll taken from the Robert Groden version of the Nix film.  You can clearly see the head of the gunman next to the pergola and the vapor trail of his shot.  If you follow that trajectory of that shot, it leads to Governor John Connally, which a sharp downward reaction is seen right after the shot.

Because of this shot and the shot to the chrome of the windshield, I believe the reason JFK was not shot on Houston St. was because they needed to shoot and kill the driver, Bill Greer.

Frame 24 zoomed.png

I disagree that you can clearly see a gunman's head next to the pergola.I'm not saying that he isn't there,it's just that I don't see him clearly.There was a female witness who said they are shooting from the bushes,but I can't remember her name.

Edited by Michael Crane
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3 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

I disagree that you can clearly see a gunman's head next to the pergola.I'm not saying that he isn't there,it's just that I don't see him clearly.There was a female witness who said they are shooting from the bushes,but I can't remember her name.

Hi Michael,

I am commenting on fact, in the Robert Groden film, there is a vapor trail and at to the top right of that vapor trail, there seems to be the head of the gunman.  If you follow the trajectory of that "shot", you see JC's reaction, which is a sharp downward move.

I do not believe what people say, it is all hearsay to me.

Thanks for your comment.


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Waiting until the JFK limo arrives to the much more open part of Dealey Plaza and is leaving away from it makes sense to me as far as there being much more open room for multiple shooters to do their thing.

Also, the farther away from the kill shot location the better for the shooters to get away.

I also agree that the indentation in the chrome/steel upper front windshield frame is from a separate shot.

The trajectory of which came from a different point of origin than the 6th floor window.

As shown by the entrance angle of the hole itself, which lines up to an origin point farther West than the supposed 6th floor origin head shot into JFK.

Any bullet fragment exiting JFK skull would have had to swung out a foot or two to the right and swung back left into the windshield frame to come in from that angle.

Also, there is a concussive force effect from a high caliber rifle being fired not too far from you.

You can "feel" the shot. 

I think the people on the grassy knoll starting from the Stemmons Freeway sign stated their belief of a shot coming from behind them because they "felt" this concussive force.

Echos from TXSBD 6th floor shots would not have been "felt" by these grassy knoll people.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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I think there was shooting on Houston Street in front of the Court Records Building.  8 films go haywire there with blurred and confusing images where nothing can be discerned of what is happening there or there are missing frames such as Hughes.  8 films with problems in the same spot and time is way beyond coincidence.  Toni Glover said as she and her mother stood on the monument near the intersection, the president turned the corner and his head exploded.   

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