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A trip down Elm Street in Dallas

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For anyone who hasn't been able to visit Dealey Plaza personally, here is a video of my drive down Elm Street in 2013.  It's high definition, so it can be paused and frames can be printed to show points of interest.  I hope this helps to give some perspective to the discussion we've been having.  Here is the URL for the video on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/xuICZj7eJd8

Best wishes always!


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Thanks for that.  I was there a year ago and I seemed to remember 2 X's in the street but none of my photos confirmed that. Now I know I wasn't seeing things  😁

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DP seems deceptively smaller in real life than you’d imagine? I will get there one day, it’s on my bucket list to visit (and to try take one of the uprights from the picket fence -yes I know, no one approves of wanton thievery and vandalism but hey ho).

Also nice to see the huge massive unavoidable obstacle of the raised kerb that prohibited access from Main….

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SK ... thank you for showing us your personal video.

I'm never going to be able to visit Dealey Plaza in person for many reasons.

I've never even been East of the Grand Canyon in my 70 years of living on the Central California Coast!

Although I've viewed hundreds of other videos of Dealey Plaza over the years, yours actually places you in a vehicle while going onto Elm and down it just as what it was like from JFK's perspective.

I couldn't help but notice how far away the shooter or shooters were willing to let JFK's limo travel from their alleged 6th floor perch before letting their volleys go.

I don't care how many times WC experts said hitting a bullseye into JFK's moving sideways and down 10 inch wide skull target almost a full football field distance away and while his limo was also moving at 11 MPH and down a slight grade was very doable with a telescopic scope ... I can't buy it.

Hitting a bullseye into one of the "stationary" street signs on the sidewalk in front of the grassy knoll sure.

But if that street sign was only 10 inches wide, swaying sideways and moving away at 11 MPH from the 265 feet away shooter and down a slope?

And by a shooter who had just missed a shot just two to three seconds earlier and was under life and death risk stress with his last possible shot chance...no way Jose.

The X's in the street are so important in showing viewers exactly where JFK was when he was hit.

Thanks again SK for this enlightening and thought provoking video.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Thanks for the contribution Steve.I could not help but notice that the spots with the yellow painted curb are no longer there.Seems like with the downgrade on Elm,an assassin could make the shot clearing the windshield.It's my opinion that the throat shot came from the south knoll in that parking lot near the triple overpass.

Tosh Plumlee said a shot came from that area.

There was also a police dispatch to get someone up there on that overpass & see what happened.

Edited by Michael Crane
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I shot a bunch of video walking in and around DP back in 2013, so I'll upload more asap.  Thanks for your appreciation of the video.  The graffiti on the back of the picket fence is poignant. I climbed up onto the "Zapruder pedestal" and videotaped some cars coming down Elm Street so I saw first-hand what Zappy would have had to have done in order to keep the car in the middle of the frame (like any novice film maker would do, and which he certainly knew was necessary, given his expertise with a camera).  You have to pan *down* while following the car to the right, since the street slopes downward at a pretty steep angle in order to go under the train track overpass.  It looks like the Zfilm just pans to the right, as if the camera was mounted on a tripod, and the limo almost drops off the screen as a result. Best wishes!

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I just uploaded my attempt to re-create the Zapruder film with a video recorder while standing on the same pedestal he occupied in 1963, with some interesting results.  Looking forward to future conversations about the Zapruder film.

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