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Oliver Stone, Jim DiEugenio in Quebec City

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Its hard to believe but one year later, Oliver and I are still on the campaign trail, this time in person in Quebec City. 

There were three events for the public, one at a theater showing the 2 hour version of the film.

One at a smaller venue with selected people there, some from the media.

The last night was Oliver being interviewed on stage in a large auditorium with me in the front row if he needed any help.

In all, the total was about a thousand people. 

Oliver, myself and Paul Bleau did about 12 interviews.  On one day, me and Oliver did about seven in a row.

There are major stories all over the Quebec City and Montreal newspapers.  Also radio segments and people on talk radio bringing it up.

I really have to hand it to Paul Bleau for being the guy who instigated this thing.  Shows what one guy can do.

Paul will be writing a report on this.  Thanks to Oliver and him, I think it was a real success story for us. 

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Here is one example.

This one was done with me and Oliver actually before we left.

And note its Montreal, the second biggest city in Canada.

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I see that I forgot to post the article.

Its in the Montreal Gazette.


Yes Sandy we are back home.  Got home on Thursday night.

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I just did a show with Paul Bleau and Len Osanic for BOR.

Paul said that they are still talking about us up there!

It spread all over the province.  Plus he said it even crossed the Atlantic, he saw stories in Italian and Belgian.

He is going to do a report on it for K and K.

I hope to get a clipping package also from the FIlm Festival.

What a triumph for the little guy, Paul, against the Power Elite.

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I got the news I have been waiting for today from the PR firm up in Quebec.

The visit by Oliver and me generated 64 stories, reaching a potential audience of 27 million.

That is stunning, considering Quebec CIty is  medium sized at about 800,000.

This means that from the beginning at Cannes in 2021, until today, Oliver has managed to reach a potential world wide audience of close to 40 million.  And I am being conservative in that figure. (Excluding of course Sri Lanka)

If you recall, this started with the cover of Paris Match last year, which is a paper magazine of about 600,000 circulation, to the latest stories in places like Montreal Gazette.  Oliver has worked his tail off in promoting JFK Revisited. We all owe him a debt of thanks for all this toil. Needless to say, no other JFK documentary has ever had this kind of reach and impact.  Not even close.

Paul Bleau, who really started all of this, will follow with a report for K and K. 👏

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, this Quebec event must have given the film some bounce.


Altitude, the distributor, just got in contact with Oliver.  The film sold in Israel--13 months after its debut-- and a major media outlet wants to interview him.


I will be on the call.  Should be interesting.

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On 6/22/2022 at 4:25 AM, James DiEugenio said:

I just did a show with Paul Bleau and Len Osanic for BOR. Paul said that they are still talking about us up there! It spread all over the province.  Plus he said it even crossed the Atlantic, he saw stories in Italian and Belgian.  He is going to do a report on it for K and K.  I hope to get a clipping package also from the FIlm Festival.  What a triumph for the little guy, Paul, against the Power Elite.

What the ?? How did they find me :eek


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They are everywhere..😗 

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Oliver is being followed regularly by Knack Forum Magazine, I believe the last article I heave read was in march '22. 

But I'm way behind on my reading.  Btw, our language is Dutch or Flemmish in the Northern part and French in the Southern part of Belgium (Belgian is no real language). Belgium is small, but complicated in pretty much everyting.

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I was surprised at how fluent in French Oliver still is.


But I have to say, I did not know this.  When we went to watch Top Gun Maverick, and they screened some French Canadian films for previews, he told me "Jim, Do you know how different the French is here than in Paris?  They don't even screen these films in France."

I later found out they do in northern France but with subtitles.

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44 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I was surprised at how fluent in French Oliver still is.


But I have to say, I did not know this.  When we went to watch Top Gun Maverick, and they screened some French Canadian films for previews, he told me "Jim, Do you know how different the French is here than in Paris?  They don't even screen these films in France."

I late found out they do in northern France but with subtitles.

Wasn't (isn't?) Oliver Stone's mother from France?

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