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Oliver Stone in Quebec, Part 1

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This is the first part of Paul Bleau's report on Oliver's successful tour of the Quebec FIlm Festival.

It was a really wonderful five days.  I have to give Paul so much credit for this. He really made it happen.

This goes up to the screening of the film at the Clap Theater.  260 sold out seats.  And I can tell you the talk after would have lasted at least two more hours, the audience was that interested.   


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This is part 2.

This takes up the media closed event, with 83 people selected. The moderator was so impressed he asked me after, would you like to go on tour?

Then Oliver and I did about 8 interviews for the big papers and media outlets from Quebec and Montreal.

Then Oliver did the night time interview at the DIamante, a beautiful theater.  Sold out 600 seats. Paul describes this well. 

The total reaction was amazing.  Paul describes the PR report of 64 stories.

Just a wonderful overall event.  The Power Elite says people are not interested in JFK.  The opposite is the case.  And this reaction is what they want bottle up.


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27 million potential audience.

64 news stories.

And we would rather talk about Von Pein and Roe.


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It’s a phenomenal achievement Jim, and I bet the ultimate legacy of the films with be to inspire a new generation of people to get deep into the case and do their own research. I think that’s especially important now, because once NARA actually gets around to complying with Biden’s order to digitize the entire JFK collection, it’s going to be a complete game changer IMO. There are so many documents that have never been put online; and once the access is there, the collective understanding of the case will take the biggest jump forward since the ARRB. The speed of progress with depend on how many people are geared up to parse the “new” documents - and you and Oliver’s films could not have been released at a better time. Hell I bet there will be new breakthroughs from widespread access to just the Dallas FBI Field Office files, and that’s just the tiniest fraction of what’s about to come out.

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Thanks Tom.

Like I said, every event was packed, SRO.  And there were 64 stories generated.

The moderator of the second event actually proposed a tour across Canada.  Which I actually would not mind doing.  It would really create an uproar.

I give Oliver a lot of credit for doing this. 

And let me add again, these crowds did not want to leave.  That is how interested they were.  This is the real reason the Power Elite does not want to deal with the JFK case. They do not ever want to go through what happened in 1991-92 again. 

This case carries with it a fuse for rebellion.  And its Paul's kind of activism that causes these things.  That is what this case needs now, activism.

Yes, and the court proceedings should be really interesting.  Why Biden did what he did truly escapes me.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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It is pretty amazing he was able to put it all together and that it went and was received so well.  As he notes 27 million hits on social media over an event from a city with a population of a little over half a million is astounding.  

A shame about Lepine going off topic the last third of the last/largest event.  The part about the audience member walking down to "admonish Mr. Lepine: "I paid to hear Mr. Stone talk, not you" was funny in a way.  I guess Lepine did seem to try to redeem himself somewhat in the radio interview.  Mr. Bleau seemed pleased with it.

Overall, an outstanding success.  Congratulations to all involved.  Certainly, a compliment to his prior articles on K & K.  I do wish he wouldn't use the term assassination buffs.  It just reminds me of McAdams use of it, seeming to imply a lack of seriousness about the subject.

Jim, have you thought about doing an article on your experience at the event?  Maybe recap a few of the interviews you participated in.  Any unusual or new questions that came up?  Your thoughts on Lepine?

It is kind of historical in that something like this can happen just over the border in Canada but nothing like it has here in the USA. 

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15 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

It is kind of historical in that something like this can happen just over the border in Canada but nothing like it has here in the USA. 

Among other things, it speaks volumes about the profound, pervasive influence of the CIA on the U.S. mainstream media-- as we have all observed during the past year with the absent and few erroneous M$M "reviews" of JFK Revisited.

Udo Ulfkotte was right.


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There were two things that really impressed the crowds the first and second night.

The first night, I got a question from the crowd about Mexico City.  And I explained, well here is the problem: there should be ten pictures of Oswald and there are none.  In close to sixty years.  Secondly, the voice on the tape is not Oswald. 

The other thing that really went over was when I described Betsy Wolf and the Oswald file.  About how, for the HSCA, after she got all division charters, she graphed out where Oswald's file should have gone in the CIA. Then she saw the file and it did not do anything close to that.  So she called in all these people to try and figure what the heck happened.  In November of 1978, she talked to Richard Gambino, chief of the Office of Security.  He said it did not matter how many documents came in or if they were pre stamped.  If the client went to the Office of Mail Logistics in advance the papers would only go to  that office. In other words, someone rigged the system in advance. 

Oliver, and everyone else,  really liked that.  After, he said something like: why was that not in the film? 

I had to tell him: you cut it out.

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By the way, I will be talking about this in Dallas this fall.

The whole making of the film process from beginning to end.  And that will include the editing process.

And I will also go into how we reached an audience of 40 million.  Which is utterly amazing. (Without Sri Lanka)

I will also try to explain how and why the MSM did what it did. 

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Not at all. 

Backed up by the Quebec PR Report, Paris Match, Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Coast to Coast, and man did Ed Curtin come through for us. He got his stuff into about seven platforms. 

And that does not include Oliver's Zoom appearances, in France and in the USA, or my appearance on Izvestia in Moscow or Channel 9 in Australia.

The sheer reach of all those potential markets is about 40 million, and that is being conservative.  And it is not over.  Me and Oliver will be on in Israel soon for a program that reaches 400K.  And I will be doing two appearances live in Florida.

The amazing thing about the film--and I will be explaining this in Dallas--is the length of its window.  Because remember, the DVD is not out yet.

PS For every Tom Gram you get a Von Pein and Brown.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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23 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

And let me add again, these crowds did not want to leave.  That is how interested they were. This is the real reason the Power Elite does not want to deal with the JFK case.

So what would the Power Elites have to fear? What's at stake?  What the worst that could happen?


23 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This case carries with it a fuse for rebellion.

Rebellion?,  so specifically what kind of rebellion are you talking about?

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Not at all. 

Backed up by the Quebec PR Report, Paris Match, Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Coast to Coast, and man did Ed Curtin come through for us. He got his stuff into about seven platforms. 

And that does not include Oliver's Zoom appearances, in France and in the USA, or my appearance on Izvestia in Moscow or Channel 9 in Australia.

The sheer reach of all those potential markets is about 40 million, and that is being conservative.  And it is not over.  Me and Oliver will be on in Israel soon for a program that reaches 400K.  And I will be doing two appearances live in Florida.

The amazing thing about the film--and I will be explaining this in Dallas--is the length of its window.  Because remember, the DVD is not out yet.

PS For every Tom Gram you get a Von Pein and Brown.

You just went from "we reached an audience of 40 million" to "potentially". You don't see the difference?


At least be honest when tooting your own horn.

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Please, when you get a PR report that is what happens.  That is the way the numbers are expressed.  Its in say the Montreal Gazette for example, about 175 K,  now did everyone read it, maybe, how many?  You don't know.

But I stand by that number being conservative since Paul Bleau was on several big media outlets in Quebec before we got there.  And he was on some later, and it does not include Talk Radio which Paul said we were being discussed. And if you ant some dead on numbers, take a look at what Oliver did on RT with Barry M. Well over one million right there.  The You Tube trailers were over a million total, again I did not count that.  So when you say that, I can counter you with other markets I did not include, and that does not include Showtime either.  Or the streamers.  I can go on and on.

How many people read you?  Hmm, I would be angry also.



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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Please, when you get a PR report that is what happens.  That is the way the numbers are expressed.  Its in say the Montreal Gazette for example, about 175 K,  now did everyone read it, maybe, how many?  You don't know.

But I stand by that number being conservative since Paul Bleau was on several big media outlets in Quebec before we got there.  And he was on some later, and it does not include Talk Radio which Paul said we were being discussed. And if you ant some dead on numbers, take a look at what Oliver did on RT with Barry M. Well over one million right there.  The You Tube trailers were over a million total, again I did not count that.  So when you say that, I can counter you with other markets I did not include, and that does not include Showtime either.  Or the streamers.  I can go on and on.

How many people read you?  Hmm, I would be angry also.



Like I said, you put a disingenuous spin on it. Everyone can plainly see that for themselves. And I'm not angry. You certainly don't have that kind of power. This is real simple, just be honest. That's all.

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