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No one asks this question of Paine or Marina

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She was home by 11 AM according to what she herself said.

There were many kids there accompanied by adults eg. the Newmans.

There were parking lots all over and around the plaza.

Its not anything you can hang your hat on and say, Ah Hah.  But its an interesting question which has never been asked.

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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

It seems so obvious why Ruth Paine and Marina wouldn't have gone downtown to watch the parade.

For all the common sense reasons stated here.

You've got things to do such as a child's dental appointment and other errands.

There were parents with children, but how many pictures of the Dallas motorcade crowd show women holding diapered babies in their arms, let alone a one month old?

Traffic and parking would have been a mess and with 3 children and one infant you really don't want to have to park blocks away and then walk to a good view spot.

How about  going down and parking near the TXSCBD building and maybe arrange for a picnic lunch with Lee on the grassy knoll? Ha!

Every parking space was taken in that area and even Lee Bowers said the lot between him and the picket fence was quite full.

Ruth Paine did turn on her TV that morning to see the latest JFK Dallas visit news and even "left it on" after she left in case Marina ( who liked to stay in bed longer ) might be able to see something herself regards JFK and Jackie's visit when she did arise.

How often did Ruth ever do that?

That shows some notable interest in JFK's visit and parade on Ruth's part imo.

And as Kirk G. mentioned, a good percentage of people don't feel comfortable in large crowd settings. It's a very, very common mentality. 

Joe your speculating.   Again, the question has not been asked nor answered.   

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

She was home by 11 AM according to what she herself said.

There were many kids there accompanied by adults eg. the Newmans.

There were parking lots all over and around the plaza.

Its not anything you can hang your hat on and say, Ah Hah.  But its an interesting question which has never been asked.

Thank you Jim.   The question has great significance when put together with the bigger picture.  
As you and DVP have noted it’s a relevant question which confirms its importance when two of the most influential researchers agree.   

Also, as I have shown-and I don’t believe it’s been brought out previously- the RP testimony about the location of the TSBD is not credible.  

Finally, that Ruby’s movements are not consistent with his character those few days if one accepts the wc.  
Lastly, that we do not know where he was at 12:30 during the parade.    

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10 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

There are photos of what appear to be Ruby in Dealey Plaza.

The only photo I know of that shows any "Ruby-like" person is the one below. But, as Jim D. should probably already know, the "Ruby"-like man in the sunglasses on the far right of this picture has been proven via other pictures (the bottom two below) to definitely NOT be Jack Ruby:





Edited by David Von Pein
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Cory, i would object to you placing me in a category with DVP as to being "influential".

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Another thing that could conceivably have played a factor in Ruth and Marina (well, Marina at least) not wanting to go downtown to the TSBD to meet up with Lee for lunch and to watch the parade is that Lee & Marina were in the middle of a week-long squabble that was still unresolved as of the morning of November 22nd. Under such strained circumstances between the two, is it likely that Marina would have suddenly said something like this to Ruth on Friday morning?: I've decided to make up with Lee right now. Let's go down to where he works and see him and watch the motorcade too.

Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Cory, i would object to you placing me in a category with DVP as to being "influential".

Meant with all due respect.  Is the objection the label or is the objection of me placing you in a group w DVP?  

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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

Another thing that could conceivably have played a factor in Ruth and Marina (well, Marina at least) not wanting to go downtown to the TSBD to meet up with Lee for lunch and to watch the parade is that Lee & Marina were in the middle of a week-long squabble that was still unresolved as of the morning of November 22nd. Under such strained circumstances between the two, is it likely that Marina would have suddenly said something like this to Ruth on Friday morning?: I've decided to make up with Lee right now. Let's go down to where he works and see him and watch the motorcade too.

What if Marina said the night before let’s go down to watch and LHO and/or RP said “no”.  Doesn’t anyone here think the person(s) saying “no” might have a reason?   Depending on who said it it might be extremely relevant to one side of the debate.   

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4 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

What if Marina said the night before let’s go down to watch and LHO and/or RP said “no”.  Doesn’t anyone here think the person(s) saying “no” might have a reason?   Depending on who said it it might be extremely relevant to one side of the debate.   

Yes, I agree. And if the person saying "No" was Lee Oswald.....well, I think it's fairly obvious (based on the overall evidence) why Lee would have said No.

Edited by David Von Pein
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19 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Yes, I agree. And if the person saying "No" was Lee Oswald.....well, I think it's fairly obvious (based on the overall evidence) why Lee would have said No.

Yet that doesn’t rule out conspiracy just shows he had foreknowledge.  
This is why the question needs to be asked.   

Edited by Cory Santos
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22 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Joe your speculating.   Again, the question has not been asked nor answered.   

Aren't we all speculating here?

There's just too many logical common sense answers to consider regards Ruth and Marina not going into town to see the motorcade imo.

I stated several and another one mentioned here and that also makes sense is the fact that Lee and Marina were on the outs. In fact I think they were mostly on the outs at that point in their marriage, no?


I remember my wife being tired a lot just after our two children were born.

In those first few months babies wake up at all hours of the night and day and need feeding, changing and comforting. An uninterrupted eight straight hour night sleep was rare.

And even a day trip downtown would have required Marina to pack many things for her one month old baby and probably be accompanied by expected baby need distractions.

You just don't run off and do impulsive outdoor activities when you have a one month old baby in tow.

I really don't see the valid importance of Ruth Paine and Marina going to or not going to the motorcade. Maybe someone here can better explain this importance?

I do see more valid reasons for asking why Michael Paine would stay in his work place office for those short few hours. He was a very politically engaged person.

And Jack Ruby holing up in a newspaper office building the entire motorcade time even more so.

If ANYBODY should have been somewhere on the motorcade route it would have been Jack Ruby. For someone who had the hots for Jackie Kennedy ( and just two days later put his life on the line for her benefit - Denny Zartman quote see below ) when would he ever get another chance to see his living Goddess fantasy woman in the flesh?

Ruby actually told the WC he didn't like crowds! 

Like big event boxing matches, roller skating arenas, public swimming pools, the frantic body to body pressing press crowd in the DPD building Friday night and Sunday morning in the DPD basement, the huge crowd at Parkland hospital right after JFK was shot and even hanging out at Love Field's airport dining lounge to meet Rhonda Fleming?

Newspaper reporter/journalist Seth Kantor who wrote the book "Who Was Jack Ruby" described Ruby as a real character and a man about town.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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@Joe Bauer I have to say that in my opinion your posts on this forum are grand slam home runs. You are definitely someone who brings quality and thoughtfulness to the EF.

I agree. There is no real meaning to Ruth and Marina not going to the motorcade. In contrast, there are tremendous amounts of meaning in Ruby not attending. We're supposed to believe he was willing to take a chance at the electric chair for Jackie Kennedy's convenience, yet just days before he wasn't willing to cross the street to see her in person.

Edited by Denny Zartman
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4 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Meant with all due respect.  Is the objection the label or is the objection of me placing you in a group w DVP?  

Both. I don't think DVP's book had as much influence as what I have done. 😀

I mean I was on Izvestia in Moscow and Channel 9 in Australia, and we made the cover of Paris Match. 

For starters.  

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, Paul Cummings said:

Did any of the Dallas television stations report live on the presidential parade?

No. (KRLD Radio did, however.)

But all of the local TV stations did cover JFK's arrival at Love Field.


Edited by David Von Pein
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