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So, What about this Conspiracy Business Anyway?

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7 minutes ago, Pete Mellor said:

It's in my genes. A rebel without a pause. I fought the law & the law won when I was just 10yo, so I wasn't allowed to sit the 11 plus.  At 15 I dropped out, hippie, anti-war, slept rough on the streets of London, lived in a commune, didn't have a proper job till I was 24.  Today, at 70yo, I'm still anti.  Too old to continue being a Greenpeace activist, but still a member, also with Amnesty Int.  No, not from my folks, they were true blue & my sister is married to a multi-millionaire, I'm the black sheep.  But it's not real.


In my circle of friends locally we have all sorts of people, lawyers, economists, traders, psychologists, journalists etc. We have often had this discussion about why we are all more or less awake to the corruption and coercion. Everyone is an introvert of some kind, a deep thinker, a reader of books. but, the most common phrase stated when we explain our childhoods or school life is that we were all content to be the black sheep at times. We all questioned everything, it was our way of learning. If something wasn’t logical, I couldn’t really accept it. When you say it is in your genes, that might just be true. Some psychologists would describe the Myers Briggs personality tests as a bit crude but, I am an INTJ, a type that is very logical, analytical and questions everything, I have always been a good problem solver. Despite this type being 1.5-2% of the population, I have 5 good friends who are the same type. Looking within families it seems entirely plausible that there is a hereditary component in this, as opposed to it all being environmental or developmental. It seems to me that the Prussian style education systems that we have in the west just teach obedience and compliance. The system breaks creativity. The most successful people I know rejected this system and found their niche through methods other than blindly trusting the system. 

It sounds you have lived an interesting life. Perhaps that period before 25 have you time to think and contemplate. Most people are just too busy. 

Here is to individuals. ☑️


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4 hours ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Apparently, Liebeler wasn't shy about his womanizing ways, but according to Shenon, he "said nothing to the other lawyers about an awkward encounter with Odio" upon his return from Dallas.

Thanks. It's best to be clear about these things. 

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That is Shenon for you.

The HSCA Found out about it through Fonzi.

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If Shenon is trying to say that there was never any follow up on this at all, that is simply not the case.

There was.

The HSCA tried to figure out what it was about. And as I noted above, they did.

PIty us all, if we take Shenon as the last word on anything.


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On 8/11/2022 at 11:18 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Conspiracies are a real part of everyday life and for almost every person alive.


On 8/11/2022 at 11:18 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Corruption in America is one of our nation's top 5 legacies in it's history.

Corruption worldwide the same. 

It's just part of everyday life.

What are the origins of conspiracy and corruption? It's Europe.

Europe has a long tradition of conspiracy corruption, and this tradition was transplanted to the British North American colonies. People who were one day day British subjects, were the next day, after they declared their independence from Britain, were Americans. Did they suddenly change into people who rejected conspiracy and corruption? No they did not and it carried on an flourished in America.

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On 8/10/2022 at 9:41 PM, Micah Mileto said:

the full extent of the holocaust,

A lot is known about the holocaust - what do you mean by this?

Edwin Black, the same person who wrote about the Chicago plot against JFK, wrote a book called IBM and the Holocaust. It shows how IBM helped the Nazis with the holocaust. At that time it had a machine that used punched cards to tabulate data. This data was used to prepare data about ethnic groups the Nazis planned to destroy. Black stressed in his book that this technology could not be bought in a store, and that it had to be adapted by IBM to accomplish a specific task. So IBM knew what the what the Nazis wanted to do with their technology and they helped them so they could make a profit.

Another coverup that today is still not known by many people except by those people who have read Black's book. 


Edited by John Kowalski
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1 hour ago, John Kowalski said:



What are the origins of conspiracy and corruption? It's Europe.


Europe has a long tradition of conspiracy corruption, and this tradition was transplanted to the British North American colonies. People who were one day day British subjects, were the next day, after they declared their independence from Britain, were Americans. Did they suddenly change into people who rejected conspiracy and corruption? No they did not and it carried on an flourished in America.


True. Our revolution against British rule was one massive conspiracy.

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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

True. Our revolution against British rule was one massive conspiracy.

America was founded on a conspiracy theory. 

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15 hours ago, John Kowalski said:

A lot is known about the holocaust - what do you mean by this?

Edwin Black, the same person who wrote about the Chicago plot against JFK, wrote a book called IBM and the Holocaust. It shows how IBM helped the Nazis with the holocaust. At that time it had a machine that used punched cards to tabulate data. This data was used to prepare data about ethnic groups the Nazis planned to destroy. Black stressed in his book that this technology could not be bought in a store, and that it had to be adapted by IBM to accomplish a specific task. So IBM knew what the what the Nazis wanted to do with their technology and they helped them so they could make a profit.

Another coverup that today is still not known by many people except by those people who have read Black's book. 


The gas chambers were widely considered by the U.S. to be "fake news from Russia" until their forces took over the camps. Same with the tens-of-millions holocaust death counts suggested by some Soviet sources that were originally thought to be non-credible.

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3 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

How is IBM helping Nazis with the holocaust different than any other modern-day international trading?

Why is international trade the same as what IBM did?

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