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EF Fundraising Drive for 2023!

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Our fundraising drive for 2023/2024 has officially begun! And we are already nearly 1/3 the way to our $1500 goal.

There is a new DONATE topic pinned near the top of the home page. Donations can be made there at any time, including right now.  😎  Here is a ink to that page for your convenience:


The current goal is $1500 which, if achieved, will pay hosting fees for between one and two years, depending upon usage.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with surpassing that goal. Doing so would just mean extending the time before having our next fundraising event.

Thank you for your donations!


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  • Sandy Larsen changed the title to EF Fundraising Drive for 2023!
8 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

We are at exactly 1/3 of the goal now with 14 donners.

14 donners……


or 14 donors…….


If its donners I need piri piri sauce n a pint to wash it down…..🤭

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13 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Our fundraising drive for 2023/2024 has officially begun! And we are already nearly 1/3 the way to our $1500 goal.

There is a new DONATE topic pinned near the top of the home page. Donations can be made there at any time, including right now.  😎  Here is a ink to that page for your convenience:


The current goal is $1500 which, if achieved, will pay hosting fees for between one and two years, depending upon usage.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with surpassing that goal. Doing so would just mean extending the time before having our next fundraising event.

Thank you for your donations!


Seems like no Paypal. 

I am happy to send Paypal to someone, who wants to re-send through a credit card....

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For some odd reason some get to see the Paypal option, others don't.

Mark Knight used PP, quote Mark Knight : "I used PayPal. Once I clicked on the PayPal option, I was taken to the PayPal website to complete their side of the transaction. Once that was completed, I was returned to the GoFundMe page. Easy, simple, and painless."

I just checked it myself and I did not see the Paypal option either.  Could be because I'm from Belgium, no idea.

I don't have PP so it was no issue with me, but I can see there's something odd.


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Up to $570 after two days.  Enough for about 6 months.  I think the goal is to not have to do this every few months, to sustain the forum for a year, or more.  If you post here frequently or on occasion or only visit to peruse the forum for its historical value, please consider a small donation.

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21 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Seems like no Paypal.


19 hours ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

For some odd reason some get to see the Paypal option, others don't.


Thanks for the feedback guys. I just checked into it, and it turns out that GoFundMe accepts PayPal payments only in the United States and Germany. (If we were a charity they would accept PayPal in all supported countries. But we're not.)

Hang on guys, I think I have a solution that I might be able to have up later in the  day. And I could use Ben's donation to test it.


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29 minutes ago, Denis Morissette said:

I am in Canada, and I was able to donate through Paypal.


Thanks for the feedback.

Maybe the Help page that said GoFundMe accepts PayPal payments only from the United States and Germany is outdated. Canada now works and there may be others. I'll fix the problem accordingly.


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The Paypal option also depends on where your home-base is (as a receiver of funds, not just as a donator).  

But it shouldn't be a problem as Paypal is managing all the Gofundme transfers.




Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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The donation system is now accepting PayPal donations from all major countries.

If you go to the main donation topic (named "DONATE TO THE FORUM HERE") the instructions will tell you what to do.


(BTW, just ignore the topic I made titled "Donating to the Forum by PayPal - For non-U.S. residents only." It will eventually disappear, which is what I want. Because there is a link from the main donation page to that one.)


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21 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



You should be able to donate using PayPal now.


Maybe he will now, as much as he posts.  We've been stuck on $605 for the last 24 hours.  The forum needs about $100 a month to keep the lights on at this point from what I understand.  Given the number of frequent posters here a small donation from several more should do the trick though the original goal is also reachable and would ensure the existence of the forum for another full year. We're half-way to a year. Are a few more people out there who care enough about the free sharing of true history who might contribute?

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15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:



Thanks Ben!

I have an important question for you.

When you were going through PayPal's steps for making your donation, it probably asked you the following:

Choose a payment type:

  • For goods and services
  • For friends and family

Do you remember which one you chose?


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