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Bob Tanenbaum and Jim Lesar presentation at Duquesne U. 2013

Gil Jesus

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Jonathan, please, please, please.

You trot out this stuff like its new and has not been countered at all.

Then you top it off with, OMG, John Newman thinks Oswald was there.  How can anyone disagree with that?

I hate to tell you, but there are many people who disagree with John on this.

To bring up the hotel registry and never to list the problems with the handwriting on it, is really I mean, what can I say? And holy crap, the visa?  The Cuban staffers who recall an Oswald about 5' 5" with blonde hair. 

Jonathan has been hanging out at Fred Litwin's place too long.

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Now let us get down to brass tacks.

1. Why is there no photo at the Cuban Embassy? The excuse Phillips proffered, about the camera being out that day, was negated by the Lopez Report. This is why they spend about 15 pages at the start showing how incredible it was that there was no photo of him either going in or out.  There should have been ten.

2. Why is there no picture of LHO at the Russian Embassy?

3. Why did the CIA plants in the Cuban embassy say Oswald was not there?

4. Why do the tapes sent up to Dallas not sound like  LHO?

5. Why does the voice on the tapes portray a man who spoke lousy Russian, the Tarasoffs say that it was horrible. When in fact, Oswald spoke very good Russian according to TItovets and Quinn and at least three others.

6. If such was the case, the tape of the guy speaking broken Russian should have been sent to Langley immediately.  As we shall see it was not.

5. Why did Phillips lie about the Kostikov cable delay in getting to Langley? (This is a very important point which merits a thread on its own.) It took over a week to be sent.  As Eddie Lopez told me, maybe "Pony Express."

6. Why did Duran describe a  short, blonde Oswald? And why did all the other employees, save one, deny that pictures of Oswald they saw depicted the man who was there? (And why did the CIA eliminate that Duran info from its report to the Commission?)

7. As per the visa, the FBI tracked every passport photo shop within a five mile radius of the consulate.  Not one person recognized Oswald.

8. As for Oswald not being anywhere else, I mean the WC did all they could to make sure that the Odio incident was negated for this very reason. And there is also Henry McCluskey. Plus, how did LHO get from New Orleans to Houston?

9. Why did the CIA lie about the Mexico City tapes being destroyed BEFORE the assassination? FBI agent Burt Turner wrote a memo saying that the tapes had been reviewed in Dallas. CIA officer Stanley Watson testified to the HSCA that at least one of them survived.

10. Why is Oswald's FM-8 card, used to record entry and exit into Mexico, left blank?  Two men appeared at both the Flecha Roja terminals, in Mexico CIty and Nuevo Laredo, to confiscate the original and duplicate of the bus passenger manifests. 

11. Concerning the two Australian girls, David Jospehs determined they were not on the same bus as Oswald. Also, they said the Russian passport he showed them was stamped.  But Oswald had applied for a new one in 1963 and it was not stamped.

12. Does anyone really want to talk about Albert Osborne's value  as a witness?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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43 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

To bring up the hotel registry and never to list the problems with the handwriting on it, is really I mean, what can I say? And holy crap, the visa?  The Cuban staffers who recall an Oswald about 5' 5" with blonde hair. 

Same old CTer mantra---everything's fake!  Right, James D.?

Good gosh, that worn-out "It's Phony" cop-out gets old after hearing it for the umpteenth time.

The proof that Lee Oswald was in Mexico City in September/October 1963 is several layers deep. And Oswald himself, of course, told us he was in Mexico City via his very own 11/9/63 letter to the Soviet Embassy, which has LHO's very own signature on it. Let me guess, Jim....that signature is a fake too, right?

~~large sigh~~

http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/Oswald In Mexico City


Edited by David Von Pein
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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

6. If such was the case, the tape of the guy speaking broken Russian should have been sent to Langley immediately.  As we shall see it was not.

5. Why did Phillips lie about the Kostikov cable delay in getting to Langley? (This is a very important point which merits a thread on its own.) It took over a week to be sent.  As Eddie Lopez told me, maybe "Pony Express."

Nice summation of the key issues surrounding the Mexico City situation. 

You should consider starting a thread, like you suggested, on the above two issue you describe. Not alot of people would be familiar with the details surrounding it. 

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On 11/15/2022 at 8:14 PM, Jonathan Cohen said:
On 11/15/2022 at 2:12 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

What's the strongest evidence you can come  up with of Oswald being in Mexico City?

On 11/15/2022 at 8:14 PM, Jonathan Cohen said:

There’s plenty. Numerous witnesses saw and/or conversed with him on the bus to and from Mexico City, his visa has both an entrance and exit stamp, he signed the hotel registry where he stayed during the trip, he had passport-sized photos taken while there, he conversed with and is remembered by several staffers at both the Cuban and Russian embassies, ...


All those things you listed could have been done by the Oswald imposter who was known to be there. And while there is no evidence that the real Oswald was there, there is plenty of evidence of that the imposter was. Evidence like phone calls not made with Oswald's voice. And the lack of surveillance photos at both the Cuban Consulate and the Russian embassy. (Are you going to claim that both those cameras were broken at the same time?) And statements from both Cuban Consulate employees saying that the "Oswald" they talked to was very short (like 5' 4") and blond... and not the Oswald they later saw on TV.

You've got nothing but the name.

(P.S. I crossed off one thing in your list that is not true. There is no evidence for it.)


On 11/15/2022 at 8:14 PM, Jonathan Cohen said:

...and there are no accounts of him being anywhere else during this time.


Oswald met with Silvia Odio at that time.


On 11/15/2022 at 8:14 PM, Jonathan Cohen said:

Further, John Newman believes Oswald was there. Do you dispute his research?


Newman's research doesn't show that Oswald was in Mexico City. That Oswald was there is Newman's assumption.

If Newman had any proof that Oswald was in Mexico City, we would all be aware of it.


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