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Thomas Buchanan: Did he solve the JFK case?

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There is a special edition for this book that is extremely interesting! Printed especially for Peterson Engineering Co.

It appears Peterson Engineering Company is connected to PINGO, which is in the book. Based in Texas Oil well business, and the appearance is bragging on Hunt.

URL 1:


URL 2:



"Offered is "Who Killed Kennedy?" by Thomas G. Buchanan and published by Putnam. This hardcover is in very good condition wrapped in a very good dust jacket. The jacket has light edge wear. The book hinges are strong and the pages tight in the binding. There is a section in front of the book titled 'This edition is especially printed for the friends of Petersen Engineering Co: Creators of PENGO products,' with several pages of product photos. 207 pp."

I wasn't aware of this edition -- it seems very odd to me that Putnam would do this.

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Ditto Anthony's comments about Buchanan's bravery.

Thanks, Paul and Anthony and all of you who have expressed appreciation of my father's work. Feel free to post them into the comments section of the Who Killed Kennedy? page of the new website I've created.


On the blog part of the site, I've also posted a copy of the first post I made here in this thread, and I've linked to this thread for those who want to read everyone else's posts as well.

As you'll see, the site is still under construction, with just basic information on each page for now, but it's ready enough to start interacting with. If you'd like to be kept informed of when there is new content, you can subscribe to the RSS feed (click on the orange icon in the top right-hand corner of each page).

I'll be adding new content as time allows, drawing from the Big Brother book, any archives of my father's articles that I can find, and information and memories supplied by any of my father's family, friends, colleagues, and interviewees that I can connect with.

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There is a special edition for this book that is extremely interesting! Printed especially for Peterson Engineering Co.

It appears Peterson Engineering Company is connected to PINGO, which is in the book. Based in Texas Oil well business, and the appearance is bragging on Hunt.

URL 1:


URL 2:



"Offered is "Who Killed Kennedy?" by Thomas G. Buchanan and published by Putnam. This hardcover is in very good condition wrapped in a very good dust jacket. The jacket has light edge wear. The book hinges are strong and the pages tight in the binding. There is a section in front of the book titled 'This edition is especially printed for the friends of Petersen Engineering Co: Creators of PENGO products,' with several pages of product photos. 207 pp."

I wasn't aware of this edition -- it seems very odd to me that Putnam would do this.

Hi Marian... this is the version of the book I have....

I can scan the first few pages with the "message from Peterson" and post if anyone is interested

yet there are indeed a handful of product pages at the beginning of the book that are just fluff.

The irony of these two entities within the same pages if amazing.

Did he ever do articles prior to this book on the culprits he identifies?

Given his understanding of the matter one would think he had been looking into the growth of BIG business, the mafia, Mil Intel & the CIA in the 50's.

Need to revisit the book...



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I can scan the first few pages with the "message from Peterson" and post if anyone is interested

yet there are indeed a handful of product pages at the beginning of the book that are just fluff.

The irony of these two entities within the same pages if amazing.

Did he ever do articles prior to this book on the culprits he identifies?

Given his understanding of the matter one would think he had been looking into the growth of BIG business, the mafia, Mil Intel & the CIA in the 50's.

Yes, David, I'd be interested in seeing those scans.

As far as what kind of research he did in prior years, I don't know at this point. I'm hoping I can somehow find copies of any articles he wrote during his lifetime, including his earliest ones prior to the JFK ones. I never thought to ask him for a copy of each article while he was alive, or even a list. I'm hoping my step-mother has all or most of them in one form or another.

Quick addendum: I just edited my earliest post with the following, under the heading Regarding the notion that he had CIA backing:

[Update: I read too quickly what was written in the book Big Brother. It wasn't that the two men "claimed" to be from the US embassy, it was that they were 'representatives of what was euphemistically referred to in Spain as "the United States embassy" -- from the context on surrounding pages, this appears to be the United States Information Agency (USIA).]

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Here are the first pages after the "Especially printed for the friends of PETERSON" title page...

I says "printed in 1964" and appears as if these WHITE pages were added after the book was already printed...

Inside dust cover says this is the FIRST PUBLICATION IN AMERICA - also says it was printed in 19 different countries



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Here are the first pages after the "Especially printed for the friends of PETERSON" title page...

I says "printed in 1964" and appears as if these WHITE pages were added after the book was already printed...

Inside dust cover says this is the FIRST PUBLICATION IN AMERICA - also says it was printed in 19 different countries

So it looks like the "especially printed for..." refers to the insert rather than the printing of the book itself. That makes more sense. Petersen must have bought however many copies of the Putnam edition he wanted to send out to the "friends of PETERSEN" (I wonder how many that was?) and had this insert pasted in. So thank you, Mr. Petersen, retroactively, for helping to put food on my childhood table! ;-)

I think thanks are owed him as well for his small informal survey of foreign public opinion. It corroborates what has already been seen.

I'm glad he found my father's book well-reasoned. Interesting that he also deemed it worthy of what seems like an unusual gifting from a company to its "friends" (buyers, suppliers, ... ?). Christmas cards to the company's contacts, one might expect, but a book about the president's assassination...? It seems like more of a personal decision by Petersen as an individual. I wonder if there were Texas oil men among those contacts, and if so, how he expected it to be taken by them. Did he misunderstand its message, was he naive, or was he taking a stance?

Jim Phelps, did you say PENGO and/or Petersen Engineering was mentioned in my father's book? There's no index so I'm having a hard time locating it. Do you have the page number at hand?

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Looks like the London Edition by Martin Secker and Warburg is different from the US Putnam and Son edition, according to this listing.:



"Who Killed Kennedy?

Buchanan, Thomas G.

Hardcover with dust jacket, clean, tight, unmarked, (Fine with Near Fine Dust Jacket), G. P. Putnam's sons, New York, 1964, first American Edition of the Martin Secker and Warburg First Edition, Putnam changed and sanitized the original manuscript and it is interesting to see the difference."


So, a question then becomes what edits did Putnam do to the original manuscript? Anyone have both book versions?

It appears that Peterson was a competitor against Schlumberger oil services and deMenil's oil services operations, which makes this special book all the more interesting:



"Gearhart Industries, The GO Company (formerly GO Oil Well Services, Gearhart-Owen Industries) was an independent oil well service company originally founded by Marvin Gearhart and Harrold Owen in 1955 and based in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. It provided well logging and well perforating services to both domestic and international customers. Gearhart was usually supported by national oil companies as a way of containing Schlumberger monopolies."


Most of Europe never believed it was just LHO for the JFK hit, and that caused Hoover and the WC great concern. It appears the FBI interest in Buchanan was more than just over Communist issues, as it was more about their fears on being exposed on the JFK cover up. A book that fingers Hunt oil and their Schlumberger pals (International--Eastern Caribbean) would be of interest for honest Peterson (US National Company) Friends in the oil business. Peterson was also close to the Ft. Worth / Dallas oil grape vine.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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Looks like the London Edition by Martin Secker and Warburg is different from the US Putnam and Son edition, according to this listing.:



"Who Killed Kennedy?

Buchanan, Thomas G.

Hardcover with dust jacket, clean, tight, unmarked, (Fine with Near Fine Dust Jacket), G. P. Putnam's sons, New York, 1964, first American Edition of the Martin Secker and Warburg First Edition, Putnam changed and sanitized the original manuscript and it is interesting to see the difference."


So, a question then becomes what edits did Putnam do to the original manuscript? Anyone have both book versions?

As I've said before, there are two versions of Who Killed Kennedy? The first was published in the Spring of 1964 in 19 foreign countries, including the UK by Secker & Warburg, but declined by American publishers at that time. What most of the American publishers were telling my father's literary agent was that the American public was not sufficiently "interested" in seeing an American edition, but I understand one unnamed publisher told him that, in their case, they were basically being "cowardly" by declining.

So Secker & Warburg started selling their UK edition in the US. Apparently they were selling steadily at Macy's for a time -- that was the push needed to get the US publishers finally interested, and Secker & Warburg had to stop selling in the US once the Putnam edition came out, in November 1964.

However, the Putnam edition was a second version. It was NOT "sanitized" by Putnam, it was a revision written by my father. In his Big Brother book, my father says Putnam didn't want to be the last to publish the first version, so they decided to be the first to publish a new version, that would include a commentary on the Warren Report. They obtained a copy of the Report the very day it came out so that they could give it to my father that same day (end of September), put him up in a New York hotel room for a week of constant analysing and writing, and this way they would have time to release it for the anniversary of the assassination.

Maybe someone here who has an eBay account could post my clarification to the page that has that misleading statement about "sanitizing"...

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Hello Marian,

Pleased to meet you here on EF, and your comments are highly valued to help explain what is going on with your Dad's book and all the FBI's interest. I know that I and everyone here are processing your insights.

If you can find your Dad's FOIA information, that might catch Hoover, et al, in a slip of the tongue about their fear of the book telling on Dallas.

I think the issue on E-bay is these are Ads and they can't be amended too well. Sometimes folks can ask a question and it gets listed. I think that one listing will be gone soon, but it sure peaked my interest to see what were the differences.

I just ordered the London edition to see what the differences are between the US and London printings.

Thank You very much for helping us understand things better.


Edited by Jim Phelps
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Hello Marian,

Pleased to meet you here on EF, and your comments are highly valued to help explain what is going on with your Dad's book and all the FBI's interest. I know that I and everyone here are processing your insights.

If you can find your Dad's FOIA information, that might catch Hoover, et al, in a slip of the tongue about their fear of the book telling on Dallas.

Thanks for your welcome, Jim.

The Big Brother book is based on the declassified FBI files my father was able to obtain in 1983, but more of them came a little later. There's definitely proof of deliberate attempts to discredit my father, and accounts of communications about Who Killed Kenndey? to the Warren Commission by the CIA and FBI, but nothing I've come across so far that would betray the reason for their desire to counter it. The files are heavily redacted, so who knows what might be underneath the big pools of black ink.

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Hi Marian,

I shall have to look up your Dad's "Big Brother" book also.

I'll toss this out for you to ponder. Most encounter that LHO was being set-up ahead of the JFK hit by William Seymour and Seymour has some interesting associations. The Peterson Engineering version of your Dad's book was passing out, Who Killed Kennedy, to their Domestic US Friends and suggests Peterson didn't like Hunt's international pals connected with DeMenil's money associates that were working Cuba as private funded operators.

Most know that Hoover came running to get HL Hunt out of Dallas quickly after the JFK hit and suspect there was a reason. Hunt was funding folks like Dr. Oschner down in New Orleans for the kill Castro with Cancer efforts going private world from the CIA efforts. The private money types never shut down their kill Castro efforts, as the CIA was forced to do. But they picked up some of the old CIA types into their private operations.

LHO was telling the FBI what was happening, and trusted the FBI, which ended up being corrupt and helping to hide the issues over these higher plots about Hunts.

So, this allowed some leverage to be had by those connected with HL Hunt that knew what was going on and could well Black-Mail their way into getting away with the JFK hit and get Hoover and the Govt to help do it.

I think two authors speak to this. One is Richard E. Sprague via:


and the second is David Copeland (Torbitt ) via:


I think you have been exposed to these themes for some time due to your Dad's interests. Have you noticed any of these issues connected with William Seymour?


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Hello All,

I got a chance to look at my Printed for Peterson Copy more closely and that pages for Peterson are slick clay pages like for a magazine, but they are part of the original binding and attached just like the rest of the book's lower quality paper pages to the binding.

This would have to be done by the printer at the time of the binding process.

The first page of these slick copy pages has the word Book and Roman Numerials "Book XVI" at the top of the page on mine.

Though Peterson appears to have been in Ft. Worth, this slick paper print lists Sunnyvale Cal as the new location.

Do the other copies of the Peterson Edition have the "Book XVI" located at the top ? I don't think I understand what that is about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

12/15/13 Email to me from a source that knew Tom Buchanan, to correct some mistakes in earlier emails:

listed on my blog: http://lyndonjohnsonmurderedjfk.blogspot.com/2013/12/emails-to-me-regarding-tom-buchanan.html

Robert, thank you for having removed the original misinformative emails you published, but I'm not understanding why you haven't honored the subsequent request that you remove the corrective email as well. As I wrote to you privately, there are 3 reasons to do so:

  • it, too, still contains incorrect information
  • it's confusing to the reader to see corrections out of context (not to be taken as a reason to keep the older emails on there -- which I really don't want -- but a reason to remove the later one)
  • the emails' author did not wish you to publish any of their messages, and that would include this last one. If only from an ethical standpoint, it's really not okay to publish personal correspondence without the author's consent, and I'm still sure that it's also a violation of copyright and privacy laws.

So... I'd like to ask you once again if you could please remove the original author's final email as well. Thanks!

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