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The Right Wing attacks JFK

Gil Jesus

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So if some ones expresses a view different that your he is "imposing" it on you?  I happen to agree with him on this issue but I'm not about to discard it or any other of my beliefs because someone else doesn't like it.

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Gil Jesus- if you want to persist on this exposition, go ahead but you risk undermining any chance of getting an oversight hearing. Do you want that on your hands. Please go back to your strength which is examining evidence in the case. You have no idea the damage you could be causing to this very delicate balancing act. 

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They're successfully buried most this for the last 59 years and expecting the govt do anything but launder money thru Ukraine perhaps good nap would help.

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20 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

This coming from someone who announced to the world earlier this year, right here on this forum, that "only God" can decide the sex of a child and that "he never makes mistakes" -- an "extreme" view if ever I've seen one, and one that imposes your personal religious beliefs on the lives of other people. Your massive hypocrisy should be apparent to any regular reader here.


I'd love to see Gil Jesus explain to these happy people why they're wrong and his version of "God" is correct about their gender.

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16 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:


I'd love to see Gil Jesus explain to these happy people why they're wrong and his version of "God" is correct about their gender.

Moderators can you do something about Jonathan Cohen's compulsive attacks of Gil Jesus. This is Off topic has happened a couple of time in the past couple weeks and is basically harassment at this point 

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13 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Moderators can you do something about Jonathan Cohen's compulsive attacks of Gil Jesus. This is Off topic has happened a couple of time in the past couple weeks and is basically harassment at this point 

I haven't reported him because I have him on "ignore" and I don't see his posts.

Note: Anyone can report posts by clicking on the three dots in the upper right hand corner of a posting and choosing "report".


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On 12/24/2022 at 6:40 AM, Lori Spencer said:

I’m not familiar with this guy, thanks for the link. From what I’m hearing so far he’s a typical anti-commie whack job of the period who thought Kennedy was a communist. 

Oliver was actually very well educated, but that didn't prevent him from turning into a radical, fringe right-winger. He was a professor of classics and languages at the University of Illinois. He was one of the founders of National Review.  But, starting in the '60s, he became increasingly radical and fringe. William F. Buckley parted ways with him in 1964 over an article he wrote about the JFK assassination. Oliver proved to be so radical that he got kicked out of the John Birch Society in 1966 after claiming that the world would be a better place if all Jews were "vaporized." 

In the last years of his life, his rabid anti-Semitism even led him to reject his long-time belief in Christianity. He concluded that Christianity was a Jewish plot and part of his imaginary worldwide Jewish conspiracy.


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1 hour ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Ok.  I'm gonna put in my .02

 Everyone has their own set of beliefs, and it is unfair to criticize one's religious beliefs.  On the other hand, it is also unfair to use it as a tool against someone else. Take that for what it's worth.  

My concern here is with the worry that Mr. Schnapf has with what is discussed in this thread.  He is working on things, and feels that this may push any progress he has made, or can make, back. I would think that since his professional concern is present and he has verbalized it, that it may be prudent to listen to him.


Even if  this topic has been pushed aside  for 60 years, still, in the light of his concern, can this not wait til later?

I don't understand why it has to be pressed at this moment, and continued under professional objection.  Surely the reason is not hubris, is it?

No problem. I'll make similar posts on the subject in another uncensored forum until the CIA opens all its files. I don't get Mr. Schnapf's posts because I have him on "ignore".

Edited by Gil Jesus
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23 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Ok.  I'm gonna put in my .02

 Everyone has their own set of beliefs, and it is unfair to criticize one's religious beliefs.  On the other hand, it is also unfair to use it as a tool against someone else. Take that for what it's worth.  

My concern here is with the worry that Mr. Schnapf has with what is discussed in this thread.  He is working on things, and feels that this may push any progress he has made, or can make, back. I would think that since his professional concern is present and he has verbalized it, that it may be prudent to listen to him.


Even if  this topic has been pushed aside  for 60 years, still, in the light of his concern, can this not wait til later?

I don't understand why it has to be pressed at this moment, and continued under professional objection.  Surely the reason is not hubris, is it?

Why even have mods, if they are going to be so political biased as to not address harassment that have nothing to do with the topic of JFKA. 

Amazingly you are addressing Larry Scnapf which has nothing to do with my report to the mods what is going on Kathy? 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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Focusing on personal beliefs that have little or no relevance the subject we should be focused on will just muddy the water. I was born in Salt Lake City, but I promise I'll never send the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to harass you.

Edited by Evan Marshall
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1 minute ago, Kathy Beckett said:

I don't see political bias at all. 

what happens with your report is that it is to be discussed with all admin.


I requested to add my .02, and I did.

Speaking of politics,i f you must know, I am a Dem and lean left.

Thanks for 2cents aka just a smug reply!

We already know you lean left and since you can't separate your politics from the duties of being a Mod you shouldn't not be one, Kathy. You only discipline people who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum than you.

Personally I find your reply is very disgusting and I donated $100 to the forum and I will not contribute again if this is the kind of behavior Mods are going to exibit over clear harassment, there not even going to address it rather they will address someone un related because they mentioned their political affiliation. When I first joined Mark also a mod attacked me over the spelling of my last name because he is like you and cannot separate his self identity with the job they volunteered for. 

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23 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

This coming from someone [Gil] who announced to the world earlier this year, right here on this forum, that "only God" can decide the sex of a child and that "he never makes mistakes" -- an "extreme" view if ever I've seen one, and one that imposes your personal religious beliefs on the lives of other people. 

My religious belief is that God does not decide the gender of a child because each person's gender is a part of his or her eternal identity. In my church's teaching, a child is born a male because he was a male in heaven before he was born on Earth. 

I had a son who dabbled for about two years with transgenderism. He decided he wanted to be, or that he really was, a female. He changed his name and began taking gender-transition hormones. After about two years, he decided he was making a big mistake, stopped taking the hormone prescription, halted his transition, and returned to acknowledging his birth gender. 

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41 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Thanks for 2cents aka just a smug reply!

We already know you lean left and since you can't separate your politics from the duties of being a Mod you shouldn't not be one, Kathy. You only discipline people who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum than you.

Personally I find your reply is very disgusting and I donated $100 to the forum and I will not contribute again if this is the kind of behavior Mods are going to exibit over clear harassment, there not even going to address it rather they will address someone un related because they mentioned their political affiliation. When I first joined Mark also a mod attacked me over the spelling of my last name because he is like you and cannot separate his self identity with the job they volunteered for. 

It doesn't seem fair, does it, that a moderator can respond to my posting "the right-wing did it" stuff, but not to another poster repeatedly attacking me off-topic, without any provocation from me ? And I never even responded to him because I have him on "ignore". I don't even know what he said.

So I'm being asked to self-censor because people are worried that something I post may cause the CIA to not open its files.

OMG......ROFLMAO......that's ridiculous.

I just don't have that kind of power or influence. But whatever makes them happy. I'll just post it someplace else.


Edited by Gil Jesus
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On 12/26/2022 at 1:40 PM, Jonathan Cohen said:

This coming from someone [Gil] who announced to the world earlier this year, right here on this forum, that "only God" can decide the sex of a child and that "he never makes mistakes" -- an "extreme" view if ever I've seen one, and one that imposes your personal religious beliefs on the lives of other people. 

I don't see what's "extreme" about that belief. It is the standard Catholic-Protestant teaching about gender. Well into the 1960s, it was the belief accepted by the majority of Americans. Nor do I see how holding this belief imposes it on other people's lives. 

As I've said, my Christian church teaches something a bit different from this. It teaches that gender is a part of our eternal identity but that we were born male and female as spirits in our pre-mortal life, and that our gender is based on the gender with which we were born as spirits before we came to Earth. 

Now, as for the topic of this thread, I think the evidence is indisputable that a sizable and vocal minority of Republicans in the 1960s held radical views about JFK, i.e., viewed him as a traitor, as a willing communist sympathizer (if not an actual communist), as dangerously inept in foreign policy, as weak on national defense (a wholly unfounded charge), and as a socialist in dealing with the economy and the budget (a very odd charge given his tax-cut proposal, his farm policy, his monetary policy, and his conservative approach to the budget). 

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8 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Thanks for 2cents aka just a smug reply!

We already know you lean left and since you can't separate your politics from the duties of being a Mod you shouldn't not be one, Kathy. You only discipline people who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum than you.

Personally I find your reply is very disgusting and I donated $100 to the forum and I will not contribute again if this is the kind of behavior Mods are going to exibit over clear harassment, there not even going to address it rather they will address someone un related because they mentioned their political affiliation. When I first joined Mark also a mod attacked me over the spelling of my last name because he is like you and cannot separate his self identity with the job they volunteered for. 



You are way off base.

I read Kathy's replies to your posts and she was very respectful. She didn't exhibit any political bias or political anything else. You are assuming it's political only because you perceive you're not getting your way, after which you discovered that she leans politically left.

Well guess what, pal. I just happen to agree with your side of the issue... and I'm even further to the left than Kathy!

Furthermore, Kathy has already communicated to the other moderators regarding this issue and gave the reasoning behind the way she feels about it. What she said makes sense and had not one whit of political bias in it. Not one whit.

(I didn't even know that Kathy is left-leaning till I saw her reply to your post above.)


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