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Comparing LEE's 1959 passport image to supposed "split" image - 2 different people

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For those who do not have a few select posters on ignore this may be a difficult thread...

I've gone thru more H&L evidence of their separate existences than most people have gone thru ALL JFK evidence...

The vast majority of evidence proves there were 2 men which had been combined into one record... BTAIM,

To those interested I offer this, to those not... there are many other threads for you to find which support your views... DVP has his own spot I believe :up


First I colorized and cleared up the supposed "split" image...

then I superimposed the passport photo and anchored it to the right ear of the "split"image since this was claimed to be LEE's side of the image...

Nothing I can do will make the head sizes match, the facial features are not in the same places...

I've included a number of comparisons and an image of a 15 year old LEE most have never seen

this is Harvey



and this is LEE...


Harvey superimposed over Lee




A number of people looking like Oswald




The 5'4" 115 lbs October 1951 versus 22 months later 4'9" 90 lbs... August 1953

Do children get smaller as they become teenagers?



An image of a younger LEE (about 15-16) most people have never seen.. this is the big, leader of boys the students from his schools described...  I get the impression due to the hair parted on the wrong side that the B&W was produced reversed.. yet as I look closer the buttons on the B&W shirt are on the correct side of the shirt, so in reality this colorized version I did is reversed..



Edited by David Josephs
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5 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Never knew Oswald wore lipstick. 

No doubt a mountain of things you we never knew about Oswald, huh Gerry?

Thanks for the pithy and insightful response...  B)  

(kidding like you)  :cheers

Stick around or do a little searching on the site... you can spend weeks reading new things about Oswald and what was done to him by the lovely FBI/CIA/INS/DPD... etc...

Any questions or comments about what was presented?

Edited by David Josephs
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1 minute ago, David Josephs said:

Any questions or comments about what was presented?

Well i'm taken aback by the last photo. That doesn't look like Oswald at all. Are you sure its not someone else like his half-brother John Pic?

It does look a little like the youth in the Bronx zoo photo though. 

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12 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Well i'm taken aback by the last photo. That doesn't look like Oswald at all. Are you sure its not someone else like his half-brother John Pic?

It does look a little like the youth in the Bronx zoo photo though. 

I'm sure, yes....  looks to me this boy is even bigger and heavier than the 23 year old Oswald..



Also please notice how LEE's shoulders slope down while Harvey's doesn't.. the same in virtually every photo...  the 1959 passport photo is the LAST IMAGE OF LEE we know of...

Been over this for many years.... and this is just the tip of the evidentiary record showing 2 Oswald's...  Look up John Ely and how Jenner and Rankin need to "correct or omit" much of the work he did on Oswald's bio...




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31 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Well i'm taken aback by the last photo. That doesn't look like Oswald at all.

That's the point Gerry... it is not the man Ruby killed... that is the natural born LEE H. OSWALD who hated being called Harvey, was tough as nails, never spoke or read Russian and was an aircraft mechanic in the Marines... not a radar operator as Harvey was in ATSUGI.

A man with this designation is not qualified to be a radar operator, a completely different discipline...  this is also why Harvey was such a terrible mechanic for any job he took... Harvey focused on photography, Russian, and being very secretive until he needed to create a scene and be remembered...



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7 minutes ago, Lance Payette said:

His childhood photos do show a propensity toward chubbiness quite different from the emaciated character of 1963.


Plus he was drugged in Russia. God only knows what that did to him. Hair started falling out and everything.

Ekdahl prob fed Oswald well. Plenty money in that timeframe. Marguerite afterwards maybe not so much.

Then the marines prob fed him well. Then the Russians started drugging him. Only good dinner he got again was prob in DPD custody.

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30 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Plus he was drugged in Russia. God only knows what that did to him. Hair started falling out and everything.

Ekdahl prob fed Oswald well. Plenty money in that timeframe. Marguerite afterwards maybe not so much.

Then the marines prob fed him well. Then the Russians started drugging him. Only good dinner he got again was prob in DPD custody.

Where do you get all this stuff Gerry?   

The Russians claimed they drugged him?  Never heard that before...  please cite a source or 3...


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45 minutes ago, Lance Payette said:

In my adult life, my weight has ranged from 135 (marathon runner) to 190-something (overeating fatty with my Achilles in a cast for months) to 158 for the past 20 years. I have photos of myself that even I would swear aren't me. I'll spare you, but I could post 15 photos here that everyone would say, "No way is that the same person!"

What is the provenance of the last photo?

His childhood photos do show a propensity toward chubbiness quite different from the emaciated character of 1963.


You make a great point - being a runner will indeed change your physique.  whether it changes your skeletal structure from sloped shoulders to not, I doubt it.


Point blank Lance....

Do you see these as the same man side by side? Inset on left in uniform same as man in uniform on right?

btw - the image at the bottom left of your collage is HARVEY at Beauregard Jr High 1954


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3 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

It's thought-provoking. Didn't Robert say he wouldn't have recognized the kid in the zoo photo as his brother? Or was he speaking about the Oswald in the leafleting footage? Either way, it's an odd thing for anyone to say.

Pic says this repeatedly when shown images from LIFE magazine...  He gets it right each and every time...  His testimony with the exhibits nearby helps alot...

Robert on the other hand could almost pass for Harvey... and might have.  Their writing is very similar as well


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I still have a lot to read on the subject, but I do know comparing pictures (and handwritings)

can be a challenge, pictures below from George'von Mohrenschildt's Immigration files in Belgium.

Especially the handwriting couldn't be more different, there's hardly 2 letters alike..

So I'm always very carefull with that stuff


Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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Just now, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

I still have a lot to read on the subject, but I do know comparing pictures (and handwritings)

can be a challenge, pictures below from George'von Mohrenschildt's Immigration files in Belgium.

Only 3 years in between 


Agreed Jean...  If it was just image comparison to present my case, it would be difficult... luckily there are many, many other aspects to the existence of these 2 men to call upon...   and like most any area of this case, it take time and some dedication to work thru all the data.

How does a trained Mechanic go overseas to a U2 airbase and become an air traffic controller?

How is the man both in the Philippines on guard duty and on his ship getting medical treatment at the same moment?

Why do we have Provo Marshal GORSKY claiming that his Oswald left the Marines in March 1959 and his records sent to DC?

How do we have one Oswald on a boat to Europe while another one takes a plane?

Again, tip of the iceberg stuff... I mentioned JOHN ELY, Jenner and Rankin earlier...  Amazing what he found out, and more amazing what the lead lawyers wanted to do about it.

This stuff has Angleton/Phillips/Hunt all over it as the CIA had a much better working situation with the military than the FBI.  Same budget basically.
All the FBI did was manufacture the evidentiary cover-up.  at least how I see it after 25+ years at this.





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