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Arch Kimbrough, early researcher

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Mary Ferrell told me that in 11/1983, Arch K. gave ALL of his papers to her. He held to his dictate that he would only spend 20 years on researching to solve the JFK assassination. Come that time, he cut himself off. If this actually happened, then Arch's documents are now at MFF. I know that Mary used colored folders to designate when she incorporated file gifts from other researchers into her own collection. I do not know what color she might have used for Arch. For files I shared under a designation of NW-###, she used purple folders.

Edited by Nancy Weiford
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21 minutes ago, Nancy Weiford said:

Mary Ferrell told me that in 11/1983, Arch K. gave ALL of his papers to her. He held to his dictate that he would only spend 20 years on researching to solve the JFK assassination. Come that time, he cut himself off. If this actually happened, then Arch's documents are now at MFF. I know that Mary used colored folders to designate when she incorporated file gifts from other researchers into her own collection. I do not know what color she might have used for Arch. For files I shared under a designation of NW-###, she used purple folders.

Hi Nancy, can I ask you a question?

At 2 hours 32 minutes on this Dealey Plaza UK video you state that GDM met Moore regarding LHO in July 1962.

Where did you get the date of July 1962 for this meeting? My understanding is that Moore never admitted to asking GDM to spy on LHO and in the accounts I've read regarding GDM talking about the Moore meeting, GDM never gives a date.

Considering that GDM only met LHO in Sept 1962, I always had it in my mind that the Moore/GDM meeting took place shortly (as in perhaps a week or two) before GDM first met LHO in Sept 1962.

That would put the Moore/GDM meeting in late August or early Sept 1962. So I was surprised to hear you say it was July 1962.

Do you have a source for the date being July 1962?


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In early Dec 1957, J. Walton Moore visits GDM/JDM for the first time to interview him on the Yugoslavia trip. GDM gives him a printed bio background and resume. (J. Walton Moore memo to CIA chief 5/1/1964). He files a series of reports to the CIA on GDM ICA Trip as case A68221. He is impressed with GDM's powers of observation and recommends his reports as an analysis tool. The two men struck up a friendship and tennis partnership, with Jeanne included, and by 1960, Moore called GDM a "Cleared contact" in his reports to CIA HQ. Moore's parents had been missionaries in China and this resulted in many social discussion with the GDMs on the cultures of the world. This relationship held up until the GDMs left for Haiti in 1963. In the summer of 1962, the GDMs were still very socially engaged with Moore. When I mention the meeting with Moore in July, I did not mean to imply that Moore asked him at that time to insert himself into the lives of the Oswalds. Quite the opposite. Both Dick Russell and Epstein placed the timing of the Moore/GDM interaction regarding the Oswald in Sept 1962. This was confirmed by Jeanne when I interviewed her in So. Cal. By that time, GDM had already met the Oswalds and was concerned (like all the Russian emigres) about his Soviet defection and return. That's when he asked Moore about them and Moore then asked to be kept informed about the Oswalds. Just the same as GDM was a "cleared contact" to provide information on others, both here and abroad. Hope that helps.

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9 minutes ago, Nancy Weiford said:

In the summer of 1962, the GDMs were still very socially engaged with Moore. When I mention the meeting with Moore in July, I did not mean to imply that Moore asked him at that time to insert himself into the lives of the Oswalds. Quite the opposite. Both Dick Russell and Epstein placed the timing of the Moore/GDM interaction regarding the Oswald in Sept 1962. This was confirmed by Jeanne when I interviewed her in So. Cal. By that time, GDM had already met the Oswalds and was concerned (like all the Russian emigres) about his Soviet defection and return. That's when he asked Moore about them and Moore then asked to be kept informed about the Oswalds. Just the same as GDM was a "cleared contact" to provide information on others, both here and abroad. Hope that helps.

Interesting chronology.

What do you think prompted Moore in Sept 1962 to ask GDM to spy on LHO?

Was it the fact LHO was not cooperating with the FBI and when the FBI decided to close the case on LHO after the Aug 16th FBI interview of LHO that the CIA then decided that the FBI were not doing their job properly and Moore was tasked with investigating LHO and got GDM to do it for him?

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Just now, Gerry Down said:

Interesting chronology.

What do you think prompted Moore in Sept 1962 to ask GDM to spy on LHO?

Was it the fact LHO was not cooperating with the FBI and when the FBI decided to close the case on LHO after the Aug 16th FBI interview of LHO that the CIA then decided that the FBI were not doing their job properly and Moore was tasked with investigating LHO and got GDM to do it for him?

We need to remember that GDM would provide information to government agencies on someone for only two reasons: 1) to puff up his own ego as an important person; or 2) as a way to get something in return. Your rationale on why the CIA asked GDM to keep an eye on the Oswalds is reasonable, except that we now know so much more about the CIA files on LHO. He was not only already on their radar screens, but he was also being leveraged by them probably since his days in the USMC. Returning to Dallas was another mission and I think completely independent from the FBI keeping tabs on him. It's sad to see how the FBI offices played yoyo with LHO's files and case assignment but I attribute that to how Hoover fragmented the information each office possessed. I think Moore would have been requested to look into LHO in Dallas/Fort Worth regardless of what the FBI was or was not doing.

Nancy W

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1 hour ago, Nancy Weiford said:

In the summer of 1962, the GDMs were still very socially engaged with Moore. When I mention the meeting with Moore in July, I did not mean to imply that Moore asked him at that time to insert himself into the lives of the Oswalds. Quite the opposite. Both Dick Russell and Epstein placed the timing of the Moore/GDM interaction regarding the Oswald in Sept 1962. This was confirmed by Jeanne when I interviewed her in So. Cal. By that time, GDM had already met the Oswalds and was concerned (like all the Russian emigres) about his Soviet defection and return. That's when he asked Moore about them and Moore then asked to be kept informed about the Oswalds. Just the same as GDM was a "cleared contact" to provide information on others, both here and abroad. Hope that helps.

I am surprised by your statement that GDM had already met the Oswald's prior to Moore telling GDM to spy on him. I had been under the impression that GDM first met LHO after first being asked to do so by Moore in return for an oil deal. And that GDM called to the house when only Marina was there and Lee arrived home some time later and that was their first meeting.

I haven't read your book yet. Thanks for all your hard work putting all this info in the one place. I have the orange covered version of your book. I presume this is an updated version of your green covered book?

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Keep in mind that both Orlov and GDM were contacts of Moore. I believe Bouhe advised GDM of the Oswalds, as they had met several emigres by that time (including Max Clark) and the community was abuzz about the dire straits of the recently arrived couple. But it is not inconceivable the Moore was pushing Orlov to seek them out too. 


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