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How was the Warren Commission allowed to change testimony?

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18 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

This is a bit off topic but worth mentioning. Paul Bentley went directly from the Tippit murder scene, where he collected fingerprints from Tippit’s cruiser, to the Texas Theater where he was directly involved in the arrest of Oswald. 

According to Bentley’s report on the arrest, he went straight to the balcony and ordered the lights turned on, then headed downstairs just in time to assist McDonald in subduing Oswald before any other officers got there. Bentley subsequently sat right next to Oswald in the back seat of the cruiser on the ride back to City Hall, and was the first law enforcement official to look through Oswald’s wallet. Bentley also 1) initialed the revolver before it was turned over to homicide, even though he never officially handled the gun; 2) told the press on Saturday the exact same story that was later adopted by McDonald about preventing a misfire with his hand - and even claimed that he got a bruised hand from it; and 3) claimed that he personally turned over Oswald’s identification to Lt. Baker in homicide. Bentley was also the head of the DPD polygraph division. 

The WC got away with pretending Bentley didn’t even exist, despite his gigantic initials P.B. appearing on the butt of the revolver. He was never deposed, his key role in the arrest and chain of custody of the revolver was never acknowledged, and his story about the alleged misfire was never investigated, even after the WC heard expert FBI testimony that could’ve corroborated Bentley’s story about getting a hand injury.

I’m falling asleep, but my point is that if the WC failed to depose guys like Bentley, not to mention some of the closest witnesses to the assassination in Dealey Plaza, is it really that surprising that they never called Bardwell Odum? 

I agree, Tom.  Bentley is another example.

Odum is of particular concern as he is the primary candidate for "caretaker" identified in the 1963 datebook maintained by Pierre Lafitte.

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17 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Leslie Sharp ethically, it is more problematic for an attorney to suborn perjury which is what many of the WC staff attorneys effectively did. 

I happen to be reviewing last year's thread related to the Robert Adams' phone calls to the Paine household and her subsequent WC testimony. It seems to me that in some instances it wasn't necessary to alter the record of the testimony but rather, as Jenner did, simply botch the entire line of questioning.  

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On 3/6/2023 at 7:39 AM, Paul Cummings said:

Might be as long as the WR itself.

3 days late, sorry.

The Warren Commission did not attempt to make a full list of every person who reportedly witnessed the wounds in Kennedy’s body. Neither would the House Select Committee on Assassinations.


Almost none of the Parkland staff, in their Warren Commission testimonies, were asked on the record whether they desired to bring legal representation. Only Dr. Robert Shaw, who treated Governor Connally, was asked on the record in his second testimony on 4/21/1964, “Do you desire an attorney to be with you?”, to which he declined (WC Vol. 4, pp. 101-117 [text]).


Some of the Parkland staff acknowledged having been questioned by the Secret Service, but the names of the interviewers were never provided (WC Vol. 6, pp. 120-123, 3/20/1964 testimony of Jane Wester [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 115-119, 3/21/1964 testimony of Ruth Standridge [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 125-128, 3/21/1964 testimony of R. J. Jimison [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 61-63, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Fouad Bashour [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 72-76, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Adolph Giesecke [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 123-124, 3/25/1964 testimony of Henrietta Ross [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 366-390, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 101-117, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]). Others from Parkland either didn’t say or weren’t asked about what earlier interviews they may have had with the Secret Service (WC Vol. 6, pp. 143-147, testimony of Doris Nelson, 3/20/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 30-36, Dr. Robert McClelland's 3/21/1964 testimony [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 148-152, testimony of Charles Jack Price, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 82-83, testimony of Dr. Martin White, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany [text]). Some were asked if they had been interviewed by the federal government, to which they replied that they had not (WC Vol. 6, pp. 57-60, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Donald Curtis [text]; WC Vol. 6 pp. 76-79, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 68-72, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Paul Peters [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 80-81, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Kenneth Salyer [text]). A few made statements suggesting that they were questioned by a different government entity such as the FBI (WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]), but again, no details were provided.


Most of the witnesses did not gave a full list of their interactions with the news media or other private entities. Nurse Diana Bowron acknowledged her appearance in 3 newspaper articles, copies of which became Warren Commission exhibits printed in the volumes (The Observer, 11/23/1963, British nurse there [link]; Daily Mail, 11/23/1963, British girl for Kennedy by Sydney Brennan [link]; The Mirror, 11/23/1963, Thirty minutes Diana will never forget [link]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]). Bowron was asked in her 3/24/1964 testimony “...does that constitute all the stories which appeared about your participation in this event?”, to which she replied “Yes (WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139 [text]). Indeed, there does not appear to have been any more public information on JFK’s wounds from Nurse Bowron at that time. Dr. Kemp Clark acknowledged participating in five press conferences (WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Clark [text]), and Perry acknowledged participating in at least two conferences (WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 366-390, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]). Perry didn’t mention some of his other interactions with other private entities, such as shown in the 11/24/1963 article in the New York Herald Tribune, A Death in Emergency Room One by Jimmy Breslin (Link [link 2]), or the 11/24/1963 Boston Globe article, Doctor Eating... Then Came Call by Herbert Black (Link). At least 2 other reporters claimed to have interviewed Perry at the time – Connie Kritzberg (JFK: Secrets from the Sixth Floor Window by Connie Kritzberg, 1995; Dealey Plaza Echo, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Nov. 1999, pp. 10-17, A Personal Story: Report the Death of a President, by Connie Kritzberg [link 2] [link 3]; The Men Who Killed Kennedy, episode 7, The Smoking Guns, 2003, 6:18 [link 2]) and Martin J. Steadman Eve's Magazine, 2013, 50 Years from that Fateful Day in Dallas... by Martin J. Steadman). Kritzberg also claimed to have interviewed Dr. Clark (JFK: Secrets from the Sixth Floor Window by Connie Kritzberg, 1995; Dealey Plaza Echo, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Nov. 1999, pp. 10-17, A Personal Story: Report the Death of a President, by Connie Kritzberg [link 2] [link 3]; The Men Who Killed Kennedy, episode 7, The Smoking Guns, 2003, 6:18 [link 2]). Dr. Adolph Giesecke was asked in his testimony on 3/25/1964 “Now, you mentioned a few minutes ago that you talked about this matter with a number of people–whom have you talked to, Dr. Giesecke?, to which he replied “Well, of course, we discussed it with Dr. Jenkins and various members of the anesthesia staff. We have discussed it with--I've forgotten that gentleman's name, but he was from the American Medical Association, as a historian. We discussed it with Dr. Mike Bush, who then reported it in the Anesthesiology Newsletter, which is a publication of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, and then discussed it with the Secretary of- may I retract that. That's about it--that's the extent of the discussion, except with other members of the surgical staff and the anesthesia staff and these people”. The news media didn’t appear to have any more information from Giesecke at the time. Dr. Charles Carrico was asked in his 3/30/1964 testimonyHave you been interviewed by the press and, if so, when?”, to which Carrico replied “I think I have talked to the press twice. Mr. Burrus, a reporter for the Dallas Times Herald, talked to me about 5 minutes, probably 3 or 4 days after the President's death, and then a reporter from Time called about 3 or 4 weeks after the President's death, and I talked to him for a very few minutes(WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366 [text]). No other descriptions from Crarrico seem to have been in the news.


Some witnesses acknowledged having a discussion with Arlen Specter some time before they testified on the record (WC Vol. 6, pp. 120-123, 3/20/1964 testimony of Jane Wester [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 143-147, testimony of Doris Nelson, 3/20/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 30-36, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 115-119, 3/21/1964 testimony of Ruth Standridge [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 125-128, 3/21/1964 testimony of R. J. Jimison [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 57-60, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Donald Curtis [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6 pp. 76-79, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 68-72, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Paul Peters [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 61-63, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Fouad Bashour [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 72-76, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Adolph Giesecke [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 148-152, testimony of Charles Jack Price, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 27-30, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]). Other Parkland witnesses either weren’t asked, or no reference was given to any such pre-testimony discussion (WC Vol. 6, pp. 80-81, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Kenneth Salyer [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 82-83, testimony of Dr. Martin White, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 123-124, 3/25/1964 testimony of Henrietta Ross [text]). Bethesda pathologists Humes, Boswell, and Finck would acknowledge meeting with Arlen Specter prior to testifying (WC Vol. 2, pp. 347-376, Dr. Humes' WC testimony, 3/16/1964 [text]; ARRB MD 28, 1/25/1965 and 2/1/1965 Reports From Dr. Finck to Gen. Blumberg; ARRB MD 26, 8/17/1977 report on 8/16/1977 interview of Dr. J. Thornton Boswell; ARRB MD 30, Finck's HSCA testimony, 3/11/1978 [text] [audio]; Dr. Finck's 3/12/1978 interview by the HSCA [audio]; JAMA, 5/27/1992, Vol 267, No. 20, pp. 2794-2803, At Large With Dennis L. Breo, JFK's death - the plain truth from the MDs who did the autopsy [text]; ARRB deposition of Dr. James Humes, 2/13/1996 [text] [audio, partial]; ARRB deposition of J. Thornton Boswell, 2/26/1996 [text]; Dr. Pierre Finck's ARRB deposition, 5/24/1996 [text]). The pathologists also explained how they only got to a chance to examine the clothing at the time of the Warren Commission (WC Vol. 2, pp. 347-376, Dr. Humes' WC testimony, 3/16/1964 [text]; ARRB MD 28, 1/25/1965 and 2/1/1965 Reports From Dr. Finck to Gen. Blumberg). Specter authored a report on his 3/11/1964 interview of Humes, Boswell, and Admiral Calvin Galloway (Link). No reports were known to have been made describing the Commission’s pre-testimony interviews of Parkland witnesses. Specter did report on his 3/12/1964 interview of two FBI agents who witnessed the autopsy, James Sibert and Francis X. O’Neill (3/12/1964 memo from Specter to J. Lee Rankin, Interview of FBI Agents Present at Autopsy [link 2] [link 3] [link 4]). Neither agent testified.


Some of the witnesses acknowledged the issue of whether they detailed their experiences in any other written records besides their hospital reports (WC Vol. 6, pp. 120-123, 3/20/1964 testimony of Jane Wester [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 57-60, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Donald Curtis [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6 pp. 76-79, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 68-72, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Paul Peters [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 61-63, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Fouad Bashour [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 72-76, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Adolph Giesecke [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 366-390, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]). Others didn’t acknowledge, or weren’t asked about additional written records (WC Vol. 6, pp. 143-147, testimony of Doris Nelson, 3/20/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 115-119, 3/21/1964 testimony of Ruth Standridge [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 125-128, 3/21/1964 testimony of R. J. Jimison [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 30-36, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 80-81, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Kenneth Salyer [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 82-83, testimony of Dr. Martin White, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 123-124, 3/25/1964 testimony of Henrietta Ross [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 148-152, testimony of Charles Jack Price, 3/25/1964 [text]).


Some Parkland witnesses were asked whether they had any other information to volunteer (WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 115-119, 3/21/1964 testimony of Ruth Standridge [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 125-128, 3/21/1964 testimony of R. J. Jimison [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 18-30, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 30-36, 3/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6 pp. 76-79, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Jackie Hansen Hunt [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 134-139, 3/24/1964 testimony of Diana Bowron [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 57-60, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Donald Curtis [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 68-72, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Paul Peters [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 61-63, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Fouad Bashour [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 72-76, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Adolph Giesecke [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 27-30, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 80-81, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Kenneth Salyer [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 113-115, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Richard Dulany [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 82-83, testimony of Dr. Martin White, 3/25/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 123-124, 3/25/1964 testimony of Henrietta Ross [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 101-117, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 117-129, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]), while others were not (WC Vol. 6, pp. 120-123, 3/20/1964 testimony of Jane Wester [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 143-147, testimony of Doris Nelson, 3/20/1964 [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 128-134, 3/20/1964 testimony of Darrell Tomlinson [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 148-152, testimony of Charles Jack Price, 3/25/1964 [text]).


Not only were many of the Parkland staff were questioned on their level of experience with gunshot wounds, but many were asked their opinion on the official story’s very specific hypothetical perimeters, including the feet-per-second speed of the bullet (WC Vol. 6, pp. 139-143, 3/21/1964 testimony of Margaret Hinchliffe/Hinchcliffe/Henchliffe [text]; WC Vol. 6. pp. 83-95, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 95-104, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 104-113, 3/23/1964 testimony of Dr. George Shires [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 51-57, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Ronald Jones [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 39-45, 3/24/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Baxter [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 1-7, 3/25/1964 tetimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 63-68, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Gene Akin [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 27-30, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 7-18, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 36-39, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert McClelland [text]; WC Vol. 6, pp. 45-51, 3/25/1964 testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 357-366, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Carrico [text]; WC Vol. 3, pp. 366-390, 3/30/1964 testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 101-117, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw [text]; WC Vol. 4, pp. 117-129, 4/21/1964 testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory [text]).

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